What is so bad about what Gal Gadot said about the conflict in Israel and Palestine?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I'm almost sure I've seen that somewhere else about the place. :puzzled:
That’s why it’s funny when I hear people talking all that Israel is anti brown non sense. Like their Army’s a bunch of Harvey Weinstein looking ass cacs. This is the reality.






Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
They're as pro-Black as American WASPs. Where Negros get pats on the back as long we're policing or playing sports and not talking politics.
You sure every single one of them niggas is like that? It’s like saying our military is all coons. They have to join just like in South Korea. All citizens have to serve. So the whole Brown people are getting slaughtered doesn’t fly with me .


Rising Star
Have y’all actually seen the Israeli army? Half them niggas Africans.
I'm almost sure I've seen that somewhere else about the place. :puzzled:

‘Damn, l learnded something today.

I thought joining the Israeli army was a birthright.

I’m not sure where to get info on who are the actual agressors but that death toll discrepancy it’s telling.

Few Jewish MD’s @ Presbyterian told me that the land prior to them settling was barren land. That I found not to be true.

They’ve managed to rewrite history in one generation. Can’t have Moslems controlling the most holy land in the Bible.

Carry on......

Race Harley

Rising Star
Platinum Member
That’s why it’s funny when I hear people talking all that Israel is anti brown non sense. Like their Army’s a bunch of Harvey Weinstein looking ass cacs. This is the reality.






They are what are called "Expendables". Once you research Israel and find out its a "made up state" that didn't exist before 1947, then you'll better understand the conflict that been happening there for over 70 years. These Jews after WW2 dictated to the Western World where they wanted to settle and the West has been helping to bulldoze the native people every since.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You sure every single one of them niggas is like that? It’s like saying our military is all coons. They have to join just like in South Korea. All citizens have to serve. So the whole Brown people are getting slaughtered doesn’t fly with me .

The % of people with African ancestry that isn't North African is like 2% with the bulk being Ethiopian aka the most self-loathing Black people I have ever met. :lol:


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Their mad because she wants peace for palestine instead of denouncing them. The U.S. is an ally. The palestines attached first and the people of is real don't want to hear that peace talk. I agree with her though.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Have y’all actually seen the Israeli army? Half them niggas Africans.
They probably have less than 10% of their population comprised of what you would call black or african and most are treated like shit. Their military has a mandatory enrollment requirement for all citizens where they most do a 2 year bid before moving on to better things. Like the US, the armed service will have a disproportionate minority presence on front lines and serving longer terms. Also, the issue isnt just their actual military. Its their defense system and artillery reserves. They have arguably pound for pound the most powerful and advanced weaponry systems on earth. And are essentially waging a nonstop war against a people armed with rocks and slingshots comparatively.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
They probably have less than 10% of their population comprised of what you would call black or african and most are treated like shit. Their military has a mandatory enrollment requirement for all citizens where they most do a 2 year bid before moving on to better things. Like the US, the armed service will have a disproportionate minority presence on front lines and serving longer terms. Also, the issue isnt just their actual military. Its their defense system and artillery reserves. They have arguably pound for pound the most powerful and advanced weaponry systems on earth. And are essentially waging a nonstop war against a people armed with rocks and slingshots comparatively.
Fuck them both.

Smh @ them pics of the lil boys throwing rocks at tanks


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They probably have less than 10% of their population comprised of what you would call black or african and most are treated like shit. Their military has a mandatory enrollment requirement for all citizens where they most do a 2 year bid before moving on to better things. Like the US, the armed service will have a disproportionate minority presence on front lines and serving longer terms. Also, the issue isnt just their actual military. Its their defense system and artillery reserves. They have arguably pound for pound the most powerful and advanced weaponry systems on earth. And are essentially waging a nonstop war against a people armed with rocks and slingshots comparatively.

Not only that, the propaganda machine that swears Palestinians are more advanced than we know and that any day now Palestine will rise against Israel, so these attacks are necessary to preserve the land and prevent more attacks from Palestine....

That's like Shaq in his prime walking towards Nate Robinson and shooting him with a rocket launcher...

"Don't let his size fool you, he had a nuke hiding behind his back....I had to get to him before he got to me."

You look at the remains and there's nothing but Nate's body....but Shaq says "wait you'll see, now his brother has it, his mother, his father....I gotta take all of them out before they attack me for being me."
Like that insane level of violence doesn't warrant or beget a response.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What makes Israel so important is that they are planted there in case some valuable artifacts are found about the true identity of Christ and any artifacts they may have missed about blacks and our true origin and our true identity and our true history.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They're as pro-Black as American WASPs. Where Negros get pats on the back as long we're policing or playing sports and not talking politics.
About like America and South Africa. The plan in South Africa was to stop dying on their knees begging for mercy. Even when apartheid was exposed Botha still killed at least a thousand blacks everyday while we join hands and sing we are the world. Stevie Wonder made a song about apartheid is wrong and they banned his records in South Africa and over here IRS went after him.
America is built off of the same foundation as Israel. I am still wondering what Erik Prince owner of blackwater and his Christian Supremacy. It is like a united front when systems of domination like white supremacy, colonization, etc. Whites still claim they civilized the world. They think they just taught animals to be like them. We can be proud of being carbon copies of them but our true identity and history is hid. What is really great if we could get control of ourselves and be ourselves again. They beat and killed Christ for exposing the world to real blackness when they thought they had got rid of all of it and a time period when blacks were themselves.