What is so bad about what Gal Gadot said about the conflict in Israel and Palestine?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s why it’s funny when I hear people talking all that Israel is anti brown non sense. Like their Army’s a bunch of Harvey Weinstein looking ass cacs. This is the reality.







Bruh that's just war propaganda..

They treat those Ethiopians like crap..

It's just not covered here.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s why it’s funny when I hear people talking all that Israel is anti brown non sense. Like their Army’s a bunch of Harvey Weinstein looking ass cacs. This is the reality.






Ethiopian Jews are treated like 2nd class citizens. They're above Palestinians, but still treated like shit. They've been documenting their treatment as of recent and really only allowed in now for the numbers. There are laws in the books that disallow them moving into white neighborhoods. The laws state you can be denied a residence in neighborhoods if you're going to fundamentally change the culture od the neighborhood. Which means religion. Which means race. Sound familiar?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Quiet doesn't mean anything. Day to day they murder palestinians. It's just getting more coverage

This. My friends in Ramallah have been posting stuff consistently for the past two years. The Iarai government has been annexing The West Bank, and it's been in the news, but folks either don't care, or are too afraid to speak and be called anti-semetic.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
They are what are called "Expendables". Once you research Israel and find out its a "made up state" that didn't exist before 1947, then you'll better understand the conflict that been happening there for over 70 years. These Jews after WW2 dictated to the Western World where they wanted to settle and the West has been helping to bulldoze the native people every since.
Most Israelis and Jews will argue the exact opposite.

According to them, before 1947, Israel was Jewish/Arab land. They were kicked out and sent across the world.

Generations after being again, kicked out of England, Germany, most of Europe, the Arab states and Muslim lands, they decided to come back to the land of Judea and Samaria and “reclaim” their land. Palestinians (aka Romans) and Arabs were there and had already split the land 3 ways by way of the Balfour Declaration. Arabs weren’t happy with the split and waged war on the split. Modern Jews (now with the full weight of the western powers behind them) forcefully “took it back”, depending on your viewpoint, in 1947 and here we are today.

It’s a tit for tat situation on who was REALLY their first, but most Israelis and Jews will always stand on, “this was always our land long before 1947. Were simply reclaiming our birthright.”


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Their mad because she wants peace for palestine instead of denouncing them. The U.S. is an ally. The palestines attached first and the people of is real don't want to hear that peace talk. I agree with her though.

I’d take this a step further and say that the United States military isn’t JUST an ally of Israel, but the actual Israeli military itself. The amount of money that flows to Israel from the United States is ridiculous and not only does Israel receive that aid, they know that at a moments notice, the two biggest western militaries in the game today, (US & UK) are at their beck and call.

There isn’t anything America won’t do for Israel.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The part where she says Israel deserves to live as a free and safe nation implies that they aren't the oppressor and occupier.
BINGO!! This is the same statement that's made concerning police. The police operate with no regard and terrorize citizens, but retaliation by those citizens is seen as a disturbance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I’d take this a step further and say that the United States military isn’t JUST an ally of Israel, but the actual Israeli military itself. The amount of money that flows to Israel from the United States is ridiculous and not only does Israel receive that aid, they know that at a moments notice, the two biggest western militaries in the game today, (US & UK) are at their beck and call.

There isn’t anything America won’t do for Israel.

Glen Greenwald was talking about this on The Hill yesterday. Americans are suffering, but the country is handing over billions to another country.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Glen Greenwald was talking about this on The Hill yesterday. Americans are suffering, but the country is handing over billions to another country.
Glad people are finally waking up to the fact that America is, and has always been, a Jewish led nation first.

Every corner stone of this country is Jewish ran owned and operated in one form or another, so it only makes sense that all these Jews that lead in tech, finance, oil, healthcare, education, food, government, entertainment and anything else you can think of, all funnel their money back to Israel.

In truth, those in charge don’t give a shit about the average American whose suffering. As far as they’re concerned, we’re just grease for the wheel.

Race Harley

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Most Israelis and Jews will argue the exact opposite.

According to them, before 1947, Israel was Jewish/Arab land. They were kicked out and sent across the world.

Generations after being again, kicked out of England, Germany, most of Europe, the Arab states and Muslim lands, they decided to come back to the land of Judea and Samaria and “reclaim” their land. Palestinians (aka Romans) and Arabs were there and had already split the land 3 ways by way of the Balfour Declaration. Arabs weren’t happy with the split and waged war on the split. Modern Jews (now with the full weight of the western powers behind them) forcefully “took it back”, depending on your viewpoint, in 1947 and here we are today.

It’s a tit for tat situation on who was REALLY their first, but most Israelis and Jews will always stand on, “this was always our land long before 1947. Were simply reclaiming our birthright.”

I'm glad to see you make my point. They basically said that the little sliver of land was the homeland of there ancestors because none of them were alive when they were "kicked" out the area. They used the abuse the Nazis applied to them through Europe and guilted the West into settling up their homeland. Forget about the people already living there for centuries, they had to move out, by force if necessary, to make room for these European Jews. Look at the first leaders of Israel and tell me which one was born in the area.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Y’all act like we not treated like shit in Amerikkka. What does it matter how they treat them? They still fighting and still Black and I’d back them over those sand cacs


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I'm glad to see you make my point. They basically said that the little sliver of land was the homeland of there ancestors because none of them were alive when they were "kicked" out the area. They used the abuse the Nazis applied to them through Europe and guilted the West into settling up their homeland. Forget about the people already living there for centuries, they had to move out, by force if necessary, to make room for these European Jews. Look at the first leaders of Israel and tell me which one was born in the area.
It’s simply modern day conquering. Nothing new to human history, but with the ubiquitousness of media, it’s wild to watch unfold before our eyes.

End of the day, I don’t see how this can end well for Palestinians. It’s literally bringing rocks to a gun fight.

Sadly, genocide is looking like a more viable option everyday.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Most Israelis and Jews will argue the exact opposite.

According to them, before 1947, Israel was Jewish/Arab land. They were kicked out and sent across the world.

Generations after being again, kicked out of England, Germany, most of Europe, the Arab states and Muslim lands, they decided to come back to the land of Judea and Samaria and “reclaim” their land. Palestinians (aka Romans) and Arabs were there and had already split the land 3 ways by way of the Balfour Declaration. Arabs weren’t happy with the split and waged war on the split. Modern Jews (now with the full weight of the western powers behind them) forcefully “took it back”, depending on your viewpoint, in 1947 and here we are today.

It’s a tit for tat situation on who was REALLY their first, but most Israelis and Jews will always stand on, “this was always our land long before 1947. Were simply reclaiming our birthright.”
Non of which explains birthrate claims of entitlement from the so called European Jews that flooded that area post WWII.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Non of which explains birthrate claims of entitlement from the so called European Jews that flooded that area post WWII.
And that’s on 100.

The Ashkenazi’s, as they always do, have ridden the coattails of Sephardic’s, Mizrahi’s and Ethiopians for centuries to climb to the top of the Jewish status quo.

Preaching kumbaya and harmony on one hand and while steady sharpening the knife in the other.

I’m not gonna publicly say his name, but it makes you wonder if a certain German fella, somewhere in human history was right about them all along.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The Ashkenazi’s, as they always do, have ridden the coattails of Sephardic’s, Mizrahi’s and Ethiopians for centuries to climb to the top of the Jewish status quo.

Preaching kumbaya and harmony on one hand and while steady sharpening the knife in the other.


Mr. Pool
If in America there are 10 McDonalds restaurants serving the same area (square miles) as the 1 restaurant in Denmark then there are 10 times the overheads to serve the same volume of Big Macs to the same amount of customers. Therefore the Danish McDonalds restaurants will have a higher profit margin. The American market is oversaturated with restaurants to supply the consumers.

Example based on FACTS:

#Name of countryNumber of currently operating outlets
28Denmark, the Greenland and the Faroe Islands89

1. Orlando, Florida — 19.60 McDonald's restaurants per 100k residents

Denmark has a population of 5.806 million people and has 89 McDonalds restaurants serving not only Denmark but also Greenland and the Faroe islands. That equates to 1 restaurant per 65,235 people, compared to Orlando Florida which has the highest concentration of McDonalds restaurants and has 19.6 restaurants per 100,000 people. That equates to 1 restaurant for 5,102 people.

If we look at the 14,146 (as of 15/11/2018) branches of McDonalds restaurants serving the American population of 328.2 million (as of 2019) we still only get an average of 1 restaurant per 23,200 people, just over 1 third of the amount served by the Danish branch.


Denmark doesn't have a nationwide minimum wage, instead it has a strong union presence throughout the country that negotiates wages.

Information Sources:

US & Danish population?.............................................................................................................................................................Google
What city has the most McDonald's in the world?.............................................................................................................Google

General Information........................................................................................................................................................................https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonald%27s
List of Countries with McDonalds outlets &
amount of restaurants per capita........................................................................https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_McDonald%27s_restaurants


Is that not interesting, 3 x the customers per branch / 3 x the wages. Somebody knows what the fuck they were doing!
That’s why it’s funny when I hear people talking all that Israel is anti brown non sense. Like their Army’s a bunch of Harvey Weinstein looking ass cacs. This is the reality.








Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s simply modern day conquering. Nothing new to human history, but with the ubiquitousness of media, it’s wild to watch unfold before our eyes.

End of the day, I don’t see how this can end well for Palestinians. It’s literally bringing rocks to a gun fight.

Sadly, genocide is looking like a more viable option everyday.
YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT SEES THAT COMING. I wonder what the West would say - IF they actually.... :smh:


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT SEES THAT COMING. I wonder what the West would say - IF they actually.... :smh:
The west profit off this as much as anyone. This specific conflict probably keeps defense contractors in the green for decades to come.

The west might be the LAST ones to step in at this rate.