What is so bad about what Gal Gadot said about the conflict in Israel and Palestine?

Wobble Wobble

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Balfour Declaration 1948.
This is what has everybody fake mad? There is nothing wrong with this shit. Fake woke faggits

For the record, 10 percent of "Palestinians" are Christian. that means that ten percent of the people in the shanty towns of Amman, Jordan, Beiruit, Lebanon and even Kuwait City are Christians, forced out of their homeland by Israel.

Yasser Arafat's wife is still a Christian...
What does the 2021 map look like compared to the 2005 map?

Joe Grind, the first map is quite accurate, but the second one is misleading. Look at the 2008 map in the first map y ou posted: It shows the spread of Israeli settlements since occupation in June 1967. the second map you posted shows the lands taken from Jordan (The West Bank and parts of Jerusalem) and Egypt (The Gaza Strip) but not the encroachment by the settlements. By the late 1970s, Israeli policy became to insert developments into the occupied territories. The resulting conflicts - the Intefadehs - were in reaction to the expansion.

Have y’all actually seen the Israeli army? Half them niggas Africans.
That’s why it’s funny when I hear people talking all that Israel is anti brown non sense. Like their Army’s a bunch of Harvey Weinstein looking ass cacs. This is the reality.

You sure every single one of them niggas is like that? It’s like saying our military is all coons. They have to join just like in South Korea. All citizens have to serve. So the whole Brown people are getting slaughtered doesn’t fly with me .
I thought joining the Israeli army was a birthright.
Few Jewish MD’s @ Presbyterian told me that the land prior to them settling was barren land. That I found not to be true.
They’ve managed to rewrite history in one generation. Can’t have Moslems controlling the most holy land in the Bible.
Carry on......
Believe me , Oakland has a ton of these bobble headed niggas. Thy think thy better than us Black Americans. But they still Black as weird as they look and act.
Ethiopian Jews or Beta Israel or "Falasha" were rescued from Ethiopia during the 1980s during the famine and crackdown by the Communists. They have existed there for more than 3,000 years now, since King Solomon got down with the Ethiopian, Sheba.
The Israeli religious authorities immediately faced a problem: Way more than Shepardic Jews from the Arab countries from Morroco to Afghanistan, the Ethiopians still practiced their Judaism as it was done 2,500 years ago and was outside of post-Rome practice. It took 30 years, but they have been forced to "Europeanize" their religious observance.
The Ethiopian Jews make up less than half of one percent of the Israeli population and military. They are not "half".
Conscription is not a "birthright" Princenubian. And not everyone is drafted in: Hasidic Jews are not drafted and they are discouraged by their sect leaders from joining.

One day, The God of Abraham is going to hold Israel accountable for what it has done to the Palestinians in his name.

To Dr. Truth: So Nippsey Hussle is a "bobble headed nigga who thinks he's better than Black Americans who looks weird"? Hmmm...

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor

For the record, 10 percent of "Palestinians" are Christian. that means that ten percent of the people in the shanty towns of Amman, Jordan, Beiruit, Lebanon and even Kuwait City are Christians, forced out of their homeland by Israel.

Yasser Arafat's wife is still a Christian...

Joe Grind, the first map is quite accurate, but the second one is misleading. Look at the 2008 map in the first map y ou posted: It shows the spread of Israeli settlements since occupation in June 1967. the second map you posted shows the lands taken from Jordan (The West Bank and parts of Jerusalem) and Egypt (The Gaza Strip) but not the encroachment by the settlements. By the late 1970s, Israeli policy became to insert developments into the occupied territories. The resulting conflicts - the Intefadehs - were in reaction to the expansion.

Ethiopian Jews or Beta Israel or "Falasha" were rescued from Ethiopia during the 1980s during the famine and crackdown by the Communists. They have existed there for more than 3,000 years now, since King Solomon got down with the Ethiopian, Sheba.
The Israeli religious authorities immediately faced a problem: Way more than Shepardic Jews from the Arab countries from Morroco to Afghanistan, the Ethiopians still practiced their Judaism as it was done 2,500 years ago and was outside of post-Rome practice. It took 30 years, but they have been forced to "Europeanize" their religious observance.
The Ethiopian Jews make up less than half of one percent of the Israeli population and military. They are not "half".
Conscription is not a "birthright" Princenubian. And not everyone is drafted in: Hasidic Jews are not drafted and they are discouraged by their sect leaders from joining.

One day, The God of Abraham is going to hold Israel accountable for what it has done to the Palestinians in his name.

To Dr. Truth: So Nippsey Hussle is a "bobble headed nigga who thinks he's better than Black Americans who looks weird"? Hmmm...
Nipsey Hussle was half Eritrean half ADOS not full on Ethiopian . Anybody who lives around Ethiopians know they are overwhelmingly arrogant and talk down on Black Americans

Wobble Wobble

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nipsey Hussle was half Eritrean half ADOS not full on Ethiopian . Anybody who lives around Ethiopians know they are overwhelmingly arrogant and talk down on Black Americans
You do realize that when he was born he was Ethiopian - that Eretrea only got its independence 20 years ago AND genetically, there is no difference? Right?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
You do realize that when he was born he was Ethiopian - that Eretrea only got its independence 20 years ago AND genetically, there is no difference? Right?
You do realize He was born In LA and is only half Eritrean, what makes you think he’s some immigrant? He’s American.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Anyone with a name showing support for Israel but not showing support for Palestine is going to get criticized.

Fuck them both.

Gal Gadot is a bad bitch though. Not into Israeli/Jews but she'd get un-koshered meat daily....
did you read after the comma? she said they deserved the same.

if anything, the critique is not telling who the bully really is and making things seem equal. but what she did was very PC


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
translation: I want to work in Hollywood again so I had to create this tweet. Thank You.


Funny how these so called sports came at lebron for not attacking China

But they ALL ain't say sh*t either or talk about George floyd on their platforms but continue to profit off the criticism of black bodies and a sport they never played on any serious level.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How long does this war have to last before people realize that neighter side wants peace?
Aside from the fact that you can't spell, I implore you to do more research. First off it's not a war. One side is backed by the US with billions of dollars in weapons and money. The other are an occupied people with no international backing. Genocide and apartheid. You think the palestinians don't want to stop dying? They want their water and electricity controlled by Israel?


Rising Star
Aside from the fact that you can't spell, I implore you to do more research. First off it's not a war. One side is backed by the US with billions of dollars in weapons and money. The other are an occupied people with no international backing. Genocide and apartheid. You think the palestinians don't want to stop dying? They want their water and electricity controlled by Israel?


It is a war. Its a war for territory.

Just one side has US backing and the other side doesnt.

And that is just the current state of affairs. This war's been going on for decades.

And I just dont care. Both sides hate my people. Why should i care?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

It is a war. Its a war for territory.

Just one side has US backing and the other side doesnt.

And that is just the current state of affairs. This war's been going on for decades.

And I just dont care. Both sides hate my people. Why should i care?
Blissfully ignorant..god bless


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thats a you problem.

Imma respectfully say this one thing....

It's in our nature to be empathetic towards human life and sympathetic towards matters that effect the quality of life on our planet as well as for our planet.

We are ppl of the land....we knew how to nurture it and get it to grow everything....we new how to manipulate its materials to build whatever we needed.....

We have a deep rooted connection with the land and human life.

And this fighting with rockets/bombs is bad for the land and for all those ppl living there.

I understand you're point, neither side is "pro-black" so why should melanated ppl care about either of them?

We are more forgiving than that....which is part of our problem....but I don't consider it a flaw. It just hasn't been used properly.


Rising Star
Imma respectfully say this one thing....

It's in our nature to be empathetic towards human life and sympathetic towards matters that effect the quality of life on our planet as well as for our planet.

We are ppl of the land....we knew how to nurture it and get it to grow everything....we new how to manipulate its materials to build whatever we needed.....

We have a deep rooted connection with the land and human life.

And this fighting with rockets/bombs is bad for the land and for all those ppl living there.

I understand you're point, neither side is "pro-black" so why should melanated ppl care about either of them?

We are more forgiving than that....which is part of our problem....but I don't consider it a flaw. It just hasn't been used properly.

I hear everything you just said.


Not all nature is good nature and should be followed.

When has feeling empathy for people who hate us ever brought us any good?

Every other group only reserves that sort of empathy amongst their own.

I only have so much energy to give. Dont have enough left for racists bent on destroying each other.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hear everything you just said.


Not all nature is good nature and should be followed.

When has feeling empathy for people who hate us ever brought us any good?

Every other group only reserves that sort of empathy amongst their own.

I only have so much energy to give. Dont have enough left for racists bent on destroying each other.
The generalization is ignorant. All palestinians don't hate black people just like all democrats aren't as dumb as you are


Rising Star
The generalization is ignorant. All palestinians don't hate black people just like all democrats aren't as dumb as you are

All Palestinians dont hate black people... Hmm alot like not all white people hate black people?

Obviously its not every single last one of them that has that mentality. You are the only person who needs this explained to them.

You dont really have Palestinian/Arab and Jewish friends do you?

Ive dated chicks from both groups and have friends from both. We talked about their culture ALOT. Racism is a normalized part of their culture. Amongst themselves, the dark skin ones are considered lower class than the pale skin ones. If the women marry outside of their group, its ok as long as its not to a black man. They still look at black people as slaves.

Racism is embedded in their cultures and I have no time for it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Simon Cowell Bows Out Of ‘X Factor Israel’ Judging Duties

By Nancy Tartaglione
Nancy Tartaglione
International Box Office Editor/Senior Contributor
@DeadlineNancyMore Stories By Nancy

Ray Mickshaw/Fox
Simon Cowell has cancelled a planned stint as a judge on the new series of The X Factor Israel which is due to air on Reshet 13 later this year. The impetus for Cowell’s reported pulling out has not been officially clarified, although the Jewish News of London cited a source saying, “For a number of reasons, he just can’t be there in Israel to film the show now… Of course he is bitterly disappointed — but it was a decision he had to take.” The source declined to say whether Cowell’s decision had been made as a result of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, the outlet reported.

Cowell last August broke his back in an electric bike accident, and subsequently spent some of the second half of 2020 recovering from complex surgery. In December 2020, it was announced he would star as a judge on the fourth season of Israel’s version of The X Factor.
He had earlier been forced to miss the live shows of America’s Got Talent in 2020 as a result of his accident. The NBC show replaced him with guest judges including Kenan Thompson during the first two quarter finals before the remainder of the competition format was conducted with only three judges.
Cowell’s appearance on the Israeli show would have been the first time he judged on the show he created outside of the UK and the U.S. When it was announced he was joining the Israel X Factor, he said, “Over the years The X Factor format discovered amazing talents from all over the world, I can’t wait to see what Israel have to offer.”


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
All Palestinians dont hate black people... Hmm alot like not all white people hate black people?

Obviously its not every single last one of them that has that mentality. You are the only person who needs this explained to them.

You dont really have Palestinian/Arab and Jewish friends do you?

Ive dated chicks from both groups and have friends from both. We talked about their culture ALOT. Racism is a normalized part of their culture. Amongst themselves, the dark skin ones are considered lower class than the pale skin ones. If the women marry outside of their group, its ok as long as its not to a black man. They still look at black people as slaves.

Racism is embedded in their cultures and I have no time for it.