What is your relationship with books?

Art Vandelay

I've purchased several books this year but haven't read any of them. I read almost every day but have barely been able to bring myself to open a book this year, even when I'm interested in the ideas or subject matter.

I've attributed this largely to my declining attention span. With Twitter and the constant stimulus around many of us all day, I don't have the same ability to focus as I did years ago-- in a wide range of areas, from books to more "fun" activities like watching a sports game. I "multitask" and don't really pay attention until the action is at a very high point.

This paragraph struck a chord with me:

As wonderful as books are, they ask things of us. They ask for our undivided attention, our brainpower, our emotions, and our time. Sometimes, you just don’t have any of that to spare. That’s when you start to feel like you’re just not “into” a book and reading an entire novel becomes too difficult to sustain.

I think my acquired attention deficit patterns are a part of the problem but I also think a lot of it stems from not being able or willing to put life aside for a while-- I dwell too much and I'm not good at escapism, whether through basketball or books, on my own.

This is something I hope to work through soon and I'm wondering what the experiences of others has been, if anyone here relates.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I love to read. I used to read a book a week but it's hard to do now. I rarely read fiction. I've probably have only finished 3 books this year. I have at least a 100 books on my kindle I haven't read yet. I recently bought my first physical book in years. I was recently in DC on business for month and hit up a bunch of the Civil War Battlefields so now I'm on a history kick and a lot of history books haven't been digitized yet so I bought some physical books.


Rising Star
Before I got a smart phone I used have two bookshelves.

Bookshelf 1 was compiled of books I had yet to read and bookshelf 2 was compiled of books I had finished. For me, it was a sense of achievement to see the second book shelf get filled.

I really wish I could encourage more children to read. No matter what kind of book it is, nothing can culture a person more than reading. Now we've got e-books I read at least two books a week.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, I used to love her, but she crowded my house. She would just lie around all day, month after month, year after year. So I kicked her out, gone, good-bye. Out of my Good Will, I dropped her off and drove away. I got a new slimmer chick, doesn't take up much space; her name is Kindle. We even do it in the dark & she's on Fire.
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Art Vandelay

Yeah, I used to love her, but she crowded my house. She would just lie around all day, month after month, year after year. So kicked her out, gone, good-bye. Out of my Good Will, I dropped her off and drove away. I got a new slimmer chick, doesn't take up much space; her name is Kindle. We even do it in the dark & she's on Fire.

That still counts... I'm not a Kindle guy-- never tried it and don't want to give up my paper text ways-- but reading a book is reading a book.

Before I got a smart phone I used have two bookshelves.

Bookshelf 1 was compiled of books I had yet to read and bookshelf 2 was compiled of books I had finished. For me, it was a sense of achievement to see the second book shelf get filled.

I really wish I could encourage more children to read. No matter what kind of book it is, nothing can culture a person more than reading. Now we've got e-books I read at least two books a week.


Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

I've purchased several books this year but haven't read any of them. I read almost every day but have barely been able to bring myself to open a book this year, even when I'm interested in the ideas or subject matter.

I've attributed this largely to my declining attention span. With Twitter and the constant stimulus around many of us all day, I don't have the same ability to focus as I did years ago-- in a wide range of areas, from books to more "fun" activities like watching a sports game. I "multitask" and don't really pay attention until the action is at a very high point.

This paragraph struck a chord with me:

As wonderful as books are, they ask things of us. They ask for our undivided attention, our brainpower, our emotions, and our time. Sometimes, you just don’t have any of that to spare. That’s when you start to feel like you’re just not “into” a book and reading an entire novel becomes too difficult to sustain.

I think my acquired attention deficit patterns are a part of the problem but I also think a lot of it stems from not being able or willing to put life aside for a while-- I dwell too much and I'm not good at escapism, whether through basketball or books, on my own.

This is something I hope to work through soon and I'm wondering what the experiences of others has been, if anyone here relates.

This is a fantastic post filled with good insight.

I've been dealing with the same thing. I've combated it by scheduling time for reading and doing everything that I can to stick to the schedule. During that time, I put my phone on the charger and turn the TV off.

It doesn't always work but it forces me to prioritize reading.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
This is me also, I have so many books on my tablet and I love reading, but I just can't find an interest.

Lately I can't seem to get to anything but watching the news. This weekend I managed to watched Netflix, but my attention span is very short for some reason and it's filtering in all areas of my life.


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At this point, I read A LOT, but I only read things that can assist me in making more money. I have no patience for much else. I used to read all KIND of stuff. I remember I bought a book on John Coltrane and Bill Gates off of Amazon, and read both in a week. Those weren't little books, either.

I miss the days when I was into knowledge for knowledge sake.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

This is me also, I have so many books on my tablet and I love reading, but I just can't find an interest.

Lately I can't seem to get to anything but watching the news. This weekend I managed to watched Netflix, but my attention span is very short for some reason and it's filtering in all areas of my life.

How often do you check your phone when you're trying to do something? You might have to physically remove it from your vicinity.

CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor
I still have a bookshelf but haven't bought any books lately since I'm able to get them in PDF form, read them on the train, etc.
The library is nearby so I give it a few months between visits and grab about 3 or 4 books. Usually it's professional development stuff, black history, computers and whatever I find interesting. I never stop reading.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Reading after grad school ('09) had become more and more difficult. I share the same struggles with the attention deficit and inability to focus. I've purchased 4 new books and have read several chapters of each, but cannot completely finish them. It's a problem.

D Town Redd

The Bruh That Got Away
My relationship with books?

We do meet for wine and cheese from time to time

One time, I was playing a rare Coltrane compilation in the background and books ran her fingers through my inner thigh

Suffice to say, the night had a happy ending

Art Vandelay


This is a fantastic post filled with good insight.

I've been dealing with the same thing. I've combated it by scheduling time for reading and doing everything that I can to stick to the schedule. During that time, I put my phone on the charger and turn the TV off.

It doesn't always work but it forces me to prioritize reading.

This is me also, I have so many books on my tablet and I love reading, but I just can't find an interest.

Lately I can't seem to get to anything but watching the news. This weekend I managed to watched Netflix, but my attention span is very short for some reason and it's filtering in all areas of my life.


How often do you check your phone when you're trying to do something? You might have to physically remove it from your vicinity.

Scheduling time is a very good idea. I think doing that with the phone and laptop far away from me would help and I'm going to try it.


Rising Star
Im reading 4 books currently. When i mentor and leave said environment i run to a book or complete a math problem or two.

Riley via the Boondocks listen to Gangsterlicious for a week he felt dumber because of it . Its true if u don't use your skills u will lose them.