What is your relationship with books?


Urban Renaissance Woman
BGOL Investor
I do far better with reading when I physically block out time to do so, do it right before bed or if I'm traveling and need something to pass the time while relaxing. I've started blocking out time again this summer, and gotten through 3, almost 4, books. It's not that great, but it's really hard to "silence my mind" in order to do it. Two of those books were hard copy, and the other two are digital, by the way.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I read physical books at work when I'm on my break.

Because I deal with the personal health information for thousands of people a day, I'm not allowed to use my phone or any device with a camera inside my building, so I usually opt to read a book on my break.

I usually go through about two books a month, reading about 90 minutes a day.

I'm mostly into autobiographies/biographies of entertainers, pimps and drug dealers.

I've read Scarface's book, Jay-z, Mike Tyson, Trick Daddy, Bernie Mac, Luther Campbell, Rick James, Kevin Hart, Bobby Brown, the BMF book, Pimp C book, Iceberg Slim, Darlene Ortiz, a few others. I also look at books about cars and astrology.

I'm probably going to switch to free digital books, tho. I'm looking to be more frugal from this point on, and I could probably save a couple hundred dollars a year just reading free books.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I used to read quite a bit until I left college. Just started again a with books on Search Engine Optimisation and online marketing.

Last month I get a call from Subway asking me to DJ at their booth at the Outside Lands music festival. I was like "holy shit, why me?" They said "we did a Google search for San Francisco DJs and found your name all over the place."

Now I read every book I can get my hands on.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Currently reading Lord of the Flies with my son.
Finishing Ta-nehisi Coates "Between the world and Me"
Just copped "The End of Alzheimers" First alheimers book to prevent and reverse cognitive decline.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I read physical books at work when I'm on my break.

Because I deal with the personal health information for thousands of people a day, I'm not allowed to use my phone or any device with a camera inside my building, so I usually opt to read a book on my break.

I usually go through about two books a month, reading about 90 minutes a day.

I'm mostly into autobiographies/biographies of entertainers, pimps and drug dealers.

I've read Scarface's book, Jay-z, Mike Tyson, Trick Daddy, Bernie Mac, Luther Campbell, Rick James, Kevin Hart, Bobby Brown, the BMF book, Pimp C book, Iceberg Slim, Darlene Ortiz, a few others. I also look at books about cars and astrology.

I'm probably going to switch to free digital books, tho. I'm looking to be more frugal from this point on, and I could probably save a couple hundred dollars a year just reading free books.

Why don't you use your local library? I saved a lot by doing that instead of buying books. or the goodwill.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Mofos that do graduate school, law school, etc. try to run away from books for awhile because you read so much. And you don't want to read all that shit so its a struggle. But, bgol people read script all evening long. Each thread is a mini book, so we are reading everything. Bad grammar, etc. But, now, I read shit over and over, law, history, etc., so I can prepare to deliver. I recently brought some novels so I can start back writing again. I like to read everybody's structure and steal from them. LOL So, I will be reading to learn. That is mostly why I read now. I am always trying to learn something new so I can use it to improve my life, i.e., money, success, blah, blah.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Mofos that do graduate school, law school, etc. try to run away from books for awhile because you read so much. And you don't want to read all that shit so its a struggle. But, bgol people read script all evening long. Each thread is a mini book, so we are reading everything. Bad grammar, etc. But, now, I read shit over and over, law, history, etc., so I can prepare to deliver. I recently brought some novels so I can start back writing again. I like to read everybody's structure and steal from them. LOL So, I will be reading to learn. That is mostly why I read now. I am always trying to learn something new so I can use it to improve my life, i.e., money, success, blah, blah.
That's the truth , which is why I find it so off that I can't do a Kindle. I bought one years ago, and I bought some other brand a little after that. I had an ipad too. I can read and write on here , and I can even if some basic article reading , but of it turns out to be PAGES, I hate doing it digitally. I halfway hope I can.change that, but again, I also view books as home decor, so I love having a library I can grab sources right quick. If I had all this stuff digitally I could access it anywhere , I just haven't gotten to that yet.


Rising Star
Books are kryptonite to some mawfaws

Waiting for HALO!

Halo when he sees this thread:



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I've been told that the best thing to do if you can't sleep is read a book, and to NOT use your phone to surf, download, etc. I will make a conscious effort to do this...

...although ironically, I'm up early in the morning typing this...SMDH.:smh:


Rising Star
OG Investor
I've been told that the best thing to do if you can't sleep is read a book, and to NOT use your phone to surf, download, etc. I will make a conscious effort to do this...

...although ironically, I'm up early in the morning typing this...SMDH.:smh:
I don't find that to be true. Maybe in a large case study more people have but that ain't the case with me


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Halo when he sees this thread:


Damn things are so different around here. I bet 60% of the new cats on the board don't even know who Halo is/was and the association with books. That's a damn shame. I miss the old board and old cats. They were crazy but gave the board much-needed personality and great Ocking-classic thread material.

This new generation talks about skinny jeans, 19-year-olds talking shit about NAS and gotdamn fucking FLAT EARTH!


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I'm digital with everything else but for some reason I can't do digital books. Easier to mark space, stay involved - just the page turning - I dunno. Plus they look so good on a shelf lol. I love books.

For me, it's almost like a sense of accomplishment having a shelf full of books and being able to say "I read all of those", and "this the kind of stuff I'm into."

Having all your books on a device, while convenient and within the same concept, it just doesn't feel the same.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
few thousand books on my phone

several thousand on my computer

the bad habit lately is reading in traffic

just can't stop

new content is the issue

Walter Mosely's new book don't come out till next year




Rising Star
OG Investor
few thousand books on my phone

several thousand on my computer

the bad habit lately is reading in traffic

just can't stop

new content is the issue

Walter Mosely's new book don't come out till next year


Lol I've done that before. Driving while reading. Stupid. Sometimes I get the phone reader to do it


Back for the First Time
BGOL Investor
Recently, I have been getting a whole bunch of books and just putting them on my nightstand and leaving them untouched for an embarrassing amount of time. I don't know why, but having them close somehow convinces me that the knowledge is being tranfered to myself through osmosis. Smh!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lol right. Funny thing is I tried audio books. That's even worse. I fall asleep on em all the time and don't remember where I fell asleep lol.
I work in the labor field, so audiobooks are the way to go for me along with LG Tone bluetooth headsets.

I also have been buying books lately, for the past year or so. But I've only barely made a dent in one.
I keep it on top of the toilet tank, and I started making myself read a little at a time, even if only 4 pages while I'm dropping dem brown boys off at the pool. I haven't in a while, tho.

I've been meaning to do like many have said in here and dedicating a certain block if time to read everyday. I heard Killer Mike say he reads an hour a day, thats where I got the idea.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn things are so different around here. I bet 60% of the new cats on the board don't even know who Halo is/was and the association with books. That's a damn shame. I miss the old board and old cats. They were crazy but gave the board much-needed personality and great Ocking-classic thread material.

This new generation talks about skinny jeans, 19-year-olds talking shit about NAS and gotdamn fucking FLAT EARTH!

I thought it was Dr. Truth that had a special association with books?

I'm from the old board amd remember Halo, but can't remember the connection