What the fuck is wrong with Mitch McConnell?? He froze at his press conference and was escorted away


Rising Star
Platinum Member



The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Nothing to worry about. He probably just forgot where he was and pooped his Depends.

Happens all the time to old farts like that. Once they took him to the back and changed his diaper, ol ass Mitch was right as rain.

Note to handlers:
Next time make sure grampy gets his noon nap so he doesn't have another oldtimers episode on the job.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I believe Mitch is evil to his core, but he's been making sure MAGA doesn't get out of line and take over the GOP in the senate. I don't know if he is grooming someone to take over after him or if it's going to be a free for all power grab once he steps down or leaves. Nancy is preparing the next group of leaders and mentoring along the way. Schumer needs to do likewise if he isn't already.