What the fuck is wrong with Mitch McConnell?? He froze at his press conference and was escorted away


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:roflmao2: Damn that shit was :roflmao3: It's like he just realized he had to piss like a race horse and went right there. Damn I hate Mitch and watching him drop dead right there would have made my week. I look at Mitch like Dr loomis looks at Michael Myers. Just pure evil. It ain't human.

On the real side, don't see why there isn't an age limit in place. After 75, you fucking retire officially, but can stick around in another capacity.

this fool said Dr Loomis :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It looked like something spooked him and he waz seconds away from.........



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He clearly had a TIA stroke, my wife’s uncle did that exact same shit saying grace before Sunday dinner and the Christians sat him down and started to pray and lay hands and anoint oil while I was in the background looking online for stroke symptoms and later told them what happened and was told nigga leave it alone keep your learning to yourself we done prayed and called on Jesus and he has fixed it Willie is doing fine and back to normal. 4 days later he had a massive stroke and almost died and is now barely able to walk and his left side is fucked up. If they would have listened and took him to hospital right then they may have been able to prevent the stroke but Jesus fixed it so they said. Mitch will get treatment and avoid the major stroke I guarantee it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cac got my hopes all up. :smh: Stop teasing’! Standin there buffering like public wifi.:lol: :roflmao: He DOO-DOO’D on hisself.
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