What unpopular opinions do you have?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It's worth it to bump a bunch of threads just to fuck with one particular member.

After over a decade on here

yeah I think I earned it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Emmet Till’s death was key of ending Jim Crow. However, Ms Till Left Mississippi to escape the oppression there, she should have NEVER let her son go there under any circumstances


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Emmet Till’s death was key of ending Jim Crow. However, Ms Till Left Mississippi to escape the oppression there, she should have NEVER let her son go there under any circumstances

Why would this be unpopular?

That poor woman probably agrees with this herself.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Emmet Till’s death was key of ending Jim Crow. However, Ms Till Left Mississippi to escape the oppression there, she should have NEVER let her son go there under any circumstances

That's not an unpopular opinion.

I have relatives that left New Orleans for Los Angeles between 1945 and 1960 and many of them either never returned to visit New Orleans again or did not return until after Katrina. We only got very recently got one of the great grandkids to come down and attend Xavier and after she graduated she headed straight for New York.


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
Just rewatched UFC 1 and 2. Before I state my opinion, I'm not comparing UFC in it's infancy to how it is today. With that said, Royce Gracie's UFC 1 and 2 wins are overrated. At least twice in those tournaments he used his Gi to cheat(I understand there were very limited rules) but even with that choking someone with the equipment should be a DQ. Not to mention the competition was suspect at best. Brazilian Jiu jitsu is a effective martial art but, some of the shit Gracie pulled was fuckin egregious. Not to mention it was boring as shit to watch.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Rock and roll music just doesn't look right on black people. I'm not saying black people can't play rock or make rock music (we invented the shit) but just performing it doesn't look right on us...we move too rhythmically and too on beat..rock music movements requires a certain amount of abandon that people of color don't really do.... the only thing white people do on beat is head bang and that looks cool because of the flowing hair otherwise they move spasmodically to the music but it works for some reason. When we do it it just looks awkward...

Black people can't rock right. :blush:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not an anti-semite.

But if the mainstream media starts attempting to paint all Black people as anti-semites, I might consider it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Rock and roll music just doesn't look right on black people. I'm not saying black people can't play rock or make rock music (we invented the shit) but just performing it doesn't look right on us...we move too rhythmically and too on beat..rock music movements requires a certain amount of abandon that people of color don't really do.... the only thing white people do on beat is head bang and that looks cool because of the flowing hair otherwise they move spasmodically to the music but it works for some reason. When we do it it just looks awkward...

Black people can't rock right. :blush:



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
cost too much vs what other brand doing the same thing???

I cannot answer for HIM

but I DID notice that and I had to defend the businesses a bit because at times these new business especially black owned

don't have the ability the connections etc. to charge LESS or the SAME in many (not ALL) instances

but I think they have to ACCEPT a burden of EXPECTECTION

I have been very disappointed with customer service overall

but l also see my OWN hypocrisy going BOTH ways

I am MUCH more forgiving to a black business and will give them a WHOLE lot of latitude

but I will IMMEDIALTEY condemn and complain to a white business

but conversely?

WE AS A PEOPLE will forgive companies having frequent data breaches, errors, layoff, controversies, racism, recalls, labor abuse, etc.

But a Black company makes ONE MISTAKE?

we will NEVER use them again and bad mouth them.


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
-Kids getting rings for winning the weekend baseball/basketball/football tournament is kind of lame and played out. I’m sure there’s some “it’s a happy moment for these kids who worked SO hard to beat the other teams whose parents also spend an obscene amount of money on this shit, and you’re just a hater!” aspect I’m missing, but I stand my it being JMHO.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I cannot answer for HIM

but I DID notice that and I had to defend the businesses a bit because at times these new business especially black owned

don't have the ability the connections etc. to charge LESS or the SAME in many (not ALL) instances

but I think they have to ACCEPT a burden of EXPECTECTION

I have been very disappointed with customer service overall

but l also see my OWN hypocrisy going BOTH ways

I am MUCH more forgiving to a black business and will give them a WHOLE lot of latitude

but I will IMMEDIALTEY condemn and complain to a white business

but conversely?

WE AS A PEOPLE will forgive companies having frequent data breaches, errors, layoff, controversies, racism, recalls, labor abuse, etc.

But a Black company makes ONE MISTAKE?

we will NEVER use them again and bad mouth them.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I think successful black artistes and players (NFL, NBA, retired and current) should form a national foundation that helps disadvantaged black folks through vocational and educational avenues. This might lead to a general improvement in the black community.
Those individual foundations don't cut it. there's power in united fund.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I think successful black artistes and players (NFL, NBA, retired and current) should form a national foundation that helps disadvantaged black folks through vocational and educational avenues. This might lead to a general improvement in the black community.
Those individual foundations don't cut it. there's power in united fund.
