What's your favorite old school saying?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't help me, help the bear!

Read it and weep

If you catch a monkey, bump his head

If you do dirt, you get dirt

If Mother Nature don't get em, Father Time will

If they will lie, they will steal

Women come and go



Rising Star
Platinum Member
"You don't get a second chance to make a first impression"

"My heart doesn't pump Kool-aid"

"Don't start none, won't be none."


Transparent, tasteless, odorless
OG Investor
Don't take candle at night to see what you could see in daylight


Cock Head Jones

Rising Star
In response to "What's going on?"

- Can't complain. Either way it's balls or strikes

I got this from an old cat at my job and I have been saying it for the past 4 years.

what. the. fuck?

thats my favorite oldschool saying and thats what i would say if you said that balls and strikes shit around me.

Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
you cant out slick a can of oil.

god helps those who help them selves.

the game is cold, but its fair.


... and that's not being funny, what happened to a Hello. I'm not a "What's up", "What's Happening", "Sup" person, I still say Hello. Females give me that :confused: face because they are expecting a black man to open convo with a line first or some kind of slang. I call friends and they pick up saying "Yeah", the hell, when Hello got retired?

i was taught NEVER greet with hello.

hell-low, hell is low, its imperfection!

why greet someone like that!?


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
"The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice." - My mom after watching Barry White's performance on Soul Train.

"You still a young ass nigga! You still diggin' in yo' ass and smelling yo' fingers!" - I heard my homeboy's pops say this to his uncle.


Star Playa
BGOL Investor
"Punks jump up to get beat down"

"Just because you're head is shaped like a bullet, that don't make you a big shot"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Duck would not have got caught, if he didn't quack.
You don't have to be greasy, to be slick.
If it's that good, you don't have to sale it, people will want to buy it.( what my popps used to say when the Jehovah witness would come to the door)
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Rising Star
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Man does not live by bread alone
Revenge is a dish best served cold


Rising Star
Platinum Member
"Treat a lady like a whore, and a whore like a lady"

"hunger is the best spice"


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
"take your time don't you rush to get old"

remember my "grandma" sayin this not my mother :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"Bitch, sit down, shut up, and don't order the fuckin' lobster!"[/I] - My uncle.[/B][/QUOTE]


Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
"Broker than a broke dick dog."

"Gotta laugh to keep from crying."

"What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine."

"What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine."-Pops

"Don't stand up in the rain without a raincoat."-Pops ( to me about unprotected sex)

"Ain't nobody trying and don't nobody care."

"If it ain't broke don't try to fix it."

Pops use to say this too but a bit different.

"Quit running behind the girls that you like and run behind the girls that like you. Just hope she don't look like Beetlejuice."

You dont know shit from shinola

You aint had pussy since pussy had you

My pops always says these.

"You still a young ass nigga! You still diggin' in yo' ass and smelling yo' fingers!" - I heard my homeboy's pops say this to his uncle.
:roflmao: Yo that is the same shit we say to my cousin. He use to do that when he was a kid. Nigga was always smelling his fingers. Every time we look at him he had is fingers under his nose we'd be guessing what he was sniffing, 'til we caught him one day. :roflmao:


Rising Star
Super Moderator
A hit dog will holler every time.

Don't throw a rock and hide your hand.

Crying wont change it but getting off your ass will.

Don't lie and then cry...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
this thread is awesome.

"if i tell you a duck can pull a truck, shut the fuck up and hook the muthafucka up" - pops anytime i'd be on some 'why?' shit.

"it's cold as an alaskan welldigger's ass out here" - Gpops
"it was so cold i was shakin like a dog shittin seeds" - Gpops


"To be The Man you got to Beat The man"

" Dont shit Were You eat"
"damn that shit higher than giraffe pussy"

"Grass aint always greener on the other side"
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