White Daughter secretly records RACIST mother lmao


BGOL Investor
So A white girl invites her 14 year old black boyfriend over to her parents house (Who she knows are racist) They wake up and see him there and the father grabs his guns. The daughter GIVES the son her dad's keys to his truck and he runs and try's to escape with the truck and the Father proceeds to shoot at him. He eventually wrecks up the road. The cops come and arrest the kid...

The daughter records her mom's reaction after the fact. Mom works for the housing authority "picking and choosing" who gets housing. SMH....the daughter is now in the post begging for them to leave her dad alone!

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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Also there are two main issues here.

1) see what fucking with the white bitches leads to? (Plenty examples in history)

2) Racist mofo working in housing authority

I’m sure we can detail more issues here, but for me these are the two main issues.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
He was ready to risk it all for some white pussy. I’m pretty sure all the shit he just dealt with wasn’t even close to being worth it.

I dont think that he is old enough to understand "risk".

He just had a shitty father that never told him about pinks.

Just did a search and they are in Kansas, MO.

I knew that this was the midwest.

The midwest is very segregated...so stepping out of the race is seen as exciting or taboo.

Even my little cousins in Michigan are fucking with pink girls.....fucking dumb

One of them has learned though....the hard way...locked-in for 18 years.

He will see jail time in his future for child support :smh:....and the family (of pinks) hates him.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Waiting for her to get fired.


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I dont think that he is old enough to understand "risk".

He just had a shitty father that never told him about pinks.

Just did a search and they are in Kansas, MO.

I knew that this was the midwest.

The midwest is very segregated...so stepping out of the race is seen as exciting or taboo.

Even my little cousins in Michigan are fucking with pink girls.....fucking dumb

One of them has learned though....the hard way

Lacking inability to understand risk is still no excuse for almost losing your life for fucking with white bitches.

He’s 14 years old. I’m from a small southern white town and I didn’t need teaching from anyone to know that fucking with white bitches was risky, especially teenage bitches.

I’m sure he knew that going to her house was a risk. It’s not like he was already cool with her parents. I’m sure he was sneaking. Sneaking meaning you know there is a risk.

But semantics aside, this should be a lesson he should carry with him the rest of his life. He lived and didn’t have to learn the ultimate hard way, which is the cost of his life.


BGOL Investor
She didn't show up to work today someone said in the comments. The person who said that has a grandpa works with her I the office. She needs to be fired asap. You working with people housing and that's what you think about black folks. Bitch be gone.
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I hope AhTayvion is okay and I also hope his little girlfriend will tell the cops the truth. You can tell that woman is used to calling us names when no one is watching...it’s out now...

Probably why her daughter is attracted to dude.

Rebellious teenage white girls are more interested in the act against their parents versus the well-being for the brother they want to fuck with.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First, he chose a hoe ass white broad.
Two, the looks of them should have told him that family wasn’t shit.
You fucked a raggedy untrustworthy bitch and you stayed???
Dude was begging for his demise.
Water seeks its own level. All involved ain’t shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hope AhTayvion is okay and I also hope his little girlfriend will tell the cops the truth. You can tell that woman is used to calling us names when no one is watching...it’s out now...
The truck wasn't hers to give to anyone, she can't give anyone permission to drive a truck she doesn't own.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Black or White these are the risks you take when you sneak into your girlfriends home to smash. If the girl was Black her father damn sure wasn't going to that kid some dap for fucking his 14-year-old daughter in his home.

Of course, but I wasn’t talking about black girls, bruh.

There is a glaring difference between a racist father and a black father. A huge difference, would you not agree?


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
First, he chose a hoe ass white broad.
Two, the looks of them should have told him that family wasn’t shit.
You fucked a raggedy untrustworthy bitch and you stayed???
Dude was begging for his demise.
Water seeks its own level. All involved ain’t shit.
Based on what his moms said, I wouldn't be surprised if he was targeted from the start.


BGOL Investor
Man, Ah'douken just suffers from what so many before suffered from lack of options. He liked who liked him. I'm so happy I grew up where there were too many options for me to entertain spelunking in a cave bitch.

That little girl might've saved that nigga from some charges. Moms told the true story of pops shooting at dude


BGOL Investor

Nurse: Hello, sir. Are you the father?

Dad: Uhhhh, yes.

N: Congratulations; it's a boy.

D: Uhhhh, thanks!

N: Do you have a name picked out for him yet?

D: Uhhhhh, yes.

N: Okay, what is it? So I can get started on the paperwork for his birth certificate.

D: Uhhhhh, Tavion.

N: Ah'Tavion?

D: Uhhhhhh, sure....

Ah'Tavion; that's what happens when you left the nigga with a stutter in charge....

Moral of the story; be mindful of who you have speaking on your behalf.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well, maybe for you.

But I haven’t heard of black fathers attempting to KILL black boys for attempting to have sex with their teenage daughter.
I haven't either but I'm sure it has happened before. Now, in this case, it's possible that the father shot at him because the kid is Black but if it was a White kid he wasn't going to give him a pat on the back.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Damn, I just peeped that-that was a missing poster in Antoinette's post.
They tried to pin abduction on the poor kid.

I also peeped that dude's own mom called him a little bastard in her own post. Homie was fucked from start.....
I haven't either but I'm sure it has happened before. Now, in this case, it's possible that the father shot at him because the kid is Black but if it was a White kid he wasn't going to give him a pat on the back.

As a father with daughters

If i ever reach any where near that place?

It will be for a better reason than because of his skin color.

And i have been in similar situations with friends and family...

I can tell you this white male specific

Cause MURDER is their go to move when its a black boy.

And not so much when its a white boy.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I haven't either but I'm sure it has happened before. Now, in this case, it's possible that the father shot at him because the kid is Black but if it was a White kid he wasn't going to give him a pat on the back.

The mother is racist as fuck. That's clear. So I wouldn't bet against the father not sharing her sentiments as well.

So my point is not whether or not a black parent wouldn't be upset (I have a daughter) in a similar manner.

My point is these parents are racist and there is much more vitriol in the actions because the kid is black.

And I don't believe they would have tried and killed the white boy. Not saying they wouldn't be upset, but everything about this was escalated because the kid was black.