White Daughter secretly records RACIST mother lmao


Rising Star
OG Investor
Obviously he was doomed at birth. You can tell a lot about a child’s mother solely based off of the name she chooses for her kids.
yea it's hard to be for the cause or any cause when the father is absent and struggling and the Mom is just barely making it herself, I used to hear that warning all the time from my folks when I was young, I was still hard headed but it clicked when I started to pay attention, looking back it probably saved my life. The title of the thread brings back memories of younger days.


BGOL Investor
I don't know if I buy this, my man. You hear some noise and enter your daughter's room and some young knucklehead has her 14-year-old ass bent over the bed and you're thinking I can't hate on youngblood for trying to get his dick wet? If it's only for a moment you hate that young boy and want to get your hands on him.

As a father of a little girl, I get what you're saying. I not going to shoot the little shit, but he might catch a hand of God or 2....

So let me get this straight.

You're saying there is no difference between the hate a black father catching a young bruh fucking his daughter vs a RACIST white father catching a teenage bruh fuck his daughter?

I ain't going to hold you, my daughter could be in a marriage for 10 years that produced a few children and this will be my reaction......

...always my baby girl....not saying it's right, but it's just how I feel. :dunno:

That being said....that CAC was trying to kill that kid, because he was black fucking with his daughter. His motivations are totally different from what a normal father's would be.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Moms deactivated her FB page I guess.
Possibly in retaliation for her losing her job..


BGOL Investor
Possibly in retaliation for her losing her job..
Not for nothing, if the moms did get fired; she probably got a shit load of better job offers in her inbox right now.

Hell; their was a deputy police chief that posted a picture of a white woman seeming to drown her white daughter and he captioned it "how to deal with nigga loving daughters" or some shit. The motherfucker got promoted to police chief less than 2 years later. When asked about the situation, the mayor of the town stated, "nobody cares about that. That was 2 years ago."

We might be in an uproar, but these CACs; they do not give a fuck.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This is Jaidyn Manus, whose mother refers to (apparently often) as a "n*gger loving little whore" that "needs therapy".

I'm assuming the one she's canoodling with is the person her dad shot at three times.



As expected, Facebook is attempting to block video evidence of abhorrent racism as if the attempted murder victim's parent is the one promoting hate speech.

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BGOL Investor
The lil' kid is a knuckled headed moron cooning behind a white girl. He's 14 and been in and out of jail already. The mom failed at raising him obviously.

While he is trash..so are the racist family that he's fucking with.

This lil nigga tap dancing hard as fuck for his lil white pussy :smh:



BGOL Investor
That's why I took the videos and put it on my youtube page. The story isn't getting much traction because FB is blocking its shares so while it's public on her page most people can't see it even if shared.

I've tried to share it on twitter but its not getting much traction.

I'm worried about this broad either keeping her job or getting another position (like the one she has already) where she again becomes the gatekeeper for black people's lives.

If y'all can, share that youtube video as much as you can before it's taken down or blocked as well.

This is Jaidyn Manus, whose mother refers to (apparently often) as a "n*gger loving whore" that "needs therapy".

I'm assuming the one she's canoodling with is the person her dad shot at three times.



As expected, Facebook is attempting to block video evidence of abhorrent racism as if the attempted murder victim's parent is the one promoting hate speech.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
That's why I took the videos and put it on my youtube page. The story isn't getting much traction because FB is blocking its shares so while it's public on her page most people can't see it even if shared.

I've tried to share it on twitter but its not getting much traction.

I'm worried about this broad either keeping her job or getting another position (like the one she has already) where she again becomes the gatekeeper for black people's lives.

If y'all can, share that youtube video as much as you can before it's taken down or blocked as well.

Major props for all the effort, in getting the word out, to more people



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
That's why I took the videos and put it on my youtube page. The story isn't getting much traction because FB is blocking its shares so while it's public on her page most people can't see it even if shared.

Should send the vids to either Daily MailTV or Inside Edition

they need to bring that show back …. they still got mofos getting caught doing that shit ….


On his(Chris Hansen) show Crimewatch Daily,he does those "Hansen V Predator" segments occasionally


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know if he's an agent, or just one of those brothers thats first in line to dismiss race to let cacs off the hook with the plausible deniability angle.
I'm not defending the father or letting him off the hook my point is black or white if you sneak into someone's home and you're caught you can expect a negative reaction.


BGOL Investor
she just snitched on her husband.
they should bring charges up on his ass

The husband is now changing his tune and saying he didn't try to shoot the kid, he tried to shoot the tires of the truck
..where have we heard this before?


BGOL Investor
I'm not defending the father or letting him off the hook my point is black or white if you sneak into someone's home and you're caught you can expect a negative reaction.

Being in someone's home doesn't rise to the level of murdering them unless they are there uninvited. He was invited by the daughter. Simply telling him to leave is enough. Grabbing your gun and shooting at him is criminal

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
I'm not defending the father or letting him off the hook my point is black or white if you sneak into someone's home and you're caught you can expect a negative reaction.

Negative reaction, yes. I'd expect a father to ask the obvious question. Then as the father of a daughter, ask himself what I'm doing there and decern if I snuck in... Or his daughter let me in......... Come on man. Little dudes getting caught trying to bang someone's daughter ain't a new occurrence. She's at that age too. So it's not the same as some random ass teen being in his house alone when he has no kid. Or... If he had a son... Would he get the strap??? Or this it's probably one of my son's friends???

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Just because she lives there doesn't make her the homeowner just like she didn't own the truck, she can't give her boyfriend permission to drive a trunk she doesn't own.

So in your mind, a teen isn't a homeowner and therefore can't invite someone into the house they live in??? Man you tryin real hard to not make this what it is...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'd expect a father to ask the obvious question. Then as the father of a daughter, ask himself what I'm doing there and decern if I snuck in... Or his daughter let me in
If it's after hours and he's caught in his daughter's room, ain't nobody asking questions.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'd expect a father to ask the obvious question. Then as the father of a daughter, ask himself what I'm doing there and decern if I snuck in... Or his daughter let me in
If it's after hours and he's caught in his daughter's room, ain't nobody asking questions. Young man may I inquire why you're in my daughter's room at two in the morning?


Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
If it's after hours and he's caught in his daughter's room, ain't nobody asking questions. Young man may I inquire why you're in my daughter's room at two in the morning?


No, I'd know EXACTLY what he was doing there and because I knew... There's no need to get the strap... Unless I was racist and wanted to kill the teen who was the race I was racist against... Being pissed, ain't the same as wanting to murder him. Unless there's a reason for that... Cause simply fuckin his daughter ain't enough.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So in your mind, a teen isn't a homeowner and therefore can't invite someone into the house they live in??? Man you tryin real hard to not make this what it is...
I'm not trying to make it anything. Is the father racist? Yes. Did he overreact? Yes. My point is if one hundred fathers caught their minor daughters having sex in their home more than half will overreact, maybe not by shooting but maybe a broken jaw or two.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
I'm not trying to make it anything. Is the father racist? Yes. Did he overreact? Yes. My point is if one hundred fathers caught their minor daughters having sex in their home more than half will overreact, maybe not by shooting but maybe a broken jaw or two.

A broken jaw is fair. That wasn't my argument though. I'm saying he wanted to kill the ...... That was fucking his daughter. He would've just broken Kyles jaw.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I dont think that he is old enough to understand "risk".

He just had a shitty father that never told him about pinks.

Just did a search and they are in Kansas, MO.

I knew that this was the midwest.

The midwest is very segregated...so stepping out of the race is seen as exciting or taboo.

Even my little cousins in Michigan are fucking with pink girls.....fucking dumb

One of them has learned though....the hard way...locked-in for 18 years.

He will see jail time in his future for child support :smh:....and the family (of pinks) hates him.

yeah, its his parents fault 4 sending him into the world as prey. I tell my kid all the time don't do it, unless its kool for you to die I would just stay with people who look like u.


BGOL Investor
She doesn't own the home or the truck.

That wouldn't hold up in a court of law. If he was invited by his girlfriend, then he was invited. If the father kills him for just being there, that's murder.

Same thing happened here in Missouri City (suburb at the edge of Houston). Dad came home, caught his daughter with her boyfriend in the house, shot him in the ass (I kid you not, in the ass) got hit with attempted murder charges, he's still in jail until this day.

You don't get to shoot someone merely because they are standing there and especially if they were invited by a person who lives there.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
My point is if one hundred fathers caught their minor daughters having sex in their home more than half will overreact, maybe not by shooting but maybe a broken jaw or two.

No one here is disagreeing with your point. We all stated that any father would be upset no matter the race.

But you keep danceing around the obvious question that multiple people is getting.

Do you think there is a difference in hate between a black father catching his daughter being fucked by a black teenager versus a RACIST white father catching his daughter being fucked by a black teenager?

You seem to think there is no difference.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That wouldn't hold up in a court of law. If he was invited by his girlfriend, then he was invited. If the father kills him for just being there, that's murder.

You don't get to shoot someone merely because they are standing there and especially if they were invited by a person who lives there.
I wasn't suggesting that the father could use that a legal defense for shooting the kid. You're right he just can't shoot the kid if his daughter invited him. I'm just saying if he's in the home without the parent's consent or knowledge then he snuck in. As far as the truck, the car theft charge will stick because he knows the truck wasn't his girlfriends.


BGOL Investor
I wasn't suggesting that the father could use that a legal defense for shooting the kid. You're right he just can't shoot the kid if his daughter invited him. I'm just saying if he's in the home without the parent's consent or knowledge then he snuck in. As far as the truck, the car theft charge will stick because he knows the truck wasn't his girlfriends.

Any lawyer can argue that when he heard a gun get cocked he had no choice but to run by any means necessary.