**** White Girl **** Country music star Lainey Wilson got a little ass on her


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


malicious intent
thats about as appealing as an irs audit

George Watson
Well Sir Mix-a-Lot would sure appreciate that particular aspect of her appearance.

Waynn Isaak

Brian B
Looks fine from here

Willy Baker
I bet there is a lot of cheese in there.

pat o'connor
What we in the west call 'Saddle friendly'.

shelley russo-huxtable
Country music superstar?? I don't think so.

Throck Morton
Does she keep her snacks in there?

Mister Tee
Wow, that's Kardashian size!

Tomas Finkelsteinerbeckensdale
Dang girl....that thiang has enough mass and density to have a measurable gravitational pull.

Lone Wolf
Her boyfriend took her for a ride one day and lost his Harley in there.

Erika Byrne
part Kardashian

Daniel O`Connor
Comically exaggerated.

Robert Kennedy
do not inflate to more than 45 pounds pressure

glen gaines
Now we know where all those crappy songs come from

Greg S
Lots of TP needed when it is needed

Don't like it, don't look, and if you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. I love her! ;)

Joseph Parker
It's all about the base

Moss InTheWoods
I've seen a couple of those fake Dair-Airs and boy each one really did look fake.

robert ernesto
what a caboose

Donn Keidikk
She has a brand new fan base. Most of us don't even listen to country.

Eli Figuero

Better not go to Taco Bell

Edge Walker
That's a nice but!

Thomas Riccardi
What happened to country music...

in sane
well we know where she hides her money

Ravin Willie
um, um, dat be nice.

Lol, typical.

Dan owen
They do this today, to attract "coal".

Billy Bob
LOL, I know what you mean but she not 300 pounds and sings country.

Ahhhh, what's wrong lil-fella? You've never been qualified to swim in the deep end of the pool? Don't fret, there's still plenty of swimmers in the shallow end to choose from.

Rico Johns
Better than the flat country singers.

Richard Bennett
If they have to tell people who she is and what she does, then she's not exactly a star, is she?

Matthew Swing
Why is this considered newsworthy? Are they really going to post articles about every video that goes "viral" for one ridiculous reason or another? We are doomed.

Ty S
Rear Bumper on a 747

Aladin Dizdarevic
definitely a nice surprise !

Bobby Holt
Is that a 12 bolt Dana with positive traction?

DB Gibb
Millions of Americans have junk in their truck. Big whoop.

Flip James
Looks good to me.

Mel Hilgenberg

Write a song about it.

Michael Gieringer
Stay away from Round Rock Donuts honey.

James Gelsimino
That's asking a lot from that pair of spandex.

Gene McGrath
If it's not fake then it's gross

Michael Fahlenkamp
Bring it on home.

richard Ramirez
I want some

Richard Ford
Kind of disrespectful. Lainey is a very
talented young woman who deserveto be
recognized for her talent.

lynn gritti
Spandex ain't dead.

Julia Lashley
Oh my goodness. Is it real?

VoiceOf Reason
Men of culture.. we gather yet again

jack koph
Does she have a permit for that?

John Doe

I'm singing Smack That by Akon on this one!

Paul Brice
Lizzo Wilson?

Chris D. Software Engineer
To be fair. If you look at the angle and the way the guitar is being stretched horizontally - it's just the photo.
Maybe it has been digitally manipulated, or perhaps it's simply the angle it was taken combined with the lens the photographer chose. Plus throw in definition added by the Yoga pants.
You see it all the time with ripped dudes who are of extremely low body fat - who look huge online, and then you meet them in person at a gym and they are tiny.
...still...'Baby Got Back'.

elle robinson
Girl been getting in her steps! Good for her.

vk k
i hope to the lord buddah that is real

Ty S
negative copy of Nicki Minaj

David Cunningham
Time for her to hit the gym and stop eating hamburgers.

Soundguy 1
That is "meh" at best

and they wonder why white bitches have body image issues:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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BGOL Investor

malicious intent
thats about as appealing as an irs audit

George Watson
Well Sir Mix-a-Lot would sure appreciate that particular aspect of her appearance.

Waynn Isaak

Brian B
Looks fine from here

Willy Baker
I bet there is a lot of cheese in there.

pat o'connor
What we in the west call 'Saddle friendly'.

shelley russo-huxtable
Country music superstar?? I don't think so.

Throck Morton
Does she keep her snacks in there?

Mister Tee
Wow, that's Kardashian size!

Tomas Finkelsteinerbeckensdale
Dang girl....that thiang has enough mass and density to have a measurable gravitational pull.

Lone Wolf
Her boyfriend took her for a ride one day and lost his Harley in there.

Erika Byrne
part Kardashian

Daniel O`Connor
Comically exaggerated.

Robert Kennedy
do not inflate to more than 45 pounds pressure

glen gaines
Now we know where all those crappy songs come from

Greg S
Lots of TP needed when it is needed

Don't like it, don't look, and if you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. I love her! ;)

Joseph Parker
It's all about the base

Moss InTheWoods
I've seen a couple of those fake Dair-Airs and boy each one really did look fake.

robert ernesto
what a caboose

Donn Keidikk
She has a brand new fan base. Most of us don't even listen to country.

Eli Figuero

Better not go to Taco Bell

Edge Walker
That's a nice but!

Thomas Riccardi
What happened to country music...

in sane
well we know where she hides her money

Ravin Willie
um, um, dat be nice.

Lol, typical.

Dan owen
They do this today, to attract "coal".

Billy Bob
LOL, I know what you mean but she not 300 pounds and sings country.

Ahhhh, what's wrong lil-fella? You've never been qualified to swim in the deep end of the pool? Don't fret, there's still plenty of swimmers in the shallow end to choose from.

Rico Johns
Better than the flat country singers.

Richard Bennett
If they have to tell people who she is and what she does, then she's not exactly a star, is she?

Matthew Swing
Why is this considered newsworthy? Are they really going to post articles about every video that goes "viral" for one ridiculous reason or another? We are doomed.

Ty S
Rear Bumper on a 747

Aladin Dizdarevic
definitely a nice surprise !

Bobby Holt
Is that a 12 bolt Dana with positive traction?

DB Gibb
Millions of Americans have junk in their truck. Big whoop.

Flip James
Looks good to me.

Mel Hilgenberg

Write a song about it.

Michael Gieringer
Stay away from Round Rock Donuts honey.

James Gelsimino
That's asking a lot from that pair of spandex.

Gene McGrath
If it's not fake then it's gross

Michael Fahlenkamp
Bring it on home.

richard Ramirez
I want some

Richard Ford
Kind of disrespectful. Lainey is a very
talented young woman who deserveto be
recognized for her talent.

lynn gritti
Spandex ain't dead.

Julia Lashley
Oh my goodness. Is it real?

VoiceOf Reason
Men of culture.. we gather yet again

jack koph
Does she have a permit for that?

John Doe

I'm singing Smack That by Akon on this one!

Paul Brice
Lizzo Wilson?

Chris D. Software Engineer
To be fair. If you look at the angle and the way the guitar is being stretched horizontally - it's just the photo.
Maybe it has been digitally manipulated, or perhaps it's simply the angle it was taken combined with the lens the photographer chose. Plus throw in definition added by the Yoga pants.
You see it all the time with ripped dudes who are of extremely low body fat - who look huge online, and then you meet them in person at a gym and they are tiny.
...still...'Baby Got Back'.

elle robinson
Girl been getting in her steps! Good for her.

vk k
i hope to the lord buddah that is real

Ty S
negative copy of Nicki Minaj

David Cunningham
Time for her to hit the gym and stop eating hamburgers.

Soundguy 1
That is "meh" at best

and the wonder why white bitches have body image issues:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

White men HATE ASS!!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

malicious intent
thats about as appealing as an irs audit

George Watson
Well Sir Mix-a-Lot would sure appreciate that particular aspect of her appearance.

Waynn Isaak

Brian B
Looks fine from here

Willy Baker
I bet there is a lot of cheese in there.

pat o'connor
What we in the west call 'Saddle friendly'.

shelley russo-huxtable
Country music superstar?? I don't think so.

Throck Morton
Does she keep her snacks in there?

Mister Tee
Wow, that's Kardashian size!

Tomas Finkelsteinerbeckensdale
Dang girl....that thiang has enough mass and density to have a measurable gravitational pull.

Lone Wolf
Her boyfriend took her for a ride one day and lost his Harley in there.

Erika Byrne
part Kardashian

Daniel O`Connor
Comically exaggerated.

Robert Kennedy
do not inflate to more than 45 pounds pressure

glen gaines
Now we know where all those crappy songs come from

Greg S
Lots of TP needed when it is needed

Don't like it, don't look, and if you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. I love her! ;)

Joseph Parker
It's all about the base

Moss InTheWoods
I've seen a couple of those fake Dair-Airs and boy each one really did look fake.

robert ernesto
what a caboose

Donn Keidikk
She has a brand new fan base. Most of us don't even listen to country.

Eli Figuero

Better not go to Taco Bell

Edge Walker
That's a nice but!

Thomas Riccardi
What happened to country music...

in sane
well we know where she hides her money

Ravin Willie
um, um, dat be nice.

Lol, typical.

Dan owen
They do this today, to attract "coal".

Billy Bob
LOL, I know what you mean but she not 300 pounds and sings country.

Ahhhh, what's wrong lil-fella? You've never been qualified to swim in the deep end of the pool? Don't fret, there's still plenty of swimmers in the shallow end to choose from.

Rico Johns
Better than the flat country singers.

Richard Bennett
If they have to tell people who she is and what she does, then she's not exactly a star, is she?

Matthew Swing
Why is this considered newsworthy? Are they really going to post articles about every video that goes "viral" for one ridiculous reason or another? We are doomed.

Ty S
Rear Bumper on a 747

Aladin Dizdarevic
definitely a nice surprise !

Bobby Holt
Is that a 12 bolt Dana with positive traction?

DB Gibb
Millions of Americans have junk in their truck. Big whoop.

Flip James
Looks good to me.

Mel Hilgenberg

Write a song about it.

Michael Gieringer
Stay away from Round Rock Donuts honey.

James Gelsimino
That's asking a lot from that pair of spandex.

Gene McGrath
If it's not fake then it's gross

Michael Fahlenkamp
Bring it on home.

richard Ramirez
I want some

Richard Ford
Kind of disrespectful. Lainey is a very
talented young woman who deserveto be
recognized for her talent.

lynn gritti
Spandex ain't dead.

Julia Lashley
Oh my goodness. Is it real?

VoiceOf Reason
Men of culture.. we gather yet again

jack koph
Does she have a permit for that?

John Doe

I'm singing Smack That by Akon on this one!

Paul Brice
Lizzo Wilson?

Chris D. Software Engineer
To be fair. If you look at the angle and the way the guitar is being stretched horizontally - it's just the photo.
Maybe it has been digitally manipulated, or perhaps it's simply the angle it was taken combined with the lens the photographer chose. Plus throw in definition added by the Yoga pants.
You see it all the time with ripped dudes who are of extremely low body fat - who look huge online, and then you meet them in person at a gym and they are tiny.
...still...'Baby Got Back'.

elle robinson
Girl been getting in her steps! Good for her.

vk k
i hope to the lord buddah that is real

Ty S
negative copy of Nicki Minaj

David Cunningham
Time for her to hit the gym and stop eating hamburgers.

Soundguy 1
That is "meh" at best

and the wonder why white bitches have body image issues:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Racist remark went over some of ya head… she did that to attract “coal”… literally calling black people coal.. if it wasn’t monitored that coal comment would’ve been the n word

Dan Owen I see your comment you racist faggot


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Racist remark went over some of ya head… she did that to attract “coal”… literally calling black people coal.. if it wasn’t monitored that coal comment would’ve been the n word

Dan Owen I see your comment you racist faggot

yeah I caught that...didnt surprise me at all...was expecting more slick racist comments tbh.
CACs like their women to have bodies like little preteen boys.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Racist remark went over some of ya head… she did that to attract “coal”… literally calling black people coal.. if it wasn’t monitored that coal comment would’ve been the n word

Dan Owen I see your comment you racist faggot


I don't know why they always appear obsessed with wanting to say the n word when they have a damn dictionary full of hate speech for us

I ain't never heard that sh*t before.

Appreciate it.

and I reported that sh*t


In fact we should all report that post just to ruin his damn day
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor


fuck this cacy cacing cacabilly pasty faced cac whore cac bitch. She'd be a unfucked cac bitch that Id sell to 1 of you cac loving niggaahcacs for $200 per hour. for an extra $100 you can spit in her mouth & dick slap her while she sings ya favorite country music song. :dunno: :popcorn:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
fuck this cacy cacing cacabilly pasty faced cac whore cac bitch. She'd be a unfucked cac bitch that Id sell to 1 of you cac loving niggaahcacs for $200 per hour. for an extra $100 you can spit in her mouth & dick slap her while she sings ya favorite country music song. :dunno: :popcorn:
Worst pimp ever.. this a white girl the lowest price you should be saying is $300 and that’s prob for only 30 mins .. white bitch with a butt could easily bring you in more.. also this is Covid era so the price of pussy go higher.. I know spots she could make 300+ for a quick fuck in a special room.. you can easily hit color struck nigs in the pocket


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They hate it because we love it and vice versa

2 things:
-Ever since I first heard Francess Cress Welsing speak on white americas fetish of African people, I believed the majority of it.
-Met a few country girls with nice and big booties. They appreciated them and would love talking about their asses. There’s even a song called honkytonk badunkadunk (or however it is spelled).


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Worst pimp ever.. this a white girl the lowest price you should be saying is $300 and that’s prob for only 30 mins .. white bitch with a butt could easily bring you in more.. also this is Covid era so the price of pussy go higher.. I know spots she could make 300+ for a quick fuck in a special room.. you can easily hit color struck nigs in the pocket
thats the bgol discount ...but you right the regular price for a high value prime cac bitch like her is $1500 for 5 hrs. 5 hr min. she got 4 shifts per day xs 7 days per week. the bitch is good for $6k per day. She got 4 hrs to sleep, eat, shower, talk on the phone.... :dunno:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
thats the bgol discount ...but you right the regular price for a high value prime cac bitch like her is $1500 for 5 hrs. 5 hr min. she got 4 shifts per day xs 7 days per week. the bitch is good for $6k per day. She got 4 hrs to sleep, eat, shower, talk on the phone.... :dunno:
1500 for 5 hrs nope still to cheap.. that’s 300 an hr.. nope.. it’s really per nut and that’s still to low as far as only charging $300.. as for bgol discount you trying to run a charity or a bizz


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
2 things:
-Ever since I first heard Francess Cress Welsing speak on white americas fetish of African people, I believed the majority of it.
-Met a few country girls with nice and big booties. They appreciated them and would love talking about their asses. There’s even a song called honkytonk badunkadunk (or however it is spelled).

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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The segment or the term?.. the segment yes.. the term no but I never heard someone use it in a racist way.. I might have heard you like a Monday nobody likes Monday.. but that was towards an individual not a demographic

Yeah it was crazy

that routine was a classic

you hear the reaction in the crowd

and this was ALL pre internet

At home?


and it just went VIRAL before VIRAL was a thing

Many including me had NEVER heard that term before


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Racist remark went over some of ya head… she did that to attract “coal”… literally calling black people coal.. if it wasn’t monitored that coal comment would’ve been the n word

Dan Owen I see your comment you racist faggot
I didn't miss it... that train is NEVER late.. its why the list is so long.... and another point of criticism to white chicks... they hate that black men are attracted to thickness and fat booties in a way theyre not. Theres a few slickass comments like that on that list if you look at it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
another instance of african american influence and a love for the big booty changing the culture....cuz in the 70s, 80s and even 90s white america would have called her fat and told her to lose that fat ass! She'd a been ostracized and shamed for a shape like that...today its TRENDING..

youre welcome!

man these CAC men still like tiny WW that have the flat shape of little boys…these pictures ain’t changing that.

Almost all this drooling is still coming from brothas.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
White men HATE ASS!!

It's crazy at the hospital there are 3 nurses

White one thirties one forties one fifties

Short regular thick women all mothers

All with long brown hair

Very funny friendly bubbly personalities


Surprisingly they all got fairly flat stomachs

But very very thick thighs and phat asses.

And perky normal sized breasts

Actual hips with the dip in the lower back a little wide but very firm with lift on the cheeks

Them scrubs be bursting

They also joke they my angels that my crew.

It's funny who they always joke I'm they favorite. Cause I always stay polite friendly when I'm there. I've bought the whole staff lunch, donuts, chocolates etc.

But my overall point is they very weight self conscious and work out at the local gym near the hospital and comment how they men be hating on their curves (which THEY don't consider curses) their men apparently hate that shape (pear crossed with phat ass ) they more prefer gal gadot or just big breasts period apparently

But I call them destiny child with 3 Beyonce.

Folks be hating cause they always around me when I'm in the office or the floor.

So as much as think it's an exaggeration? Mist white dudes apparently are NOT into that body type GENERALLY.