White, Middle Eastern boy just shot up a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado. UPDATE: 10 people killed


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because of white people like that person you need to push for more gun laws. Everyone is not responsible with a gun so you need some laws just like everyone is not responsible with a car
Most gun owners are responsible. Others shouldn t have their rights taken away because of this jackass.

They should enforce and send THIS man to prison for life or give the death penalty.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
guess they took the shooter to get some BBQ..

The shooter was the smoker


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Most gun owners are responsible. Others shouldn t have their rights taken away because of this jackass.

They should enforce and send THIS man to prison for life or give the death penalty.
But the majority are not saying that and neither are the bills being introduced. Republicans tend to muddy the facts and get louder as more lies and shit comes out their mouth. The bills either want to create a gun registry or expand the background checks time period or stop these non-licensed dealers from selling guns under another dealer's license or to process the check.

I could be missing it, since I'm just quoting articles and not taking it from the bills. If so, direct me to where they want to take away guns or what rights are being taken away?

"The bill would make it illegal for anyone who is not a licensed firearm importer, manufacturer or dealer to trade or sell firearms to another person; current federal law requires background checks only for licensed gun dealers."

"would close the "Charleston loophole," a gap in federal law that lets gun sales proceed without a completed background check if three businesses days have passed."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is nothing anyone can do from stopping a person from taking their gun and shooting everyone on the public bus.

And the vast majority of Americans would rather keep their own guns then give them up or restrict them just to prevent the local nut from shooting up the bus.

It is what it is and folks need to deal with that.
We went to Iraq and killed over 2 million innocent civilians. That had to have been planned by the people that control the troops sent over there. There are a lot of weapons that the public does not know about. Some of these weapons were tested on poor brown people in Panama. Some of these weapons were spotted in New Orleans during Katrina. Blackwater was spotted racing up and down the streets in vehicles people have never seen before with weapons people have never seen before.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yall notice something tho,

you ever notice none and I mean not one of

these attacks are aimed at the wealthy....

as much as the wealthy parasites conspire against us

with thier fuckin think tanks and commissions


I mean fuckin NEVER....a shooting occurs

where the wealthy congregate

just something to ponder on........


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
When I said DEMONCRACTS it in reference to the demoncractic officials like President "crime bill" biden and his goon squad the senate and house not the common man. They look for any reason to try and take away our 2nd amendment rights. While people where concerned about stimmys look at what they are trying to push through.
white boy signed up yesterday


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But the majority are not saying that and neither are the bills being introduced. Republicans tend to muddy the facts and get louder as more lies and shit comes out their mouth. The bills either want to create a gun registry or expand the background checks time period or stop these non-licensed dealers from selling guns under another dealer's license or to process the check.

I could be missing it, since I'm just quoting articles and not taking it from the bills. If so, direct me to where they want to take away guns or what rights are being taken away?

"The bill would make it illegal for anyone who is not a licensed firearm importer, manufacturer or dealer to trade or sell firearms to another person; current federal law requires background checks only for licensed gun dealers."

"would close the "Charleston loophole," a gap in federal law that lets gun sales proceed without a completed background check if three businesses days have passed."
Zimmerman beat up a police officer up which is a felony. And he was on psychotic drugs. Background checks are not as powerful as money and who you know. A lot of people are not aware of certain programming that has been going on for generations.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This is nothing new. From serial killer to mass killer they’re all the same. White peoples history is written in blood. It’s part of their nature to just kill. They’ve been doing this for centuries.
This is why I said force them to migrate to Europe and isolate them from the world... I guarantee covid would disappear within a month from the rest of the population.. meanwhile a 100 new variations will be created in Europe and less than a century whole population disappeared.. I been saying that for yrss b4 covid came out this is the euros fate if we pushed them to 1 continent and isolated them from the rest of the world


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They are saying this is the cac but you never can be sure this early. Apparently he was threatening elected officials a few years back.

No way this guy dosent pay for a shitload of prostitutes and have terabytes of porno

id keep that pervert looking nig from junior high and high school girls..you know he looks like the type to walk in with a 6 pack of coors light and pizza on to catch a predator episode... all these cacs have that look like they were bound to hurt others

Walter Panov

Rising Star
That's not accurate. The gun laws being proposed would only affect law abiding citizens. Most criminals don't buy their guns in a gun store. They steal them or get them via black market. And don't let them fool you with the background check talk. There are already background check systems in place now. The problem is the multiple depts between federal state and county that don't consistently communicate with each other.
You watch too many movies. Most people, including future criminals, buy their guns legally from inside a store. If they have a record they'll get it from someone who bought it legally inside a store. Most of these terrorists bought their guns legally. Nigga said black market lol.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just stay alert ya'll, all I can tell ya.

All you can do, but even that is tough... you just really never know anymore ...and Some of these stores we all visit daily have rules on conceal carrying ... It just sucks that you can really be caught without it follow rules...And then crazy man get the drop... *Sigh* .. Shit is Sad man, R.i.p to the victims.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
most mass shooters buy their guns from gun stores.
Yes you are definitely correct about that. Mass shooters count for a small percentage of overall gun violence. Not to say they they should be ignored cuz they definitely shouldn't. Those mass shooters are the irresponsible owners that make it difficult for the rest of us. Some of those purchases could have been prevented if the system worked the way it was created to but someone dropped the ball. It will be very interesting to learn how this guy acquired his gun cuz if it's another case like Charleston where the agencies dropped the ball then the onus needs to be placed on the government acknowledging their fuckup and correcting it.

The main problem I have in all this besides the obvious violence fuckery is the mass amounts of misinformation being pushed across media outlets. I've lost count of how many people I've come across who believed some of the information they saw online or heard on the news that they later learned to be inaccurate. Finger pointing and misinformation are the primary reasons why the flaws in the system aren't getting corrected.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
But the majority are not saying that and neither are the bills being introduced. Republicans tend to muddy the facts and get louder as more lies and shit comes out their mouth. The bills either want to create a gun registry or expand the background checks time period or stop these non-licensed dealers from selling guns under another dealer's license or to process the check.

I could be missing it, since I'm just quoting articles and not taking it from the bills. If so, direct me to where they want to take away guns or what rights are being taken away?

"The bill would make it illegal for anyone who is not a licensed firearm importer, manufacturer or dealer to trade or sell firearms to another person; current federal law requires background checks only for licensed gun dealers."

"would close the "Charleston loophole," a gap in federal law that lets gun sales proceed without a completed background check if three businesses days have passed."
All finger pointing and passing the buck instead of acknowledging and addressing the real underlying issues. Their govt run agencies have dropped the ball more than a few times but all we hear/see in the media are the usual fear mongering catch phrases.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
You watch too many movies. Most people, including future criminals, buy their guns legally from inside a store. If they have a record they'll get it from someone who bought it legally inside a store. Most of these terrorists bought their guns legally. Nigga said black market lol.
Ok then tell me where all the ppl in cities like Chicago or NY get their guns since they buy it legally in a store? How many of the gang members in cities with less strict gun laws acquire their guns even though they are either too young or have priors. I'll wait.

I'll concede that most mass shooters typically buy their guns in stores legally but they account for a small percentage of overall gun violence. And that gun violence has sources that isn't being accounted for by the current system. That's why anyone who has familiarity with the legal process for purchasing a firearm or getting their CCH knows that the bills being pushed won't stop criminals from getting their weapons.


Rising Star
I expect school shootings to resume as they're opening up more of them everyday across the country.
Then they will blame school shooting on covid. "The kids mental health and well being was destroyed due to one year of semi school closings". Last week it was a sex addiction, this week killer will probably plead food addiction, tomorrow's school shooter will blame covid restrictions. When will this country keep it real with itself, the white man is a threat to society.