Whites Can't Compete With Asians, So They Change The Rules...


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Asians thought that white people actually liked them :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: maybe them sellouts will wake up.

They will learn the hard way that white people dont care about them...:smh:

Are you sure you're not talking about just Filipinos and Vietnamese? 'Cause the ones that I was close with, their families were like, "Everyone should go based on merit alone. Racism is dying out!". See how that tune changed when the shit marginalized their asses. I got love for my Asian peeps, but not for the ones White washed...:smh:

good post

Too funny !! While YT was too busy trying to hold down blacks, Wan Sum Do and company stood up and has taken over the UC system, LOL


Every race Latinos Asians etc... thinks that they can get a pass from Whitey. Whitey is cool with no one, they will chop your fuckin head off too.
Now the Yips mad...thats what happens when your "Non White"


I remember back when California was voting on this shit. The Dean at one of universities came out and said that white people were gonna be very disappointed if it passed. He said that if they're were expecting lilly white campuses, it wasn't gonna happen. He said that if they went just by grades the entire incoming medical class would have been Asians.

I can't wait for the day white people are in the minority.

Even if white people are the minority do you think they will actually give up the power they have..

Well thats what the ruling race does.. its textbook human competition.. if you have the power to change the rules and and manipulate the truth then you will do it in order to maintain the ruling position in the world.. Power is never given or earned it has to be taken cause the guy with the power now will do shiesty illegal shit to keep it..


Um......... church. Asians want to be white so damn badly....now maybe theyll wake up and see that whites don t want them either....lol:lol:


Yep when it comes to education they don't fuck around. Everyone in the extended family will pitch in to help one graduate from medical school. They are fearless in the classroom. It's a quality I admire in them.



I had an asian friend who got into trouble with his parents if he had anything less than a 'C'

Niggas don't hear You they will spew some rant toward the students who take their education seriously. If all else fails they will cry about the system.


Its' not just Asians. Niggas have not woke up. The time for bs in school and calling rev. goodlove for help is done. Pookie will bs all through highshool until he takes the ACT/SAT. Because he did not do well he will call the standardize test racist. He should have turn off the rap music, stop chasing chicken heads, and get focus. He'd rather be a pimp in his own mind like these lames on here.

My friends and I were exposed to the ACT/SAT early. In our household our Parents ie Father and Mother made it was clear that we will get A's and B's. We had fun but we all challenged each other. I remember one year I got a 3.1 my boy had a 3.6. I got back on my grind and brought my grades up. I was not happy with a 3.1 I knew I could do better. I had come from a family of success. I would go home excited about what I learned in school. We did well in school we traveled abroad outside the classroom. It was important as a student to gain a better understand with our teacher and outside of school just because with our parents.

I agree with ya...alot of people dont want to take the time to study and learn different shit to expand their minds.

c/s... people claim the SAT is "culturally biased", but asians who barely speak english ace that mofo... and how can the math portion be biased :confused:

We have to put education first... until we do :itsawrap:



Too many people worry too much bout the wrong shit.

College ain't that damn important. It is almost 2010.

Man you got to be shittin me. Ain't nothing more important than education but it leads to power. Talk like that is the downfall of my people. You ever wonder why the less educated is the ones at the bottom of the barrel. Any many mofo's in prison with a college degree.



so basically-
all the smart folks are asian, and they said, fuck whos smart, theres just too many damn asians.

call me dr truth but, im with the asians on this one

i mean if they the smartest ones collectively, then whats the prob?


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Although I do think this favors Whites, I must state facts.
Please forgive my Bluntish response. :rolleyes:

In the case of "minorities" (hate the word) universities across the nation for decades have been eliminating certain educational aptitude measurements such as SAT test scores and GPA in order to diversify their applicant pool and broaden admission requirements.

I went to school with a bunch of dummies who had no business being there but were accepted because the school had a quota to maintain regardless of poor grades and obvious stupidity.

Please don't stone me.
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JD Walker


Their house of cards is finally caving in. Their getting everything they deserve. From skin cancer to getting shut out of their own educational institutions.

But there are not enough of us (African Americans) taking education seriously, but that's a symptom of American society, wanting everything without doing anything.

JD Walker

Although I do think this favors Whites, I must state facts.
Please forgive my Bluntish response. :rolleyes:

In the case of "minorities" (hate the word) universities across the nation for decades have been eliminating certain educational aptitude measurements such as SAT test scores and GPA in order to diversify their applicant pool and admission requirements.

I went to school with a bunch of dummies who had no business being there but were accepted because the school had a quota to maintain.

Please don't stone me.

You're right about that shit. Now Cal State Hayward isn't a top notch learning institution by a long shot, but till this day me and former classmates from my high school are still trying to figure out how this one bitch we know got in with a 0.86 GPA.


You're right about that shit. Now Cal State Hayward isn't a top notch learning institution by a long shot, but till this day me and former classmates from my high school are still trying to figure out how this one bitch we know got in with a 0.86 GPA.

That's not possible. At least I don't think.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
You're right about that shit. Now Cal State Hayward isn't a top notch learning institution by a long shot, but till this day me and former classmates from my high school are still trying to figure out how this one bitch we know got in with a 0.86 GPA.

The dumbing down of American society triumphantly steamroll its way into the future. Ignorance is bliss...


By way of community college, it is definitely possible.

There ARE ways, man...



Potential Star
Well thats what the ruling race does.. its textbook human competition.. if you have the power to change the rules and and manipulate the truth then you will do it in order to maintain the ruling position in the world.. Power is never given or earned it has to be taken cause the guy with the power now will do shiesty illegal shit to keep it..

C/S! You sir, Think Like A General.:yes:


Man you got to be shittin me. Ain't nothing more important than education but it leads to power. Talk like that is the downfall of my people. You ever wonder why the less educated is the ones at the bottom of the barrel. Any many mofo's in prison with a college degree.


There are plenty in prison with degrees. Do you watch the news ?
Current events my Brutha.

Anyway HOW ignorant are you to even REMOTELY , for a sec ,think that YOU NEED to go near a college for knowledge.

Did you know most universities are going 100 percent online, with the books?
Do you know what that means ?


Man no one is smart than no one. Some people are born with ADD/ADHD yes but, they can do other tricks to get them to be just as "smart" as the next person like wear shades when studying because it calm the lights on your eye and allow you to focus or, they can take study breaks every 15 minutes and then continue. Or, if you don't mind the side effects, take Ritalin or other ADD/ADHD medications.

If you went to a predominately white University where there are lots of Asians like I did, you will hardly see Asians at parties because they are busy studying that's why they seem smart. They rather study than party. Me and my friends went partying every mathafucking weekend shit even now I party every weekend. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I had a friend who was a engineering major and he never partied with us because he was always studying so I guess it depends on what you really wanna do with your life. My major at the time, History was easy as shit so I didn't have too much studying just reading which I enjoy anyway so i just took that root.


There are plenty in prison with degrees. Do you watch the news ?
Current events my Brutha.

Anyway HOW ignorant are you to even REMOTELY , for a sec ,think that YOU NEED to go near a college for knowledge.

Did you know most universities are going 100 percent online, with the books?
Do you know what that means ?

A brother with a degree from prison is not going to get him anywhere. I will be straight for knowledge but a felony is like having a anchor around your neck during a swim meet. No university is going straight online because they would lose to much money (The University of Phoenix is not a real university). I know some very smart brothers in prison but they got that way after getting to prison. If they had it before they would not be there. College is not for everyone but anyone who says it is a waste is not very bright IMHO. You don't have to go to college to gain knowledge because we have the internet and libraries. But the stats will show that people with college degrees earn more money than those that do not. There are exceptions to the rules but the stats don't lie.



A brother with a degree from prison is not going to get him anywhere. I will be straight for knowledge but a felony is like having a anchor around your neck during a swim meet. No university is going straight online because they would lose to much money (The University of Phoenix is not a real university). I know some very smart brothers in prison but they got that way after getting to prison. If they had it before they would not be there. College is not for everyone but anyone who says it is a waste is not very bright IMHO. You don't have to go to college to gain knowledge because we have the internet and libraries. But the stats will show that people with college degrees earn more money than those that do not. There are exceptions to the rules but the stats don't lie.


STATS :lol: Like the stats that say asians are more smart than negroes ?

Anyway I am saying to not worry much bout college. I love the pussy at colleges. Comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Plus they are the dumbest fucks ever.

Hey what degree do you have ? I may need an accountant to count my gravy.


wannabe star
There are plenty in prison with degrees. Do you watch the news ?
Current events my Brutha.

Anyway HOW ignorant are you to even REMOTELY , for a sec ,think that YOU NEED to go near a college for knowledge.

Did you know most universities are going 100 percent online, with the books?
Do you know what that means ?

People live in the real world. They don't live in this brotha rollo street corner bullshit professor crap. In college you learn with your peers ie your coming out of highschool at 18. College is much more then books. Some lame on a street corner won't see the point of college.


People live in the real world. They don't live in this brotha rollo street corner bullshit professor crap. In college you learn with your peers ie your coming out of highschool at 18. College is much more then books. Some lame on a street corner won't see the point of college.

What degree do you have ? Good J.O.B. ? I may need you to invest in a sports bar in Vegas. Or do we both need a degree in order to do that ? or is it you are J.ust O.ver B.roke ?