Why Black people never want to teach you how to play spades.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I can't imagine explaining how to play the shit...then you have to discuss bidding, throwing off...all that shit.

If you're a black adult and don't know to play spades I can't (and won't) help you.

Edit: wow, just pressed play and dude basically just said the same thing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you're a black adult and don't know to play spades I can't (and won't) help you
I can pretend-play,I'm the two-ist book havingist motherfucker on the face of this earth and I'll pretend I know the rest of the game but that doesn't last long so I'll be forced to get up and get the fuck outta dodge.
My mother taught me somewhat but cards just isn't my thing,like my father who was a pool player the shit just comes natural to do over cards.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cause its something you gotta learn with experience. Its like trying to teach an adult how to drive a stick. Too many variables to be accounted for, too much of their own judgement will need to be folded in and it wont make sense until they do it... Problem is whos gonna teach them in their car, or on their team??? Cause being bad at them will get you fucked up. :lol:


Rising Star
Dude in the video basically said what it is.

But here's the thing...

These same black people who won't teach you are the 1st to ask how to play Uno, Bones, or Monopoly.
Guaranteed they don't know how to play one of those, that will be your chance to strike back.

Or if they're bad at using tech just watch them struggle from afar and laugh silently


Rising Star
I came up around mastermind type players. The type that feels like 'going board' (whether 4 or 5) is for scary people. "And a possible" is a fucking requirement with them no matter what. :D
I don't care what nobody tells you, niggas will find a way to talk across the board, and be super mad if you aint picking up on it. :curse:

They too deep into it for me to really enjoy myself, so don't really play much.

Aww Skeet Skeet!

The antithesis of nonsense.
BGOL Investor
My man in the video basically summed it up.

On a side note, make sure that you and whoever you are playing against are in agreement to the house rules up front. Too many of my cousins like to cheat when they're losing by making up rules on the fly..."the deuce of diamonds is the 3rd highest spade" when negroes been playing joker, joker, ace for several hands.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
April 1995 Bowling alley in NY we were playing spades and had the best game EVER!

down 90 pts and needing a miracle (couldn't go blind) so hand is dealt I look at my cards and say I got five, my patna looks at his and says I gots the rest we go 10 and right as the 1st card of ours hit the table this song starts pumping in the alley...

We ran a fucking boston on they ass in spades and won!!!



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
There must be different variants of Spades because Big J,Lil J,Ace of Spades and Ace face cards starting with the King are the highest...

That's how I play it.

in the other suits the king is highest as well. after the spades of course.
seems the game is different everywhere

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
There must be different variants of Spades because Big J,Lil J,Ace of Spades and Ace face cards starting with the King are the highest...

That's how I play it.

in the other suits the king is highest as well. after the spades of course.
seems the game is different everywhere
I grew up with the big joker lil joker and ace order.

When I moved to NY that was were I learned the 2 dueces than ace order.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I never met someone that didn’t teach you how to play
i taught my girl to play, but like someone said above, you have to experience it to learn. So i started her with 2-player spades explaining things and showing her how to read the cards/call books/ what constitutes a renig /etc....She caught on. I also made it clear that 2-player is NOT THE SAME as 4-player lol


Rising Star
Platinum Member
She sounds like me trying to learn how to play bid whist. Both my ex boyfriend and late sister in law could play and neither of those heathens (God rest her soul) ever taught me.
LMAO! That's foul. If you know spades, the learning curve for bid whist is small.. Once you learn it, you'll never want to play spades again. I haven't played in a while, but loved playing whist.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't imagine explaining how to play the shit...then you have to discuss bidding, throwing off...all that shit.

If you're a black adult and don't know to play spades I can't (and won't) help you.

Edit: wow, just pressed play and dude basically just said the same thing.
How hard is it to say the higher card win?