Why Black people never want to teach you how to play spades.


BGOL Investor
Mfkrs be passing spades?!

Da fuck they do that at?!

I wish mfkrs would ask to pass spades?
"Oh you gotta cheat to CHEAT?!"....nah we good round here on that.....

But yes to the second one....if 1 player doesn't have at least one spade.....chances are that's gonna be a shitty hand.....

It's rare, but I've played with ppl that don't care and some times you get lucky....3 aces and 4 kings or a stray Q that walks....but once the spades get introduced....you're a man down for the fight
Those types of rules will have your ass fighting. You definitely couldn't play at the grownups table.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I haven't done that since high school. That's where you cut 4 piles, flip over the top car and give one to each player, right?
always hated french cutting. don't like nobody seeing what i got. to make it worse, the person doing the cutting would use that as an excuse to flip another card over before they were done cutting.

and yeah, forgot to add, we remove the 2 of hearts/diamonds too.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
You can only learn how to play by playing. Shit is trial by combat. You gotta play, be a shitter bidder, get clowned, make dumb mistakes like cutting when you should've laid off, get clowned, learn how to properly bid, get better, watch the fucking board, get better, and finally, start talking shit to trashier players than yourself as they're going through the process. This is law.

i agree with this. it's like a rite of passage. dudes would clown you hard if you couldn't deal the cards. ( i used to suck at it) Anything 'off' in your game and you're getting clowned. makes you better in the long run. I once won a book and tried to slam the cards down on my end of the table - missed the table completely - i got clowned for days afterwards lol..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i agree with this. it's like a rite of passage. dudes would clown you hard if you couldn't deal the cards. ( i used to suck at it) Anything 'off' in your game and you're getting clowned. makes you better in the long run. I once won a book and tried to slam the cards down on my end of the table - missed the table completely - i got clowned for days afterwards lol..

Exactly! The shit talking and laughing is what makes spades so much more fun. I don't particularly remember great hands I've had, but I remember my homie trying his best to be slick and talk the board. I remember reaching for books I thought were automatic but someone cut the fuck outta my ace. I remember watching their hand like, "I swear to gawd I better not see a diamond come out of your hand nigga!" And everyone laughing at it all.

You're gonna get clowned . But you'll return the favor. At the end of the day, that's fucking life. Spades builds character.


Vidi Veni Vici
BGOL Investor
We used to Bust some spades, I don't ever remember playing Spades... LOL
Like, I've never played pool, I've shot some pool.......

True story: I'm the oldest of 7, my brother next to me, was my partner back in like '91/92, over at my Aunt Recenia's house for a que in Garfield Hts. I told this Jackazz that I have a 3 and a STRONG P, this muthaphucka yells out we going 10 fa 2, stands up, knocks his chair back and got louder than a mug. It was like my whole family stopped what they were doing and watch this hand, neighbors came from down the street and shyt.. Anyways, he had like 8 or 9 spades, I win the first hand with like a Queen of Diamonds, so I run the Ace to let him know whats up. THIS IGNANT azz muthaphucka, cut my shyt and then began to run spades, I had like 2 or 3, so he ain't trump tight, I looked at my Uncle Harold who was behind him, who lit up a cigarette and walked off, I was like OOOOO SHYTT!! He took one of his cards and slapped it on the his forehead so it will stick, like that's the card that's gone give us 10, we make our run and get to 9, last card, this test tube baby takes the card off his forehead and puts it down, it was a GOT DAMN JACK OF CLUBS!!! A PHUCKIN JACK OF CLUBS!!!! My cousin Ramona, starts laffin, stands up and slapped the phuckin Queen of Clubs and it made that loud "smack" sound and was spinnin for like 5 min straight, and said we some some bad BYTCHEZ!!!!! Only thing I heard out of all the commotion was my Uncle who by this time was reachin down in the Tub of Ice to get another cold one, say, that's why nobody ever play with his azz!! I had a little cuzin who was like 4yrs old, laffin and pointin at me, I wanted to kick her azz over the bushes to the neighbors house, I was about jump across the table and kick this fool in his chest like I was Jim Kelly.
Fast forward a few years, my Brother went to jail for some stupid shyt, he called me from the clink and was like "mannnnn, i did some stupid shyt..." I stopped him right there and said not as stupid as you callin that 10 for 2 at Aunties and hung up!

True Story!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I basically taught myself how to play spades from yahoo spades back in the day. Then, when I was in college, that was a way to get pussy.


Rising Star
OG Investor
If there are no spades AND no face cards we would redeal.

Yeah, these are the rules we played with.

I think was more of a Midwest thing. I when joined the Air Force dudes was looking at like huh? When said let’s play Tunk.

I grew up in the south and tunk was basically all we played in elementary and middle school.

I didn't played spades on a serious level until high school.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No, I mean actually online not in person. I know when the guy who developed the black spades app was on here, I thought they had remote playing available. Someone else mentioned they play games with someone from here, but it's not spades.

a couple of us used to play cod/bf back in the day. We had our own video chat and everything.


Rising Star
OG Investor
What you said makes no sense. Teaching someone to play spades is simple. The highest card in a suit wins.

Spades is more complicated than just knowing the rules. You have to understand strategy as well.

If you play an ace, and your partner plays the king, that means he's out and you should go back to that suit if you can. If someone on the other team plays the king, you should avoid that suit as best you can.

If I have 7 diamonds in a row, say jack through 5, and the other team leads off with an ace, I'll play the jack instead of the five because I want them to think that I'm out and therefore avoid coming back to that suit.

If someone is cutting with high spades, that means they don't have many, so I force them to cut until they run out.

If you have a lot of the top spades, say the top five spades, you can drain everyone else of their spades quickly but you have to be careful not to do it too soon or you'll prevent your partner from getting books that they were counting on.

If you have the little joker, you have to be able to tell who has the big joker. You don't want to hold on until the last hand and bump heads with your partner who had the big joker the whole time.


Rising Star
Bullshit, especially if you went to a HBCU.
I'm not talking about college campus, I'm talking about in home with your fam. That's an entirely different setting and per this thread you can see that in house and spades is different in each home/ area.

What I said is true lol try it. Unless your folks just game masters and knew all the table tops


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Cacs like @lightbright only know how to play gin rummy and cribbage. Don't teach that faggot how to play shit!
I have but to sit down on a couch with an extra large bucket of popcorn, knowing that you will put my name in your mouth with another failed attempt at throwing smoke to keeps eyes off of you..... the house negro and "dancing coon".... go fix massa a sarsaparilla and tell him what a good boy you've been...... go on.... off you go Missy...



Bawse Nigguh

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude in the video basically said what it is.

But here's the thing...

These same black people who won't teach you are the 1st to ask how to play Uno, Bones, or Monopoly.
Guaranteed they don't know how to play one of those, that will be your chance to strike back.

Or if they're bad at using tech just watch them struggle from afar and laugh silently
That shit is petty fam..... I know this because that's what I do to my pops.. He'll buss my chops for not knowing how to play spades, but be confused as hell when Cirus won't respond on his iPhone. That's what he calls Siri...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Curious do yaw play where if you have one spade you can pass it to your partner?

Or if you have NO spades you throw the hand in and re-deal?

We do not. In fact, I don't even play against people who use those rules. It's like playing against someone who plays the computer on All-Pro and you only play on All-Madden. It's not even competitive. Our rules make the game as difficult as possible (except for the automatic wins, that's just fun to watch).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cause its something you gotta learn with experience. Its like trying to teach an adult how to drive a stick. Too many variables to be accounted for, too much of their own judgement will need to be folded in and it wont make sense until they do it... Problem is whos gonna teach them in their car, or on their team??? Cause being bad at them will get you fucked up. :lol:

You learn at an early age playing with grown drunk folks. Next thing you know you're a pro. Black people expect you to know how to play already.

TRU SPIT I learned how to play by watching my older relatives play spades
when I was 5 years old. I also learned on how to play Tunk/Tonk growing up.

Barbeques, birthday parties, family reunions, etc.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Spades Terminology for Beginners:

(Feel free to add to this list)

  1. Trump tight - You have nothing but spades left in your hand
  2. Board - A bid of 4 books, which is the lowest bid allowed
  3. Spaded out - You have no more spades in your hand
  4. Pull Spades - A tactic whereby you keep playing spades in order to get everyone else to play all of their spades so that you are the only one left with spades and thus will win a book with all the rest of your spades.
  5. Card off - If your player to the left has not yet played, you can say "card off" and retrieve your card and play a different card. Usually happens when you accidentally dropped the wrong card.
  6. Talking the board - A VERY taboo practice whereby someone speaks to their partner regarding exactly what they have in their hands. This can cause fights.
  7. Walk - When a card is played and no other card beats it. It is expected for an Ace or King to walk, but the odds begin to drop significantly below that. "How the FUCK we let a 10 walk?!?!?!? What the fuck just happened???"
  8. Bubble - A ten book hand. If you have a strong hand, you may ask your partner "What you got on this bubble, patnah?"
  9. Boston - A 13 book hand. The highest hand possible. (Fun fact: I have never scored a Boston or even seen one. It is virtually impossible if you play against experts, since it requires the other team to make a mistake and give up books.)
  10. Renege - The worst sin that you can possibly commit in Spades. You play a card other than the suit that lead, even though you have a card of that suit in your hand. The word "renegade" comes from the root word "renege", but do not be confused and believe that you will be seen as a renegade for reneging. You will definitely without a doubt be seen as "that nigga that is about to get fucked up in 3... 2... 1...."
  11. Feed - When your partner is cutting cards of a particular suit and you keep leading with that suit after you win a book, then you are feeding your partner.
  12. Jump - When you are forced to play a high spade that you were saving for the end of the hand because your opponent played a high spade. It's normally done to see who has the high spades (particularly if you have the little joker and you want to know whether your partner or the opponents have the big joker. If your partner leads by making everyone jump then you are supposed to definitely play the big joker if you have it to let your partner know that you have it).
  13. Bump Heads - When you and your partner both play a card that wins the hand. You end up with one book when you could have had two. It can mean the difference between getting your bid and getting set. Do not bump heads if you can avoid it.
  14. Set - When you don't get the amount of books that you bid
  15. Made - When the combined bids does not equal at least 11. The hand is not played. Instead, the bids are scored as-is and the next hand is dealt. You may hear someone say "6-4 made? Let's throw it in."


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I was trying to find a pic of the spades deck and came across this.

They wrong tho.

It included a link to the cac guide to spades.