Why did you stop going to church....


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Because I was forced to go. Then as I got older and started questioning what I was taught, it only made me have more questions like,

1. If Adam and Eve were the first humans, how did they reproduce without incest?

2. Same with Noah. Also, how was it possible for him to put every single animal male and female on a boat? What about all the poop?

3. Why do people in church preach living a certain lifestyle when they don't live by what they preached?

4. How is it possible to live completely sin free? So if I live a Christian life and one day see the finest woman I have ever seen with lust in my heart, then die am I going to hell for one shortcoming?

5. How is it possible to do something terrible and just say forgive me and be good?

6. How is traumatizing someone to make them feel like drinking grape juice is the blood of Christ along with some crackers, going to kill a person if I don't accept him as my lord and savior?

After watching this I felt it was symbolic of the church IMO.

When I died for that quick min I didn't see a devil and didn't see God welcoming me like this


Only thing that happened to me when I died was darkness. No purgatory with Big, Pac, Martin, nada, just nothing. But I don't knock folks who believe, because I feel we all need something to give us hope that there's some type of peace after all this. My peace comes from within now.

Very much similar to this, I asked too many questions. There are so many holes in the Bible and I watch these people be blindly enthralled, transfixed on what some fucking pastor or whoever the fuck is saying and I'm like, "y'all believe this bullshit?"

I grew up for the first 9 years as a Muslim in a mosque. We didn't go all the time, but we went. When my parents divorced we started going to a Christian church.

I'm a singer, and every time people hear me sing they want to invite me to church or say I I belong in a church choir this this that and the third. When I was a kid, I tried to join the church choir at the church I went to and there was nobody in the church younger than 50 and they wouldn't let me join.

From then I said, fuck church. To this day I can't stand gospel music. And I swear to God I want to slap Marvin Sapp for "never would have made it"

I walked out of a funeral when they played that song. Fuck gospel music.

Where was God during the 250 plus years of slavery? Was he asleep at the wheel? Where was this Jesus person?

There was this one lady who begged and begged me to come to her church every time I saw her and it got annoying and I didn't want to be rude but she was annoying the fuck out of me. Finally, I said I would go.

I went one Sunday, walked in the door and tossed my wallet high in the air and caught it. She and someone else asked me why.

I said, "I just told God that he can take whatever money he needed but leave me the rest when it fell down to earth. God didn't take any money so I guess he didn't need my money."

I was politely asked to leave.

I don't need some pastor living better than me and better than those around him telling me what's what.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
One More Story, Bishop Luther Blackwell of Cleveland's mega church on Scranton had the church do a fundraiser to send him and his wife to Africa for their 30th anniversary.

When not enough money was raised he went in front of the church and said, "You want your man of God to fly coach?"

And you know those stupid motherfuckers raised more money to send him and his wife first class?

The gullibility of church folks...

Do I believe in God? Yeah. I've had some fucked up situations that I got out of that were supernatural.

1: I was driving on the highway and fell asleep through five exits. I woke up just before the exit I was supposed to get off on still in my same lane. I rolled down the window, turned up the music loud, got off on the exit and said, "God I want to thank you for getting me here safe and my car here safe," And I blacked out again, I was tired.

I woke up sideways between a Chrysler Concorde and a garbage truck. I woke up cussing God out.

"God what the fuck! I just got finished thanking you for getting me here safe and my car here safe and you let this shit fucking happen. What the fuck?"

God spoke to me and said, "Who you think you're yelling at? Who do you think was driving when you were asleep through five exits on the highway? You were supposed to pull over. You didn't. This is the result of you being hard-headed. Would you rather get into an accident going 65 mph or 20?"

I lowered my head and said, "I'm sorry for yelling."


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
One last story

I got into it with my mom in 2003 and she banned me from coming to her house for Christmas, so I went over a friend's house for Christmas.

I woke up Christmas morning at about 12:30. Took the shower, got dressed and looked at the clock it was 12:55.

I looked at the bus schedule and the bus said One came at 12:30 and the next one is 1:30 - typical holiday hours for buses.


A voice spoke to me and said, "Leave now"

I immediately said, "God, that doesn't make sense. I turned on the TV, went to the weather channel and saw that it was 5° below zero. I'm not going to go wait in the cold for 35 minutes when I live two minutes from the bus stop."

"Leave now"

"This doesn't make sense. It's cold as hell outside. I'm going to wait on the next bus at 1:30."

"Leave now."

I huffed and puffed, and said, "Fine. I'll leave now. Let me get..."

"Whatever you left, forget it. Leave now."

I locked my door, jogged down the street. When I got to the corner coming up the hill was the #40 bus, so I ran to the bus stop."

My watch said 1:00 p.m.

When I went to pay my fare I asked the bus driver, "Are you the 12:30 bus that's late or the 1:30 bus that's early?"

She said, "Young man, I am so sorry. I'm the 12:30 bus that's late. I went down to the end of the line, took a nap and I overslept. I am so sorry if I made you late for anything. I hope I didn't ruin your Merry Christmas."

I just shook my head, walked to my seat in complete awe.

How could you explain that? What sane person would show up at 1:00 for a bus that left at 12:30, in -5° temperature no less? When has a bus been a half hour late the day that you were a half hour late?

You wouldn't show up at 1:00 for a plane that left at 12:30 and expect to catch that plane. You would chalk it up as a loss.

I believe God exists, but I don't put too much stock in religion because I believe religion is just man's belief on how to praise God. I'm a good person. I give to people, help people. Try not to be a bad human being, but I don't fuck with church at all
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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Another story as to why I'm glad I don't fuck with it anymore is when the new pastor came in to the family church. My grandmother was sick and she couldn't attend church anymore. Grandma asked can the pastor come to her house for service and pray with her. This nigga, who was only concerned with getting a Mega church because his brother in Atlanta had one, told my grandmother I don't have time to come to your house. NIGGA, THATS PART OF YO FUCKIN JOB!!! Now my grandmother has been attending this church since she was 16 years old and now she's 75, you got the fuckin nerve to tell her you don't have time to pray with her!!!!? :angry: :angry: Shit pissed me the fuck off. Now my mother never told me this till after grandma passed away. I asked mom, why didn't you tell me this when it happened. Mom looked at me and said, I know you. Would have been a problem for him. He up and left soon after grandma passed for a Mega church somewhere else. Fuck church. Long as I treat people the same way I wanna be treated I don't need a house of worship where I have to pay for another man's gator shoes. :smh: His wife pretty with some big ass titties I should have tried to nut in her pussy. :jackoff:



Rising Star
cuz i was using it like a crutch. which is not a bad thing if you need it. but when i got my life together i left religion and moved to spirituality that doesnt have a denomination.

I have recently been deep diving into Yoruba Orishas.


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
I believe God exists
But what if you are this God your talking about? What if your (god) somewhere else using this body just to gather more data in this world and the body that n u use has its own way of thinking called the ego...wouldn't that make for an interesting story...:happy:

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Another story as to why I'm glad I don't fuck with it anymore is when the new pastor came in to the family church. My grandmother was sick and she couldn't attend church anymore. Grandma asked can the pastor come to her house for service and pray with her. This nigga, who was only concerned with getting a Mega church because his brother in Atlanta had one, told my grandmother I don't have time to come to your house. NIGGA, THATS PART OF YO FUCKIN JOB!!! Now my grandmother has been attending this church since she was 16 years old and now she's 75, you got the fuckin nerve to tell her you don't have time to pray with her!!!!? :angry: :angry: Shit pissed me the fuck off. Now my mother never told me this till after grandma passed away. I asked mom, why didn't you tell me this when it happened. Mom looked at me and said, I know you. Would have been a problem for him. He up and left soon after grandma passed for a Mega church somewhere else. Fuck church. Long as I treat people the same way I wanna be treated I don't need a house of worship where I have to pay for another man's gator shoes. :smh: His wife pretty with some big ass titties I should have tried to nut in her pussy. :jackoff:

That pastor was the devil, heartless....


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
But what if you are this God your talking about? What if your (god) somewhere else using this body just to gather more data in this world and the body that n u use has its own way of thinking called the ego...wouldn't that make for an interesting story...:happy:
I believe we are gods entertainment. We are God's reality TV.

With most reality TV shows, you just watch it. Like real housewives of wherever the fuck, you don't affect the outcome. You just watching are entertained.

With some others, you can affect the outcome, so you do. You call in on American eyesore, I'm sorry American idol, because you want to positively affect the outcome.

Most times, God just watches our lives and doesn't do shit, same as he did during slavery. Occasionally, he steps in and moves something a little bit. Saves your life when you should have died, or a magical stop that gets in your way just as you're about to do some stupid shit.

It doesn't happen often. Why does he let babies die? Why did he let 250+ years of slavery, who the fuck knows.

All I know is on more than one occasion, more than two and more than three I should have been dead or fucked up, and at least four or five of those were driving while tired.

I can't for the life of me figure out how I woke up in my lane after being asleep for five exits on a winding highway. Why did he save me? Who the hell am I? Who am I going to be? But that's what I think We are to God, simply his entertainment. Sometimes he fixes shit, but most times he doesn't.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This is just my attempt answer your questions, strictly my opinions. I'm just some who can be severely disillusioned by church leadership behavior. There are people who are genuinely good Christians, and there are wolves in sheep's skin, along with others who use Christianity to achieve their own selfish aims.
I still attend due to the type of church and my personal beliefs.

Why would it be incest if they reproduced? It's not like they were brother & sister. Are you saying Seth was a product of incest? Unless I misunderstood your question.

2a. 1st/2nd cousin marriages (my opinion). Another guess would be that incest did not have profound effect on human biology at that time compared to later times.
2b. I'm pretty sure waste management was included in the design. The Bible doesn't include every minute detail of everything it refers to, same as other books.

That's why churches have been turning off people. My current church has a good track record, my previous one? Not so much!
Other religion do the same, don't they? Muslims are not supposed to drink but they do. They're supposed to be fair to each other but they're right there with christian cacs when it comes to racism.

No, it is NOT possible to live completely sin free. The Bible encourages working on one's self thru the process of sanctification. 100% is supposedly achieved once one goes to heaven.

Confession has to come from the heart, with the aim of not repeating the same sin, not just uttering some nonsense words and you're miraculously forgiven.

Symbolic act that brings remembrance to their savior's sacrifice to bring them salvation. I don't get the latter part of this question.

I take it you didn't fully "transition" so you didn't get to your "final" destination so of course you're not going to see Biggie and Pac chilling in their mansions. :giggle:

I know the wolves are coming :lol:
I said all of that to say I concentrate on being my better self. IMO most religions are based on fear. I don't worry about anyone finding fault in my opinions because I am not perfect or complete as a human, and never will be.

One thing about me is I always look within, doing so helps me continue to be my best self and not judge others so much because I am not without my own faults. safe travels as you walk your path, be well.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I still go to church, not every week but I go and enjoy. We shouldn’t give up meeting together, because gathering with others strengthens our faith and encourages us to keep going. Church provides a space to share our burdens, uplift one another, and grow in unity. We’re not meant to walk this journey alone—our faith thrives in community.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
1. I grew up in a Baptist church. Sunday school in the morning, the service at 11am, then the get together afterwards. It was just too damn long and we only had 2 days free from school as kids. Thankfully I didn't have to go choir practice and all that other BS my cousins were forced to attend.

2. Once I got around the age of 8 the stories didn't make any damn sense. And id ask questions and the answers were always to believe and disassociate myself with common sense. Fuck that

3. Church people were simply wicked people. I grew to detest them. Nobody sinned more than those evil bastards.

4. The questions that I had were answered when I was introduced to Kemet. Literally all of my questions. I learned that the Bible was just a fabrication of the book of the dead, the emerald tablets, and others. Like for example the 10 commandments were literally stolen from the 42 confessions of Maat.

I could go on but yall get it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I said all of that to say I concentrate on being my better self. IMO most religions are based on fear. I don't worry about anyone finding fault in my opinions because I am not perfect or complete as a human, and never will be.

One thing about me is I always look within, doing so helps me continue to be my best self and not judge others so much because I am not without my own faults. safe travels as you walk your path, be well.
Amen, brother. Safe travels to you as well.


Dirty Civilian
Platinum Member
I started refusing to go when I was 8. I hated that place, hated those people, hated spending my time there when I'd rather be riding my bike or something. I asked too many questions and the answers never made sense. I felt those people were delusional and weird and wanted no part of it, and told my grandmother she couldn't force religion on me if I didn't want it. Of course I got the belt a few times and told to not leave the house while she was gone but I didn't listen. I still feel the same way and believe if religion didn't exist the world would be a better place.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
1. I grew up in a Baptist church. Sunday school in the morning, the service at 11am, then the get together afterwards. It was just too damn long and we only had 2 days free from school as kids. Thankfully I didn't have to go choir practice and all that other BS my cousins were forced to attend.

2. Once I got around the age of 8 the stories didn't make any damn sense. And id ask questions and the answers were always to believe and disassociate myself with common sense. Fuck that

3. Church people were simply wicked people. I grew to detest them. Nobody sinned more than those evil bastards.

4. The questions that I had were answered when I was introduced to Kemet. Literally all of my questions. I learned that the Bible was just a fabrication of the book of the dead, the emerald tablets, and others. Like for example the 10 commandments were literally stolen from the 42 confessions of Maat.

I could go on but yall get it

I learned about this when I was in HS working at a restaurant with a salad/hot bar. Do you know the times I hated working the most? Sunday around 1:30pm. (white folks get out early so they were pretty chill) and if we ever ran out of chicken or wings and didn't feel it up fast enough. Black folks in there upset cause we running out of fried chicken and hot wings. Thats when I learned about some of our "Christian" brothers and sisters.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I almost punched the pastor at my baptism because he didnt lay me in the water, fool dunked me. I was five years old. Will never forget the look on my moms face. Thats why I didn't hit that fool. I knew then that church just wasn't the way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s a long read but I suggest yall read Secret of all ages
It tells about how them devils sent spies, their sons, etc to get our knowledge and then changed it for their own narrative
Same with Islam/Muslims
Every book starts with Kemet (black land/people)
There’s over 40 versions of the Bible and it’s comprised of what almost 20 authors that came from different regions
Ask your pastor why he/she reads from different versions
Even in the Bible it says God is the God of confusion


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn that's rough @doe moe . Glad you were able to get up out of there. Here is the WASP who started what we now know as Jehovah Witness.
Russell, Charles Taze
Russell, Charles Taze Charles Taze Russell, photograph by Eric Patterson, 1911.

Wildest part of it all is there are no white people in Bibles, Torahs or Korans. It's not white people historical culture regionally. As they were not ever there in those places at those times.
Exactly, being “white” was a mutation or a curse during those times


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I was about 12. I really thought Sunday school was a place to get answers. When I didn't get those answers I thought the adults were idiots. So I never went back. Six years later I was in Harlem surrounded by books and Black people with those answers.
I’m from the same place and it happened to me at about the same age. The hue-man book store opened on two-fifth and I had a convo with a beautiful, college-aged sister who stopped to talk to me and ask if I needed help.
I hit her with “…I’m just looking.”
I remember this as some of the dopest sh*t I heard as a shorty; she hit me with her version of the Cheshire cat’s quote about how if I don’t know what I’m looking for then anything will do.
She pointed to a book on eastern and western African spirituality and I haven’t stopped being curious since.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Roman Catholic church is a culture vulture copy of the Orthodox Catholic churches in Ethiopia. The Ethiopians have all the books. Including the book of Enoch.
It’s also in the secret of all ages
Trading and learning was stopped because they was sending their sons on some homo/sex trading


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most are victims of colonization/being conquered
Islam/Muslims believed 3 ways
1 convert willingly
2 pay taxes to practice your religion
3 be conquered and killed for not converting to Islam


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. I grew up in a Baptist church. Sunday school in the morning, the service at 11am, then the get together afterwards. It was just too damn long and we only had 2 days free from school as kids. Thankfully I didn't have to go choir practice and all that other BS my cousins were forced to attend.

2. Once I got around the age of 8 the stories didn't make any damn sense. And id ask questions and the answers were always to believe and disassociate myself with common sense. Fuck that

3. Church people were simply wicked people. I grew to detest them. Nobody sinned more than those evil bastards.

4. The questions that I had were answered when I was introduced to Kemet. Literally all of my questions. I learned that the Bible was just a fabrication of the book of the dead, the emerald tablets, and others. Like for example the 10 commandments were literally stolen from the 42 confessions of Maat.

I could go on but yall get it
Just in case yall wanted sources, this brother telling the truth
I brought these up in church and the pastor has no answers


BGOL Investor
My ex-wife was the biggest fake Christian I ever ran across. The hypocrisy and bullshit that she pushed for the years we were married drove me to never attend church ever again.