Why did you stop going to church....


The Double1 and only!
BGOL Investor
As A fully grown man I can agree with almost all the reasons above.. It just simply doesn't make any damn since to me.. I don't knock anyone who does because most of us are just following what we were taught as kids.. Brainwashing from the brainwashed. But when do you grow up and say.. Make it Make Sense? It is actually very hard for people to even see what is really going on. They will defend religion with there life and soul to stay in that mindset. in saying that. it started early for me..

But the 2 most moving things to me was First .... when i was around 8-9 years old I asked the Sunday School teacher about the Dinosaurs not being in the Bible.. He Said I have to get back with you on that. Probably was thinking.. who sent this little smart ass nigga to me. I was in the Gifted and Magnet programs in school so being taught science and history all the time this was a valid question to me. I didn't separate the 2 being science and religion Lol.

Second........Lost 3 family members in the Jonestown Massacre. Including my 12 year old cousin Wayne. We did everything together as kids. He was 1 year older than me.. I even went to The People's Temple Church With Him and His Mother my older Cousin Cheryle.. First time we went I was allowed in because Father(Jim Jones) was not allowing visitors.. Was a night service for some reason. 2nd time I went was on a Sunday but even at 9 or t10 years old being a visitor. I had to sit in a visitors section apart from my family. after the service all the Visitors including myself were lead to a large cafeteria in which here you were reunited with your family members. Then everyone Cafeteria style got there food and ate together. The whole situation was very controlled and structured. Coming from the normal Baptist background this even at my young age was strange as fuck.. The service was a cross between a musical and a lecture.
The time I went when they did not let me or visitors in my cousin and I actually got in a debate because he referred to Jim Jones as God.. Were are about 9 and 10 or maybe 11 years old with him being a year older. I even in my young brainwashed head told him god was in heaven.. but he insisted That Jones was God.. I even at that young age to just get out of the conversation said to my cousin that well he must be God on earth but not the God in heaven.. BGOL think about what I am saying.. This is the mindset they had. His Mother (my older cousin) did not say a thing while this went on as I think it made her very uncomfortable to hear us debate this and I also think that she was not that comfortable being there herself, But was lead into this so called Church (cult) by my Aunt, her mother..

Well to make a long story longer. they all up and left and went to San Francisco and then Finally to Guyana. In the process they sold all there belongings and gave all the proceeds to the (Well we will call it) Church. My aunt even Clipped my Uncle who was a Contractor and built homes for over 40k and gave that also. Think about how much money that was in the 70's. Anyway. once they were in Guyana we basically never heard from them again.. I use to ask my mother where was Wayne and Cheryle at now.. Her answer to me which actually today sometimes gives me a giggle was... with disgust in her voice she said.. I don't know baby some Damn where in Africa or somewhere following that Crazy ass white man around in the Jungle or something like that. She would often say that it was all my aunts fault for getting them kids in that shit. So basically we never really heard nothing until that day it came on the News about the senator being shot and the bodies being found on the compound. I remember very well how the body count keep risen. My young self with all the hope in my heart just kept saying... Run Wayne Just Run
. We were fast kids and he was faster than myself so That was the only hope I had at the time.. Just wanted him to live.. never realized he had no place to go because where was a 12 year old kid suppose to go in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway as I said the body count kept rising. it went from about 300 to 500 to 700 and finally over 900 people dead. The Bodies were all laid out together and if anyone has ever seen the pictures. they were basically all hugged up. and on top of each other.. a lot of the kids were underneath the bodies of the adults. thats why the count kept going on... well at the end of it all. My uncle had to go identify the bodies after they returned to the US. of his Wife Daughter and Grandson. he was able to identify my aunt his Wife and his Daughter but because of the bad decomposition of the smaller children bodies. He was not able to identify my cousin Wayne. My cousin is Buried in a mass grave (Memorial) of 412 unidentified and unclaimed Bodies in Evergreen cemetery In Oakland. And to make a sad story even sadder November 18, 1978 the day of the Mass suicide slash Massacre was My Cousins 12th Birthday. yes he died on his birthday.

I really very seldom tell this story but as I get older I think it is ok to share it now and maybe some of our people if not all people maybe can really see what Religion is.. its people control..
No Niggas don't hit me with the Colin Because I think this story needed to be shared and this is actually a short version of the things that Happened. Thanks to anyone that got this Far fam!!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I kinda lost my faith, but I've had it back for some years now. It's hard to make it to church for some reason. I even wanna go to Bible study, but the church i wanna go to does it on Tuesday night instead of Wednesday. It always throws me off.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
As A fully grown man I can agree with almost all the reasons above.. It just simply doesn't make any damn since to me.. I don't knock anyone who does because most of us are just following what we were taught as kids.. Brainwashing from the brainwashed. But when do you grow up and say.. Make it Make Sense? It is actually very hard for people to even see what is really going on. They will defend religion with there life and soul to stay in that mindset. in saying that. it started early for me.. But the 2 most moving things to me was First .... when i was around 8-9 years old I asked the Sunday School teacher about the Dinosaurs not being in the Bible.. He Said I have to get back with you on that. Probably was thinking.. who sent this little smart ass nigga to me. I was in the Gifted and Magnet programs in school so being taught science and history all the time this was a valid question to me. I didn't separate the 2 being science and religion Lol. Second........Lost 3 family members in the Jonestown Massacre. Including my 12 year old cousin Wayne. We did everything together as kids. He was 1 year older than me.. I even went to The People's Temple Church With Him and His Mother my older Cousin Cheryle.. First time we went I was allowed in because Father(Jim Jones) was not allowing visitors.. Was a night service for some reason. 2nd time I went was on a Sunday but even at 9 or t10 years old being a visitor. I had to sit in a visitors section apart from my family. after the service all the Visitors including myself were lead to a large cafeteria in which here you were reunited with your family members. Then everyone Cafeteria style got there food and ate together. The whole situation was very controlled and structured. Coming from the normal Baptist background this even at my young age was strange as fuck.. The service was a cross between a musical and a lecture. The time I went when they did not let me or visitors in my cousin and I actually got in a debate because he referred to Jim Jones as God.. Were are about 9 and 10 or maybe 11 years old with him being a year older. I even in my young brainwashed head told him god was in heaven.. but he insisted That Jones was God.. I even at that young age to just get out of the conversation said to my cousin that well he must be God on earth but not the God in heaven.. BGOL think about what I am saying.. This is the mindset they had. His Mother (my older cousin) did not say a thing while this went on as I think it made her very uncomfortable to hear us debate this and I also think that she was not that comfortable being there herself, But was lead into this so called Church (cult) by my Aunt, her mother.. Well to make a long story longer. they all up and left and went to San Francisco and then Finally to Guyana. In the process they sold all there belongings and gave all the proceeds to the (Well we will call it) Church. My aunt even Clipped my Uncle who was a Contractor and built homes for over 40k and gave that also. Think about how much money that was in the 70's. Anyway. once they were in Guyana we basically never heard from them again.. I use to ask my mother where was Wayne and Cheryle at now.. Her answer to me which actually today sometimes gives me a giggle was... with disgust in her voice she said.. I don't know baby some Damn where in Africa or somewhere following that Crazy ass white man around in the Jungle or something like that. She would often say that it was all my aunts fault for getting them kids in that shit. So basically we never really heard nothing until that day it came on the News about the senator being shot and the bodies being found on the compound. I remember very well how the body count keep risen. My young self with all the hope in my heart just kept saying... Run Wayne Just Run
. We were fast kids and he was faster than myself so That was the only hope I had at the time.. Just wanted him to live.. never realized he had no place to go because where was a 12 year old kid suppose to go in the middle of nowhere. Anyway as I said the body count kept rising. it went from about 300 to 500 to 700 and finally over 900 people dead. The Bodies were all laid out together and if anyone has ever seen the pictures. they were basically all hugged up. and on top of each other.. a lot of the kids were underneath the bodies of the adults. thats why the count kept going on... well at the end of it all. My uncle had to go identify the bodies after they returned to the US. of his Wife Daughter and Grandson. he was able to identify my aunt his Wife and his Daughter but because of the bad decomposition of the smaller children bodies. He was not able to identify my cousin Wayne. My cousin is Buried in a mass grave (Memorial) of 412 unidentified and unclaimed Bodies in Evergreen cemetery In Oakland. And to make a sad story even sadder November 18, 1978 the day of the Mass suicide slash Massacre was My Cousins 12th Birthday. yes he died on his birthday.
I really very seldom tell this story but as I get older I think it is ok to share it now and maybe some of our people if not all people maybe can really see what Religion is.. its people control..
No Niggas don't hit me with the Colin Because I think this story needed to be shared and this is actually a short version of the things that Happened. Thanks to anyone that got this Far fam!!

hey man break this shit into segments or paragraphs so its easy on the eyes

but damn what a story

i dont know what it is about our sistas but they are so easily led into cults and other dumb shit


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
i agree with 99% of the shit posted in this thread. In the end, mofos gonna drink the kool aid and believe. I'm ok with it as long as they are not trying to hurt me. It's a shame such intellingent other beings can so blindly believe utter non sense. Oh well.. FUCK EM!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


and IS THE SOLE REASON churches LOST ITS SOUL... does that muthafucka

even read the bible...

churches just became a meeting place for women without men and faggots, who have money and

jobs and want to feel like they are NOT tools of destroying the family STRUCTURE as we know it...

following fuckin masons whose job is to PREACH you out of YOUR MONEY so he could get fuel

for his jets.... so you telling me that fuckin brain dead preacher don't read the BIBLE????

IF HE FUCKIN DID.. well read for yourself..

  • Proverbs 19:17
    "Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done"

  • Proverbs 22:9
    "The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor"

  • Proverbs 14:31
    "Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God"

    Da fuck I want to be part of an institution that

  • I broke that money spell OFFICIALLY this year and the powers that come with it are fuckin AMAZING!!

  • no stress

  • better health

  • money when you NEED it

  • I kicked that money spell right in the fuckin face...

  • the same money spell that got pdiddy and lil durk paying their DUES
    NOW... cant wait till it goes after the true money sluts bill gates on up,

  • oh they feeling it, trying to give up sacrificial lambs but their time is up and they

  • running scared... JUST LIKE THESE MONEY PIMPS WE CALL PREACHERS.. just preaching a life
of MISERY AND FAGGOTRY.. just look at their flock and see if they are REALLY HAPPY!!! Not all Churchs tho,

few pastors are out here truly Teaching... but them Mega pasters are all masons and lowkey are loyal,

to entities OUTSIDE that GOOD BOOK!!!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I go a couple times a month...I enjoy for the most part communing with mostly positive people. I would never in a thousand years go to a mega church though...those churches always give the vibes of just wanting money, don't seem to really do much more in the community other than a turkey drive here and there and the pastors just typically give off a "superior to you" vibe that I can't deal with. My church is rather small...about 70 or so members but my Pastor is always and I mean always available by phone to all members, shows up personally to not just funerals and weddings, but hospital stays, proms, graduations etc, I've seen him pay for members to get real lawyers when needed and not relying on public defenders among other things. I can rock with that.

Pastors like Jamal Bryant, Keion Henderson, Joel Esteen, etc...I can't get with those guys.