Why do Blacks kill their babies more than anybody else?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I scanned through his posting history. Everything is a white supremacist, right wing talking point that focuses on anti-blackness. Dude doesn't say anything positive about black folks. Mods, get him the fuck out of here.
I'm actually focusing on pro-Blackness. You're the one promoting illegal immigration, abortion and faggotry. That's white folks liberal shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm actually focusing on pro-Blackness. You're the one promoting illegal immigration, abortion and faggotry. That's white folks liberal shit.

What’s your solution? Banning abortion is going to fix the issue you raise?

If you were really focusing on pro-blackness, you would have explored or at least thought about the solution.

The problem with folks like this. Not only are their disingenuous, but ask them to join the solution or specifying exact policy that makes sense to address the issue exposes them.
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Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Mods you’re going to keep allowing this shit from these whites on a Black board?

He needs to be banned. As much as we disagree, we don't do racist rhetoric against fellow black people.

@LordSinister @TEN @Lexx Diamond

Is this a violation or nah?

In 2020 I made a thread about on going genocide against us so called Black people. That thread got four replies with two of them being mine. I suggest you all use your internet access to check the stats on abortion rates by race in the United States. Ever since I heard Hilary Clinton, praise Margarete Sanger, I have exponentially despised that cunt. Albeit, I keep it to myself for the most part. As the sentiment doesn't seem to be shared by many folks around here. "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.


Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
In 2020 I made a thread about on going genocide against us so called Black people. That thread got four replies with two of them being mine. I suggest you all use you internet access to check the stats on abortion rates by race in the United States. Ever since I heard Hilary Clinton, praise Margarete Sanger, I have exponentially despised that cunt. Albeit, I keep it to myself for the most part. As the sentiment doesn't seem to be shared by many folks around here. "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.

Genocide? How are women who make their own decisions to have an abortion a genocide? WTF you act like pregnant Black women are being rounded up and kids aborted .

The word Genocide gets overused and way out of context too damn much.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Genocide? How are women who make their own decisions to have an abortion a genocide? WTF you act like pregnant Black women are being rounded up and kids aborted .

Willful ignorance will keep you in the dark. I posted a video with all those answers and much more. I'm not about to narate it for you or teach you statistics. You have the information at hand. Use it.


Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Meanwhile Sanger, for all her flaws, was no racist. Yes, she wanted to curb the reproduction of the mentally “unfit,” a noxious idea. But contrary to what Maafa 21 claims, she didn’t target African Americans—she believed that intelligence and ability varied among individuals rather than among ethnic groups. One of her ardent supporters was W.E.B. DuBois, who echoed her eugenic ideas. As Chesler wrote, DuBois “condemned what he called ‘the fallacy of numbers’ and deemed the ‘quality’ of the black race more important to its survival.” When Sanger opened a clinic in Harlem in 1930, it “was endorsed by the powerful local black newspaper, the Amsterdam News, and by established political and religious leaders in Harlem,” wrote Chesler. Sanger was even invited to address Harlem’s largest Baptist church.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What’s your solution? Banning abortion is going to fix the issue you raise?

If you were really focusing on pro-blackness, you would have explored or at least thought about the solution.

The problem with folks like this. Not only are their disingenuous, but ask them to join the solution or specifying exact policy that makes sense to address the issue exposes them.
The solution is an examination of Black culture to see why we are killing our babies at a rate higher than every other ethnic group. What type of relationships are we having where we don't want our kids? Guess who rarely kills their babies? Married couples. Guess who has the most kids out of wedlock? We do. Why do all of our female rappers look like strippers? Why is the democrat nominee playing to the stereotypes having stripper rapper hoes at events for Black people. I didn't see any ass shaking at her other rallies. Those are the issues that need to be addressed yet the democrats just want to keep pushing more abortion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Meanwhile Sanger, for all her flaws, was no racist. Yes, she wanted to curb the reproduction of the mentally “unfit,” a noxious idea. But contrary to what Maafa 21 claims, she didn’t target African Americans—she believed that intelligence and ability varied among individuals rather than among ethnic groups. One of her ardent supporters was W.E.B. DuBois, who echoed her eugenic ideas. As Chesler wrote, DuBois “condemned what he called ‘the fallacy of numbers’ and deemed the ‘quality’ of the black race more important to its survival.” When Sanger opened a clinic in Harlem in 1930, it “was endorsed by the powerful local black newspaper, the Amsterdam News, and by established political and religious leaders in Harlem,” wrote Chesler. Sanger was even invited to address Harlem’s largest Baptist church.
This fool is definitely from china. Now she wasn't even a racist. Toof is a foreign agent.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Communists love censorship.

Point out the racist rhetoric.

What is the disinformation? Point it out.

I'm actually focusing on pro-Blackness. You're the one promoting illegal immigration, abortion and faggotry. That's white folks liberal shit.

So an actual statement of fact is a violation?

The solution is an examination of Black culture to see why we are killing our babies at a rate higher than every other ethnic group. What type of relationships are we having where we don't want our kids? Guess who rarely kills their babies? Married couples. Guess who has the most kids out of wedlock? We do. Why do all of our female rappers look like strippers? Why is the democrat nominee playing to the stereotypes having stripper rapper hoes at events for Black people. I didn't see any ass shaking at her other rallies. Those are the issues that need to be addressed yet the democrats just want to keep pushing more abortion.
My only question is, why is anyone here feeding this MAGA troll....?
The dude is clearly here to disrupt this board.

So why fall for it?

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
In 2020 I made a thread about on going genocide against us so called Black people. That thread got four replies with two of them being mine. I suggest you all use your internet access to check the stats on abortion rates by race in the United States. Ever since I heard Hilary Clinton, praise Margarete Sanger, I have exponentially despised that cunt. Albeit, I keep it to myself for the most part. As the sentiment doesn't seem to be shared by many folks around here. "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.

Come on, Lexx. This motherfucker is pushing the lie that Black women are killing their own babies absent any conscience or remorse that a non-Black woman would have. It's another variation of the "Blacks are subhuman" bullshit that is literally the foundation of White racism.

I personally showed that piece of shit that the Black maternal death rate was over 2-3x that of Whites. He absolutely doesn't give a shit about Black women. You can go back and look yourself. Black women summarily face unconscious and patently implicit bias in the Healthcare System that absolutely no one else has to endure. They are routinely under-diagnosed, under-treated and released with minimal after-care. Then they are charged exorbitant costs for egregiously sub-par care, compounding their situation with economical challenges. If you are looking for the machinations of genocide, brother there they are.
The notion that Black women are "killing their babies" because it makes their lives easier or because some White bitch from the 1800s told them to is a purposely vile attack on us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You actually believe that bullshit stat? FOH , Most Black folks don’t even fuck with Census data. We atleast 30%
I’m talking about the growth rate not changing. The same people that didn’t do the census back then is the same not doing it now.so it still hasn’t grown

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Come on, Lexx. This motherfucker is pushing the lie that Black women are killing their own babies absent any conscience or remorse that a non-Black woman would have. It's another variation of the "Blacks are subhuman" bullshit that is literally the foundation of White racism.

I personally showed that piece of shit that the Black maternal death rate was over 2-3x that of Whites. He absolutely doesn't give a shit about Black women. You can go back and look yourself. Black women summarily face unconscious and patently implicit bias in the Healthcare System that absolutely no one else has to endure. They are routinely under-diagnosed, under-treated and released with minimal after-care. Then they are charged exorbitant costs for egregiously sub-par care, compounding their situation with economical challenges. If you are looking for the machinations of genocide, brother there they are.
The notion that Black women are "killing their babies" because it makes their lives easier or because some White bitch from the 1800s told them to is a purposely vile attack on us.

It's not about a particular person or their contentions. It's about the reality Black families and potential Black families have been targets of strategic oppression which has forced and forces far too many of us to abortion. Meanwhile whites were and are encouraged to have large families with tax breaks if they had ten or more children. From the same government that sent agents out to encourage Black women to push the father out of the home for a monthly stipend. Add medical apartheid, chemical warfare in the form of legal and illegal drugs and a corrupt one sided corrupt justice system against Black people and the results are what we have lived to see to this day.

It's hell on earth on out here for Black single parents. I've been diligently observing these factors since the late 80's. Only to see them go from bad to worst for Black people. So while "killing Black babies", isn't the euphemism Black folks want to hear for Black women having abortions. Fact remains a potential life is nixed in the process of having an abortion that was not health related. Harsh truths are even harder to accept when folks are not in accord with the folks who are saying it. Some people don't care what you know until they know that you care. Our numbers are remaining stagnant while Hispanics and Asians increase.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
In 2020 I made a thread about on going genocide against us so called Black people. That thread got four replies with two of them being mine. I suggest you all use your internet access to check the stats on abortion rates by race in the United States. Ever since I heard Hilary Clinton, praise Margarete Sanger, I have exponentially despised that cunt. Albeit, I keep it to myself for the most part. As the sentiment doesn't seem to be shared by many folks around here. "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.

I brought up margaret sanger and eugenics years ago on how abortion eas s tool to mill lff black people and i was accused of supporting right Wing ideologies. She even gave speech about it to the KKK. Hillary had a Freudian slip about slavery and 4hat thing about labeling young black men "super predators" we have to be very careful about who we support. Its like dead prez said years ago voting for a president is like choosing between a wolf and a jackal. Its true we have no real candidates but we must settle for the lesser of two evils.
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