Why do Blacks kill their babies more than anybody else?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Come on, Lexx. This motherfucker is pushing the lie that Black women are killing their own babies absent any conscience or remorse that a non-Black woman would have. It's another variation of the "Blacks are subhuman" bullshit that is literally the foundation of White racism.

I personally showed that piece of shit that the Black maternal death rate was over 2-3x that of Whites. He absolutely doesn't give a shit about Black women. You can go back and look yourself. Black women summarily face unconscious and patently implicit bias in the Healthcare System that absolutely no one else has to endure. They are routinely under-diagnosed, under-treated and released with minimal after-care. Then they are charged exorbitant costs for egregiously sub-par care, compounding their situation with economical challenges. If you are looking for the machinations of genocide, brother there they are.
The notion that Black women are "killing their babies" because it makes their lives easier or because some White bitch from the 1800s told them to is a purposely vile attack on us.
Again, you posted some statistic that has zero to do with why Black people have the most abortions. The question you should be trying to figure out is why? But you're such a simpleton you try to come up with a lame excuse that has zero to do with abortion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What’s your solution? Banning abortion is going to fix the issue you raise?

If you were really focusing on pro-blackness, you would have explored or at least thought about the solution.

The problem with folks like this. Not only are their disingenuous, but ask them to join the solution or specifying exact policy that makes sense to address the issue exposes them.
The solution is stop having frivolous sex and have your kids with your wife. Stop promoting slutty behavior in entertainment. Men stop trying to fuck everything with a hole in it. Women stop laying up with men who want nothing from you other than a nut. Bring morals and values back. Stop adopting these white liberal ideologies that harm our community. It's a cultural issue, not policy related. Married couples rarely kill their babies.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo watch what y’all saying in this thread. I got banned for up to 2 weeks in a Kamala thread. I’m still not sure what these new rules is or why. Or where to find them


Rising Star
Much respect my brother I've heard so many conflicting things on that women.

So I'm not prepared to comment

But saying Black's kill their babies more than anyone else? on a black message board?

We have 1000s of posts on not only police killing us freely but hospitals contributing to the death of black women and their children systematically with inferior prenatal, delivery and postnatal care

That ain't up to debate that is fact.

So without knowing more on this specific case?

I don't think rhetoric like that should be allowed. Just my opinion
That sort of rhetoric SHOULD NOT be allowed.

Try praising Hitler in the midst of Jews.
See how that works out for you.

Only in (African) Amerikkka.

Apparently, nobody running the site gives a fuck.

Truth often sucks.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
That sort of rhetoric SHOULD NOT be allowed.

Try praising Hitler in the midst of Jews.
See how that works out for you.

Only in (African) Amerikkka.

Apparently, nobody running the site gives a fuck.

Truth often sucks.
No other forum allows this type of shit then disguises it as “free speech”. You think some La Raza Mexican site would allow cacs to come on there trashing Mexican women and praising Trump for deporting Mexicans? Then say well this white man said it so there’s some truth to it. Fucking absurd


Rising Star
No other forum allows this type of shit then disguises it as “free speech”. You think some La Raza Mexican site would allow cacs to come on there trashing Mexican women and praising Trump for deporting Mexicans? Then say well this white man said it so there’s some truth to it. Fucking absurd

Unfortunately, our protests fall on deaf ears.

That is generally the way it is in the U.S. these days.

Not so many years ago:

Calling a Black woman a bitch would, at the very least, get you into a physical altercation.

Black men opened doors for Black women, and they did not curse nor argue, let alone fight with their
respective mates publicly. They actually bought them flowers, and tried to woo women with their sophistication (we called it being
"suave and debonner"...a regional colloquialism, but I am sure you get it).

Black men did not casually refer to WOMEN as ni--er. Now it is common.

Even those engaged in illegal entrepreneurship would protect the community: you had to KNOW somebody to buy dope
in a Black neighborhood.

I recall many of my older (grrown) people's hoodlum friends' stories about how they spent money like it was too toxic to keep, and in the very next breath tell me they were doing something that I WAS NOT ALLOWED TO DO in order to get that money. They sold dope. I was to keep my ass in school, according to the DOPE MAN.

Rapists and child molesters, when discovered, were handled within the community. Enough said.

Even the bad people respected the community. They would fight like hell with each other, but band together against common foes. Mexicans, Jews. and now, we see even these punk assed Arabs (ay-rabs) will band together against a much larger, much more powerful foe. Black people band together against EACH OTHER, and JOIN OTHERS IN THEIR destruction of what is left of the Black community.

The Black community is the only one whose most influential members (who tend to be those with cash to spare) sponsor their enemies, under the guise of free speech.

They do this in other countries too. Seems to me there is a serious problem with self esteem, as well as self respect throughout the African diaspora.