Why do Blacks kill their babies more than anybody else?

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Welp, it looks like the mods
are ok with it, smh. :smh:

OK with who or what? The OP quoted a question from another poster as the premise for this thread. Yet instead of addressing the question or what could have brought about the circumstances, changes and events regarding disproportionately high abortion rates among Black folks. It's seems like most of you including the OP are more concerned about personal gripes & disagreements with another poster. Than addressing serious questions of what is a affecting Black communities across the Americas and who are behind it.

Then the OP gonna double down and praise a eugenicist like Margarete Sanger and none of you bat at eye at that. Do any of you really know who Margarete Sanger and her cohorts are? What they are and have been using Planned Parent for? I learned about her from an OG Black American Freedom Fighter in 1990. I suggest you all arm yourselves with information about who Margarete Sanger is and what has really been going on.


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Re: "Why do Black people kill their babies ...." First of all -- the poster did not qualify his asinine statement with "some -- many -- most -- a great percentage etc etc ... making his blanket statement encompassing all Black folx -- males as well as females -- a silly stereotype! Most cerebral people know that stereotypes fall apart under logical scrutiny. Secondly -- no one puts an AR-15 to any Black woman's head and forces her to get an abortion. Abortion is a legal --voluntary medical decision that a woman makes on her own volition. Lastly -- a woman's right to make that decision is no business of politicians -- the Govt & certainly not some troll in an online forum. Don't ban! Educate the clueless man!

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
OK with who or what? The OP quoted a question from another poster as the premise for this thread. Yet instead of addressing the question or what could have brought about the circumstances, changes and events regarding disproportionately high abortion rates among Black folks. It's seems like most of you including the OP are more concerned about personal gripes & disagreements with another poster. Than addressing serious questions of what is a affecting Black communities across the Americas and who are behind it.

Then the OP gonna double down and praise a eugenicist like Margarete Sanger and none of you bat at eye at that. Do any of you really know who Margarete Sanger and her cohorts are? What they are and have been using Planned Parent for? I learned about her from an OG Black American Freedom Fighter in 1990. I suggest you all arm yourselves with information about who Margarete Sanger is and what has really been going on.
Show me where I praised Sanger. Why are you lying? I’m quoting articles and you’re brainwashed by a racist right wing white man telling you Black women are killing babies more than anybody when it’s really due to lack of good medical care. W.E.B Dubois liked Sanger, you have problems with him too?

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I brought up margaret sanger and eugenics years ago on how abortion eas s tool to mill lff black people and i was accused of supporting right Wing ideologies. She even gave speech about it to the KKK. Hillary had a Freudian slip about slavery and 4hat thing about labeling young black men "super predators" we have to be very careful about who we support. Its like dead prez said years ago voting for a president is like choosing between a wolf and a jackal. Its true we have no real candidates but we must settle for the lesser of two evils.

It's baffling & saddening to see Black folks not incensed about Margarette Sanger and those who praise her. Even worst to see some Black folks think her work has been benefitting Black folks.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is scary

Well this has a simple math answer. Africans who immigrate to the US aren't considered African Americans while asians that immigrate to the US are considered Asian Americans. Chineses Chinese Americans. There is no country of Blackness. lol Now I also noticed they left off the group that is dwidling which is White Americans. This leads me to another interesting question. If we are implying that abortion is the reason that these other groups have gained on AA percentage population in America. Why have whites declined. If blacks have the highest abortion rate?

The only logical answer is abortion has little to do with population density.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
It's baffling & saddening to see Black folks not incensed about Margarette Sanger and those who praise her. Even worst to see some Black folks think her work has been benefitting Black folks.
Why are you falling for right wing rhetoric? Everybody pushing that narrative is a conservative . You think been Coonson gives a fuck about us?

Ben Carson alleged in an interview with Fox News Wednesday that Planned Parenthood puts most of its clinics in black neighborhoods to "control the population" and that its founder, Margaret Sanger, "was not particularly enamored with black people."


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Why are you falling for right wing rhetoric? Everybody pushing that narrative is a conservative . You think been Coonson gives a fuck about us?

Ben Carson alleged in an interview with Fox News Wednesday that Planned Parenthood puts most of its clinics in black neighborhoods to "control the population" and that its founder, Margaret Sanger, "was not particularly enamored with black people."

Are you shitting me? Did you just recently hear or read about that bitch Sanger? She wasn't just one of the eugenicists behind planned parenthood and their movement.
She was the face of the organization so to speak. As her cohorts were considered too extreme and may have derailed their plans if known to be the outright architects of their movement. The type of extreme devils behind medical apartheid acts like that which lead to Fannie Lou Hamer's forced hysterectomy and the Tuskegee experiment.

Pardon me for thinking you were genuine about answers to the question you quoted in the original post and not just starting another beef thread with or about who ever asked the question. It's a question I have heard rhetorically asked at Nation of Islam meetings, Nation of God's and Earths parliament and December 12th meetings since 1990. So I actually thought you were serious about the topic. As for me a blind albino midget sitting on a block of ice at the North Pole could ask me that question and I would take that question dead serious.

For those of you who are serious and want to how ridiculous the idea of whites being genetically better than Black people. Just check out this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1863580/ and search the site for whatever you want to know of comparative physiology based on race. I'm done with this thread. I haven't had a drink or smoke in days and that's what I intend to go do right now. Proper Education Always Corrects Errors.


BGOL Investor
For decades Black folks are pushed to get abortions. While other groups are welcomed, along with their illegitimate jits, with open arms. Then showered with resources and assistance not offered to Black Americans. I've been watching that shit happen in real time for more than a lifetime. Now ask me why I'm mad @ devils.
The audience here will not understand nor educate themselves on the subject matter because it'll leave them with more questions some might even figure out that the democrats with 87% of the black vote orchestrated and still continue to push abortions (planned parenthood) ON BLACK WOMEN.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Motherfucker made this post to piss yall off . Ignore it and it will go away ...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
For decades Black folks are pushed to get abortions. While other groups are welcomed, along with their illegitimate jits, with open arms. Then showered with resources and assistance not offered to Black Americans. I've been watching that shit happen in real time for more than a lifetime. Now ask me why I'm mad @ devils.

It's not about a particular person or their contentions. It's about the reality Black families and potential Black families have been targets of strategic oppression which has forced and forces far too many of us to abortion. Meanwhile whites were and are encouraged to have large families with tax breaks if they had ten or more children. From the same government that sent agents out to encourage Black women to push the father out of the home for a monthly stipend. Add medical apartheid, chemical warfare in the form of legal and illegal drugs and a corrupt one sided corrupt justice system against Black people and the results are what we have lived to see to this day.
These are actual thoughtful rebuttals to the subject matter on a whole and less a response to the actual poster in question who may be a troll or provocateur. In historical context i fully appreciate and agree with what Lexx is saying but in a real time snapshot i tend to lean toward viable abortion options as the worst of us are reproducing and providing a self sustaining feeder population to the criminal justice system. That pipeline needs to be cut the fuck off and mechanisms put in place to course correct. And your point about them choking off resources to us while providing these outlets and subsidies to the cac and immigrant population is spot on. Its all part of the social engineering plan to keep us bottom caste. This shit aint gonna fix itself and it aint gonna get corrected with out some hardline fucking tactics... And if one of those tactics is birth control and abortion as viable option for the most uneducated and poor who dont want to become parents then sobeit. I wont confuse or conflate house cleaning with eugenics. The food supply has been poisoned Lexx.. we gone have to toss alot of this shit.


Rising Star
For decades Black folks are pushed to get abortions. While other groups are welcomed, along with their illegitimate jits, with open arms. Then showered with resources and assistance not offered to Black Americans. I've been watching that shit happen in real time for more than a lifetime. Now ask me why I'm mad @ devils.


You have DEMONSTRABLE white supremacists and nazis TAUNTING the members of this forum.

You have SEVERAL PAYING (I am a mere lurker) members, PLEADING to eliminate this CLEARLY
anti-African activity.

In response, other than crickets, all you get is this load of 1975 HORSE SHIT from a so-called "staff member"?

You folks remind me of the Black business owners in Detroit who sold EVERY FUCKING THING to Arabs back in the 70s.

Arabs now OWN the food supply of African Americans is the largest majority Black city in the nation.
And yet Black folk STILL support these tRump supporting Arabs (they no longer have a choice), typically referring to them
as "Momma" or "Pops" as they pay for their high blood pressure fuel at the local convenience store.

If you continue to support this forum with your dollars, only to have nazis welcomed by the moderators, who offer this 15-year-old-with-a- closed-head-injury bullshit "philosophical" stance as a response, you are a goddamned fool.

Either demand better for your cash or take the ass fucking like a good whore.


If there is one thing in this world I hate, it's a fucking nazi.

If there is another thing, it is a fucking slave mentality.

Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The sugar and other posions in the food, air, water, soil, etc. Either the baby is conformed to this world or this white man's world is programmed to kill it. Samson was killed by deception and trusting a lady that was already working for white supremacy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well this has a simple math answer. Africans who immigrate to the US aren't considered African Americans while asians that immigrate to the US are considered Asian Americans. Chineses Chinese Americans. There is no country of Blackness. lol Now I also noticed they left off the group that is dwidling which is White Americans. This leads me to another interesting question. If we are implying that abortion is the reason that these other groups have gained on AA percentage population in America. Why have whites declined. If blacks have the highest abortion rate?

The only logical answer is abortion has little to do with population density.
Even if we 30%. The point is we was 30% back then and we still 30% now. No growth population wise

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Are you shitting me? Did you just recently hear or read about that bitch Sanger? She wasn't just one of the eugenicists behind planned parenthood and their movement.
She was the face of the organization so to speak. As her cohorts were considered too extreme and may have derailed their plans if known to be the outright architects of their movement. The type of extreme devils behind medical apartheid acts like that which lead to Fannie Lou Hamer's forced hysterectomy and the Tuskegee experiment.

Pardon me for thinking you were genuine about answers to the question you quoted in the original post and not just starting another beef thread with or about who ever asked the question. It's a question I have heard rhetorically asked at Nation of Islam meetings, Nation of God's and Earths parliament and December 12th meetings since 1990. So I actually thought you were serious about the topic. As for me a blind albino midget sitting on a block of ice at the North Pole could ask me that question and I would take that question dead serious.

For those of you who are serious and want to how ridiculous the idea of whites being genetically better than Black people. Just check out this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1863580/ and search the site for whatever you want to know of comparative physiology based on race. I'm done with this thread. I haven't had a drink or smoke in days and that's what I intend to go do right now. Proper Education Always Corrects Errors.
Why are you ignoring the fact that it’s all right wingers that share your exact same views ? Why aren’t you addressing that ? They are playing you in an attempt to get Black votes with false intentions pretending they care about Black Abortion rates.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor

You have DEMONSTRABLE white supremacists and nazis TAUNTING the members of this forum.

You have SEVERAL PAYING (I am a mere lurker) members, PLEADING to eliminate this CLEARLY
anti-African activity.

In response, other than crickets, all you get is this load of 1975 HORSE SHIT from a so-called "staff member"?

You folks remind me of the Black business owners in Detroit who sold EVERY FUCKING THING to Arabs back in the 70s.

Arabs now OWN the food supply of African Americans is the largest majority Black city in the nation.
And yet Black folk STILL support these tRump supporting Arabs (they no longer have a choice), typically referring to them
as "Momma" or "Pops" as they pay for their high blood pressure fuel at the local convenience store.

If you continue to support this forum with your dollars, only to have nazis welcomed by the moderators, who offer this 15-year-old-with-a- closed-head-injury bullshit "philosophical" stance as a response, you are a goddamned fool.

Either demand better for your cash or take the ass fucking like a good whore.


If there is one thing in this world I hate, it's a fucking nazi.

If there is another thing, it is a fucking slave mentality.

There will be no response other than more right wing propagandist support


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Only a real dumbass would ask this question. If you don't understand what black people have been through in America and what it has done to us, don't ask dumbass.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It's baffling & saddening to see Black folks not incensed about Margarette Sanger and those who praise her. Even worst to see some Black folks think her work has been benefitting Black folks.

Much respect my brother I've heard so many conflicting things on that women.

So I'm not prepared to comment

But saying Black's kill their babies more than anyone else? on a black message board?

We have 1000s of posts on not only police killing us freely but hospitals contributing to the death of black women and their children systematically with inferior prenatal, delivery and postnatal care

That ain't up to debate that is fact.

So without knowing more on this specific case?

I don't think rhetoric like that should be allowed. Just my opinion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even if we 30%. The point is we was 30% back then and we still 30% now. No growth population wise

You do know percents and amounts are different? Maintaining the same percent does not mean you have the same amount. Between 2000 and 2022 the black population in America increased by 11.2 Million people. That is population growth of 11.2 million black Americans.

My point was if you take a metric where everyone else has two inputs 1) Births 2) immigration and Black Americans only have on 1) births it may seem by like we are losing the population battle but we are not.

Now on abortion. For me this is a female issue like me talking about periods or breast feeding. I should have zero influence over what women do with their bodies. But to say that we are losing some hypothetical population density war because of abortion is ridiculous. Like I said Immigration has more of an influence on those numbers than abortion does.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You do know percents and amounts are different? Maintaining the same percent does not mean you have the same amount. Between 2000 and 2022 the black population in America increased by 11.2 Million people. That is population growth of 11.2 million black Americans.

My point was if you take a metric where everyone else has two inputs 1) Births 2) immigration and Black Americans only have on 1) births it may seem by like we are losing the population battle but we are not.

Now on abortion. For me this is a female issue like me talking about periods or breast feeding. I should have zero influence over what women do with their bodies. But to say that we are losing some hypothetical population density war because of abortion is ridiculous. Like I said Immigration has more of an influence on those numbers than abortion does.
That’s my point. They beating us by birth and immigration because immigrants also don’t share interest with us. However you look at blacks are getting diluted.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Then the OP gonna double down and praise a eugenicist like Margarete Sanger and none of you bat at eye at that. Do any of you really know who Margarete Sanger and her cohorts are? What they are and have been using Planned Parent for? I learned about her from an OG Black American Freedom Fighter in 1990. I suggest you all arm yourselves with information about who Margarete Sanger is and what has really been going on.
Do you ever think that maybe the real issue is why is Planned Parenthood seen as the only "safe" medical option for a lot of poor neighborhoods? Why does it seem that the people who hate Planned Parenthood and are quick to educate folks about the evils of it, never seem to make any effort to help find legit alternatives to ALL the other services Planned Parenthood provide?

I'm not here to argue for or against Planned Parenthood. However, people need healthcare and not another OG dropping knowledge while not providing alternatives.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
As one of the biggest Democrat party supporters here on BGOL, while we do support the women's right to choose+ parked that on-site abortion van right next to Jordan's statue at the rally yesterday, I have to give it up to @Lexx Diamond . That was a fair and honest argument he's making here.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Do you ever think that maybe the real issue is why is Planned Parenthood seen as the only "safe" medical option for a lot of poor neighborhoods? Why does it seem that the people who hate Planned Parenthood and are quick to educate folks about the evils of it, never seem to make any effort to help find legit alternatives to ALL the other services Planned Parenthood provide?

I'm not here to argue for or against Planned Parenthood. However, people need healthcare and not another OG dropping knowledge while not providing alternatives.

Fair point

And shouting RAW when we KNOW it's not just jokes

Plus taking every opportunity to sh*t on single black mothers.

we gotta be real careful

That organization has done a WHOLE lot of good too. And many members on here on might not even be wholly aware of how many sisters daughters wives and mothers have utilized their services in a time of serious need.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You do know percents and amounts are different? Maintaining the same percent does not mean you have the same amount. Between 2000 and 2022 the black population in America increased by 11.2 Million people. That is population growth of 11.2 million black Americans.

My point was if you take a metric where everyone else has two inputs 1) Births 2) immigration and Black Americans only have on 1) births it may seem by like we are losing the population battle but we are not.

Now on abortion. For me this is a female issue like me talking about periods or breast feeding. I should have zero influence over what women do with their bodies. But to say that we are losing some hypothetical population density war because of abortion is ridiculous. Like I said Immigration has more of an influence on those numbers than abortion does.
So it’s safe to say open borders and abortions are not in our favor by those metrics


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s my point. They beating us by birth and immigration because immigrants also don’t share interest with us. However you look at blacks are getting diluted.

1. If we are maintaining our percentage we aren't getting diluted even with abortion and immigration.

So these aren't black issues. If you have issues with abortion and immigration they have zero to do with your race.