Why is John Legend and his wife loosing their baby not private???


Rising Star
Young people are putting to much shit on social media. That's a person issue that should stay private a least for a year or so before you may tell other people outside of your family.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Young people are putting to much shit on social media. That's a person issue that should stay private a least for a year or so before you may tell other people outside of your family.

People grieve in different ways and it should be respected; not judged.

As someone who had a close friend lose her child its alot for them to handle especially initially. If talking over social media helps her, more power to her.

Even if they would have attempted to keep the matter private, as celebrities people would still report on the matter instead of respecting that everything doesn't need to be exploited for profit or recognition.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
That's a person issue that should stay private a least for a year or so before you may tell other people outside of your family.

I understand, but the two of them combined have tens of millions of followers on Instagram and Twitter.
They are celebrities for a reason.


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
Nah she an attention whore. Before JL got with her, she was?? who?? now she tryna be a bigger celebrity than he is.. Some shit should never be a social media post.. she just trying stay relevant. Had she had the baby, then the three of them would have been up on Instagram, acting like shit is new, amazing, out of the world. FOH and I don't feel sorry for her loss and the posting of such loss!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nah she an attention whore. Before JL got with her, she was?? who?? now she tryna be a bigger celebrity than he is.. Some shit should never be a social media post.. she just trying stay relevant. Had she had the baby, then the three of them would have been up on Instagram, acting like shit is new, amazing, out of the world. FOH and I don't feel sorry for her loss and the posting of such loss!
I hope you never lose a kid.


Rising Star
She shares a lot of her life during the good times and I’m sure she felt like she needed to share the not so good times as well. I’m sure her sharing the experience will help other not so wealthy women and couples get through these personaly devastating life events.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because your telling us. Nobody Checkin for him and his wife. I ain’t even watch his Verzuz


International Member
Young people are putting to much shit on social media. That's a person issue that should stay private a least for a year or so before you may tell other people outside of your family.

How does your comment make any sense? The woman is pregnant. Pregnancy is for 9 months.

You're suggesting that she shouldn't say anything for a YEAR. Don't you think that people would naturally ask about the baby?

Think before speaking.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From a personal standpoint, it’s tough. It takes a while to get past it. Hearing that others have gone thru it gives peace of mind knowing your not the only one, and there’s nothing wrong with you. It happens. . It’s not my style but the sharing is helpful to others.
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Talking shit and looking at pussy with the fellas
BGOL Investor
People grieve in different ways and it should be respected; not judged.

As someone who had a close friend lose her child its alot for them to handle especially initially. If talking over social media helps her, more power to her.

Even if they would have attempted to keep the matter private, as celebrities people would still report on the matter instead of respecting that everything doesn't need to be exploited for profit or recognition.
As much as I disagree with her disclosing all this, you're spot on. People process shit differently. A lot of women going through similar situations may have found comfort/support in her sharing all that.


Veni Vidi Vici
BGOL Investor
Mannnnnnn.... I went thru that situation back in 2000, the LAST THING we did or wanted todo was talk about it. My wife went into a DEEP depression for like a year. We still don't talk about it, we allude but NEVER talk about it and this Heffa is putting it on social media. Attention whorin is worst than Heroin and Crack put together.
My heart goes out to them doe....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I like John Legend because of his black agenda stances, but I almost despise his wife because she is the biggest phony attention whoring bitch on social media outside of the Kardashians and Coonye.
Wait to you see the shamelessly staged photo of her sitting up in a hospital bed, head in hands, and looking oh so distraught over her miscarriage. Damn even the death of her unborn child is seen as a beneficial photo opportunity. :smh:.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's lived very publicly. She didn't clam up after a devastating loss. Apparently, women love her for the transparency and it also helps them deal with their own losses.

I'd never do it. However, you'd be surprised at how much this helps people.
Yeah, sharing information is not a sin or crime. Being that they are celebrities, it was going to come out anyway. Might as well let it be you that releases the information on your terms.


Rising Star
She shares a lot of her life during the good times and I’m sure she felt like she needed to share the not so good times as well. I’m sure her sharing the experience will help other not so wealthy women and couples get through these personaly devastating life events.

That's what your family is for, not social media.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I’m sorry for their loss.

To the OP’s point, yes it is crazy. For that hospital shot she gave someone her phone, posed and went through the pictures to find the best shot to post. That is crazy.


Rising Star
Young people are putting to much shit on social media. That's a person issue that should stay private a least for a year or so before you may tell other people outside of your family.

It's losing. L-o-s-i-n-g. The opposite of winning or finding.


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
I understand, but the two of them combined have tens of millions of followers on Instagram and Twitter.
They are celebrities for a reason.

this makes me think about it differently.

didn't know she was pregnant because she ain't on my radar. but i'm guessing she shared the pregnancy with her followers, so it would seem weird if a due date came and went without any announcement. so she has to share her grief.

condolences to the family on their loss.