Why is John Legend and his wife loosing their baby not private???


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I saw John Legend talking about "Jack" on twitter and I thought he was giving a shout to the founder of Twitter..Clicked it and started reading and saw the pic. Sharing that moment is already a lot... but sharing the literal picture (and who takes a picture of that moment) was kind of weird... but she shares everything.

that's a tough loss... they'll never be the same :smh: i wonder how much is changes her posting style...she might not have the fire to post all the heat she used to post
These celebs are sick bro. Literally addicted to the attention. It drives endorphins (and income) for them. Half their households income is predicated on social media presence. Her sponsors base compensation on traffic she drives and likes. This stunt is one hell of a spike in her algorithm. Dont think for a moment that this wasnt in some part calculated and financially motivated. Book and media rounds TBA..

Edit for clarity: To be clear; this is a tragedy, they are in mourning, and I empathize. But they are absolutely aware of the opportunity this presents.
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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
IWho decides to take a picture or have their picture taken at the worst moment of their lives?

Yeah. That seems weird. Who would ask for a picture at that moment and if no one requested it, who would just voluntarily take a picture in that moment? I couldn't even imagine thinking about taking a picture at that moment.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
These celebs are sick bro. Literally addicted to the attention. It drives endorphins (and income) for them. Half their households income is predicated on social media presence. Her sponsors base compensation on traffic she drives and likes. This stunt is one hell of a spike in her algorithm. Dont think for a moment that this wasnt in some part calculated and financially motivated. Book and media rounds TBA..



Rising Star
Come on y'all!!! Y'all ain't figured this Hollywood sickness out yet?? These fuckers are nothing but our gatekeepers and to keep us believing and chasing da dream..

Y'all better snap outta this celebrity worshipping trance!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
do some of u ever think maybe her sharing the experience like the rest of her life will help countless women not feel so alone , that maybe if someone with all the wealth n access an celebrity and seemingly "social media" perfect life can also be touched like ordinary everyday people maybe they won't feel so sorrowful ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Niggas on this board are fucking ignorant man.

The LOVE being uninformed about sensitive issues.

If it was up to some niggas, we would have never known that certain people passed away.

They too damn frightened.

That is why "COVID is a hoax". They do not wanna believe that this disease can kill their BBQ eating ass.

do some of u ever think maybe her sharing the experience like the rest of her life will help countless women not feel so alone , that maybe if someone with all the wealth n access an celebrity and seemingly "social media" perfect life can also be touched like ordinary everyday people maybe they won't feel so sorrowful ?


Rising Star
It's amazing in 2020, the majority of the population. Have no clue how the celebrity game is played out!! These so called stars don't give a fuck about the so called fans!! Never have and never will!! These celebrities influencer main job is to get fans to buy certain products, buy into certain social scams, buy into if you work hard you will move up(haha), sitting in front of the television, keep the masses from snapping out sleep-state they have most in!! But you can't tell people nothing, because they truly believe these celebrities really like them!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
YOOOOOOO.....I literally just saw that black and white photo of her sitting on her bed and was like, why would they put that photo out there like that?!!!

She is the biggest goofiest attention whore weirdo ever!! I can't stand people like that.
So only sharing the good in your life is acceptable?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have mixed feelings. I think it's an overshare, but we live in a time when everything is posted now, and some people need support like that. She does have a following that likes to be involved. I'm not going to judge her for grieving how she needs to in order to get past this.

That said, it bothers me that that picture even exists. Who decides to take a picture or have their picture taken at the worst moment of their lives? I may just be ole, but that seems calculated to me.
But we take pictures of the best moments and celebrate them. People got to stop thinking it is a weakness to show failure.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So only sharing the good in your life is acceptable?

That was basically a staged photo. She was probably upset and someone took a picture, with her permission, of her after she lost her baby.

That is pathetic. Who takes a photo of themselves in that moment and even worse, POSTS THAT SHIT!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not a fan of it, but like others have said, famous people live very public lives and if this helps them grieve, then who am I to judge. Nobody is getting hurt or embarrassed here so who cares about the sharing.

I do feel awful, I've had a few family members go through this and it's incredibly rough. I hope they both get counseling and are able to continue what looks to be a strong relationship and find comfort in whatever way they can.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I came home and saw Whitlock agreed with me. Obviously, I was wrong.

BULLSHIT! Stan Van Gundy must be friends w/ them.

You can share that shit a week later and it would still have the same impact.

Just to have that picture taken shows how shallow and dumb that bitch is.


Rising Star
They talk about them like their the power couple....I thought John was a singer,where's the music? while she was setting traps and shit?

I don't see the hype....john did the bulk of Lauren Hills first album he should go do another one


Rising Star
OG Investor
I like them and I'm really heartbroken to hear they lost their child but this should of been kept more on the private side. Just my opinion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was basically a staged photo. She was probably upset and someone took a picture, with her permission, of her after she lost her baby.

That is pathetic. Who takes a photo of themselves in that moment and even worse, POSTS THAT SHIT!
But why is it wrong and triggers such a strong emotion in you?

How is sharing experiences a bad thing?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But why is it wrong and triggers such a strong emotion in you?

How is sharing experiences a bad thing?
I know you are trolling me, but I'll answer.

It's not the sharing of the experience. It's using the situation to for social media gain. Plus, the photo is so contrived and borderline sociopathic.
Just hit me wrong for someone to take and share a picture in that moment. Then make it black and white to try to stylize the picture for the moment.

I know people that have lost infants and they were so devastated. The last thing they were thinking about doing is sharing anything on social media about what JUST happened.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I bet she wasn’t even pregnant and if she was, the child was offered up as a sacrifice. First born child, sacrificed to Moloch to give them more fame and fortune.

Come on y'all!!! Y'all ain't figured this Hollywood sickness out yet?? These fuckers are nothing but our gatekeepers and to keep us believing and chasing da dream..

Y'all better snap outta this celebrity worshipping trance!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know you are trolling me, but I'll answer.

It's not the sharing of the experience. It's using the situation to for social media gain. Plus, the photo is so contrived and borderline sociopathic.
Just hit me wrong for someone to take and share a picture in that moment. Then make it black and white to try to stylize the picture for the moment.

I know people that have lost infants and they were so devastated. The last thing they were thinking about doing is sharing anything on social media about what JUST happened.
No one is trolling. You are making it more than what it is and actively projecting your feelings and emotions on to John Legend and his wife.

They shared their experiences with their fans who have supported them day one. What’s is borderline sociopathic is to assume your way of doing things is the only way.

All they did was share a post about their experiences with the fans that where down with them from day one. At then end of the day, it is not wrong to share your life experiences. Stop assuming your way is the only way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No one is trolling. You are making it more than what it is and actively projecting your feelings and emotions on to John Legend and his wife.

They shared their experiences with their fans who have supported them day one. What’s is borderline sociopathic is to assume your way of doing things is the only way.

All they did was share a post about their experiences with the fans that where down with them from day one. At then end of the day, it is not wrong to share your life experiences. Stop assuming your way is the only way.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
do some of u ever think maybe her sharing the experience like the rest of her life will help countless women not feel so alone , that maybe if someone with all the wealth n access an celebrity and seemingly "social media" perfect life can also be touched like ordinary everyday people maybe they won't feel so sorrowful ?
She did it all for the likes, including the pregnancy.
She couldn't have possibly cared for a child that she carried in her stomach every day for months.
She's a celebrity. They don't feel.
I swear, let some of these niggas tell it, they've had three abortions and walked it off within the hour for each one.
Forgot they did it until just now. It wasn't nothin'. Just another day.
No empathy whatsoever around here. Kinda sad, really.

jam hunk

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've lost a child. I feel for them. I like her personality I guess I'm weird. But as a parent that is a tragic loss. My condolences.


International Member
Let people grieve how they feel it is best suited for them... No one would like to be in their shoes right now... That's not how I would do it but I'm not in their position and they aren't in mine.. just my two cents

Condolences to the brothers who related a similar experience in this thread... I feel for you


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I kind of respect it. She shares her life on social media...that's her hustle. Shit aint always peaches and cream. A lot of times people on social media only show the good things in life which to me is fake as fuck. I wouldn't do it but I understand.
My condolences to her and her family.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I've lost a child. I feel for them. I like her personality I guess I'm weird. But as a parent that is a tragic loss. My condolences.
Let people grieve how they feel it is best suited for them... No one would like to be in their shoes right now... That's not how I would do it but I'm not in their position and they aren't in mine.. just my two cents

Condolences to the brothers who related a similar experience in this thread... I feel for you

I think that's all that can really be said. you both did so well.

I don't know if this is them or their "people"

we live in strange times.

But sadly we share something specific that if someone has NOT EXPERIENCE themselves

really should never comment on.

Condolences goes out to that whole family

this whole social media stuff still confuses me

I'm so damn old.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
I was uncomfortable hearing the story

Saw this joint on the news while I was a the gym yesterday and found it awkward

I just figured shit is different and everything needs to be shared today. :dunno:

but it might end up helping other women and families, so maybe that's the reason


Rising Star
I bet she wasn’t even pregnant and if she was, the child was offered up as a sacrifice. First born child, sacrificed to Moloch to give them more fame and fortune.

Your damn right! Bruh! Fame and fortune comes at a price and comes with a sacrifice!! I can't see how a large percentage of people can't see the deception going on right in front of their eyes.. It's amazing how many people believe everything that comes over the media and social media platforms!! But since our people watch so much television, and look down on reading!! This is what we gotta deal with.. A people that have been infiltrated by the television and whole entertainment industry!!