Wild video shows NYC bodega worker allegedly stabbing man to death. Update 7/11 New footage. Girlfriend going to jail


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The comments on IG.
They were roasting him.

"That's not a real Amiri, cuz he getting mad over a bag of chips."
"his girlfriend is to blame."
"EBT and Amiri go well together."​


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everyone thinks people behind the register are pussy.
That's so dangerous.
You don't know WHAT they got behind there WAITING ON YOU!

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
So who here thinks this is self defense...


She going to jail now!



Rising Star
Sometimes taking a simple ass whoopin is way better than defending yourself and have to fight a case.
Take your bruised ego's out of it cause a lot of our people would be alive if they just took that ass whoopin and was able to move on.

I was told that a scared person will kill you but I see now that a sucka whose whole end result is to settle all physical matters with a gun....sometimes it's self defense and sometimes it's just pure murder that didn't even need to go to that level but again we're talking about a sucka who's more than likely been a chump his whole life and he's more worried about what people are going to say tomorrow "He was stupid for killing such and such....it wasn't worth it"

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
So this unidentified chick put a battery in his back and now he's dead :smh:

She needs to be identified immediately.

Even if the Bodega worker was talking reckless to her she still should have just said fuck it and let it be as opposed to getting the deceased involved.

Man, this takes me back to a discussion I had in class after the Will Smith incident. I asked out loud to mostly female students, “do you think your man should defend your honor?” Most of the said yes. Then I said, “what if he goes to jail for doing?” I remember one chick “at least he tried.”

Fam, I was DONE! I was laughing so hard I could barely talk without laughing about it. Other chicks said they wasn’t waiting around for him getting out of jail. Told them young brothers they better listen to what they’re saying.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
So who here thinks this is self defense...

Wow. What a wonderful example of “losing it.”

That’s not self defense. She got her ass beat and went back for the burner after the fight was over. I thought ol girl was going to bust while she was getting beat. Even then, I’m not sure you can just shoot someone while you’re getting your ass beat.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, this takes me back to a discussion I had in class after the Will Smith incident. I asked out loud to mostly female students, “do you think your man should defend your honor?” Most of the said yes. Then I said, “what if he goes to jail for doing?” I remember one chick “at least he tried.”

Fam, I was DONE! I was laughing so hard I could barely talk without laughing about it. Other chicks said they wasn’t waiting around for him getting out of jail. Told them young brothers they better listen to what they’re saying.

It's funny how they want us to play that caveman, barbaric role when it suits them but still want to be on that equal, I don't need a man shit :lol:

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's funny how they want us to play that caveman, barbaric role when it suits them but still want to be on that equal, I don't need a man shit :lol:

Right, I ain’t wit that shit. I use to think that what we were suppose to do until I started considering who would be suffering the consequences. I’m good on all that.

When it comes to my wife and daughter, sure im there. HOWEVER, if it’s something they put themselves into, then that different. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So who here thinks this is self defense...

A good lawyer will have her plead temporary insanity and have charges reduced to Manslaughter 1 or 2. You cannot walk behind the counter and assault someone like that. I'm not saying you have the right to shoot them if they do but remember the Mcdonalds employee who beat the woman that jumped over the counter. Charges dropped. Remember the brother who beat the young woman on the 2 train. Charges dropped. Remember the Asian shop keeper in LA who murdered the girl at the counter who was just talking shit. Never charged (I think? Side note, she should be in jail). Point is, I believe the charges, whatever they are, will end up being changed. Obviously the woman behind the counter did not set out to injure anyone and only escalated the violence after being attacked. Not saying she was right (she wasn't) but there will be an amendment, in my opinion.
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Rising Star
Man, this takes me back to a discussion I had in class after the Will Smith incident. I asked out loud to mostly female students, “do you think your man should defend your honor?” Most of the said yes. Then I said, “what if he goes to jail for doing?” I remember one chick “at least he tried.”

Fam, I was DONE! I was laughing so hard I could barely talk without laughing about it. Other chicks said they wasn’t waiting around for him getting out of jail. Told them young brothers they better listen to what they’re saying.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
A good lawyer will have her plead temporary insanity and have charges reduced to Manslaughter 1 or 2. You cannot walk behind the counter and assault someone like that. I'm not saying you have the right to shoot them if you do but remember the Mcdonalds employee who beat the woman who jumped over the counter. Charges dropped. Remember the brother who beat the young woman on the 2 train. Charges dropped. Remember the Asian shop keeper in LA who murdered the girl at the counter who was just talking shit. Never charged (I think? Side note, she should be in jail). Point is, I believe the charges, whatever they are, will end up being changed. Obviously the woman behind the counter did not set out to injure anyone and only escalated the violence after being attacked. Not saying she was right (she wasn't) but there will be an amendment, in my opinion.
You have to understand what "force" means in the color of the law.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Wow. What a wonderful example of “losing it.”

That’s not self defense. She got her ass beat and went back for the burner after the fight was over. I thought ol girl was going to bust while she was getting beat. Even then, I’m not sure you can just shoot someone while you’re getting your ass beat.

The fact that she stomped her out after shooting her doesn't help either.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Guy in the bodega will get off.

Side note: I used to live on 142nd and Broadway. That area, when I lived there, was completely Dominican (it's been a little gentrified since but it is still VERY Dominican). While living there, on 3 separate occasions, I watched the Dominican community rise up and case brothers who came into the neighborhood. True story, while driving one day a brother literally tried to open my car door and get in to evade a mob of 10-15 Domincans who were chasing him. They caught the brother and BEAT HIS ASS. I stuck around and found out he was talking greasy to a young girl in the neighborhood. On another occasion I saw a brother swipe a cap on Broadway and 139th. The shop keeper started chasing him and before I knew it the entire neighborhood jumped in. They caught the brother and again, BEAT HIS ASS.

Long story short, brothers shouldn't fuck around in that neighborhood.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
After watching the video on the news and seeing the guy who died grab the neck of the worker just before getting stabbed along with the fact that he just got out of jail, tells me its a wrap, dude will get off for the murder.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
What does force me in the color of law?
You can't use a deadly force unless it was being used or intended to be used against you.

Because someone punched you in the face, this isn't the movies, you can't pull out a gun and shoot them.

Force must be met with equal force.

There is no what you think is right when you get to a court room and in front your 12 peers and they hear the sob story about how the guy you shot or stabbed never had a weapon and he was a model citizen going to finish his degree next year and worked 80 hours a week to feed his family and newborn.

They will paint a picture, and all the jury will see is you used deadly force and this person had no weapon. And don't say they used their fists. Then you could of equally done the same.

The person would of had to been beating you to your last breath and then you, saving your life, took a last step measure, and "sadly didn't want to take the life of another individual", you then used deadly force.

That chick being beaten, went behind a counter and pulled out a gun, a jury seeing that vid, she's done.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
What does force me in the color of law?
Also this:

This is Michigan law as an example but generally force is the same state to state


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You can't use a deadly force unless it was being used or intended to be used against you.

Because someone punched you in the face, this isn't the movies, you can't pull out a gun and shoot them.

Force must be met with equal force.

There is no what you think is right when you get to a court room and in front your 12 peers and they hear the sob story about how the guy you shot or stabbed never had a weapon and he was a model citizen going to finish his degree next year and worked 80 hours a week to feed his family and newborn.

They will paint a picture, and all the jury will see is you used deadly force and this person had no weapon. And don't say they used their fists. Then you could of equally done the same.

The person would of had to been beating you to your last breath and then you, saving your life, took a last step measure, and "sadly didn't want to take the life of another individual", you then used deadly force.

That chick being beaten, went behind a counter and pulled out a gun, a jury seeing that vid, she's done.

I agree with all of that which is why I said "A good lawyer will have her plead temporary insanity and have charges reduced to Manslaughter 1 or 2." It's almost like a crime of passion sort of event. I never said she was justified, I said there would be a reduction... she was wrong but she won't likely get charged with "murder".


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Man, this takes me back to a discussion I had in class after the Will Smith incident. I asked out loud to mostly female students, “do you think your man should defend your honor?” Most of the said yes. Then I said, “what if he goes to jail for doing?” I remember one chick “at least he tried.”

Fam, I was DONE! I was laughing so hard I could barely talk without laughing about it. Other chicks said they wasn’t waiting around for him getting out of jail. Told them young brothers they better listen to what they’re saying.

You should have had those female students repeat exactly what they said, then you repeat it and then tell the young brothers to make sure they are really listening to exactly what was said


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Was at the gym and saw Faux News playing this up

of course, because the dude was black


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
So who here thinks this is self defense...

Got beat the fuck up by someone smaller than her

Then went and shot her walking away in the back....and then started talking shit kicking her :smh:

Enjoy the next 30 years of your life in jail, while Big Bertha and them are fuckin your non-fighting ass up in jail


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
New video angle with audio

The woman goes on to say “I’m gonna bring my n– down here and he gonna f–k you up. My n— is gonna come down here right now and f–k you up!”