Will Harvey Weinstein get the Cosby treatment? Decades of Alleged Sexual Assault and Harassment


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



BGOL Legend
  • Bob Weinstein, Harvey's younger brother, said he was also 'verbally and physically' abused by his brother
  • Bob's former wife reiterated her claims that Harvey barged into her room and lay on the bed demanding a massage, saying the new claims make her feel 'sick'

CAA is starting to catch some smoke as a Harvey enabler...
Courtney Love says she got blackballed by CAA because of Harvey - and a few stars are saying CAA setup the meetings where they were preyed upon
there are plenty of enablers. its the only way he can threaten your career. he don't own all the studios and talent agencies


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
if a chic doesn’t find a dude attractive saying ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’ is harassment in their eyes lol

:lol::lol:there was a video posted on here a couple of weeks ago of a woman snappin on some dude and all he did was say good morning to her.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
Exactly. She's a bitch. She didn't give a fuck who Harvey fucked until it became public and embarrassing.
It's like that scene from The People vs OJ Simpson when Johnny Cochran's domestic violence history comes to light. When he asked his wife why she was tripping when she already knew about it and she said "Yeah, I knew. But now my friends know, my family knows, my pastor knows..."

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

From the link:

Jones said that she had tried speaking up to the entertainment press in the past but had been brushed aside by journalists in the thrall of Hollywood and music industry titans. :hmm:

:hmm: Yet another one with fucking Twitter since 2009 but just now saying shit. In the age of social media, you don't need entertainment press or MSM. Drop his fucking name in some tweetstorm. It's going to be hard to tell who was really fucked with and who was assaulted against their will. Much like Cosby, folks will come out the woodwork.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Now I like this shit right here. Rose exposed Lisa Bloom. Supposedly offered her 6 million.


'You know what is truth, Lisa? I feel like people should know that you've been calling my literary agent and saying there'd be money for me if I got on the "Harvey's Changed" bandwagon?' the actor wrote.

'You told her that I should care about HIS reputation. How HE has a family now and how HE has changed. Well, guess what? I've always had a family and that didn't stop him from assaulting me.'



Rising Star
Now I like this shit right here. Rose exposed Lisa Bloom. Supposedly offered her 6 million.


'You know what is truth, Lisa? I feel like people should know that you've been calling my literary agent and saying there'd be money for me if I got on the "Harvey's Changed" bandwagon?' the actor wrote.

'You told her that I should care about HIS reputation. How HE has a family now and how HE has changed. Well, guess what? I've always had a family and that didn't stop him from assaulting me.'

Lisa Bloom and her piece of shit mom can both die painful deaths.


Superstar *****
BGOL Investor

Harvey has more than $100,000,000 and he's a shot-caller in Hollywood. He greenlights movies. He can make any actor an instant "star" yet he unsolicited without consent is groping women and pleading for sexual favors. What a pathetic man. The fact that he is an ugly mofo doesn't matter (Biggie is a primo example). With Harvey's bankroll and access to providing star status to any women he chose, he should of, with consent, had a plethora of woman living in Los Angeles condos waiting for his call to sexually service him any way he wanted. That's how old rich white guys much richer and older & uglier than Harvet roll


"Sith Lord" Rupert Murdoch


85 year old Sith Lord Rupert Murdoch purchased himself another cumbucket "bride" Jerry Hall
It's amazing what some women will do for $1,000,000 a month for shopping & a private jet

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Two high profile people in the entertainment industry are accused of sexually assaulting women and paying them off for decades and you don't see the similarities? According to one of the women in an article, Weinstein actually compares his behavior to Cosby's. It's important to point out how the media and some in Hollywood went after Cosby and how they'll treat Weinstein. That's the reason behind the title.
I get it, but her statement was rooted in racism.

Europeans are the lead on rape, molestation, incest, and misogyny.

She attempted to make the African the lead...Nah.
they have nothing on Cosby - absolutely nothing
Cosby has 1 settlement - only 1
Weinstein has over 10 at last count, an NYPD sting operation and a rape victim going ham on him and Hollywood on twitter and a growing parade of women that have corroborating witnesses!

its criminal to compare Cosby to Weinstein - if anything the details of Weinstein's story makes the Cosby accusers even less credible
in the news:
white people are always humanized so there is a chance for redemption
black people are always characterized as beasts or habitual criminals

a white murderer was tortured past his limit or under influence or living in pain etc... that loved his mother and his her caring family
a black murder has a criminal past or prior run ins with police - even its just a speeding ticket, or a no seatbelt violation its the first thing mentioned in the description and rarely any mention of family employment etc until the last paragraph of the report

Weinstein will never be a monster outside of the feminist press- shit Donna Karan was caping for him a few days ago- saying the women wanted it look how they dressed - until the vagina crew hit her with the act-right txt msg

Anthony Bourdain's wife says this dude held her down to eat her out, another bitch says he cornered her while he masterbated, Rose McGowan got a settlement but the report is he raped her... the parade of women actresses employees and reporters etc and their stories is already longer than the ones reported on for Cosby (the media will avoid noting that)
You can already see the media attempting to move on... except the famous people are still coming forward.

When this is all said and done in 6 months or a year this PoS will go to Israel spend a lot of $$ there and on women's groups =do a come to jesus tour and be NOW's bitch and step right back in to his throne
Pressure bursts pipes.

We the people, via social media, have the power and the obligation to keep it in play and out violators.

It's a new day...
Warner Bros. executives are like this right now

They should've known. this is how their business operates. It's all good until it isn't and then all the phony comes out and everyone turns on you. Harvey has done it to countless people in the industry for decades probably
but now it's his turn on the summer jam screen.
That's white women for ya. Notice all of these harrasment claims in general from bill oreily, bill cosby and thia guy are coming from white women? Bruh, when I tell you I stay away from them I stay away from them. At work Im an ESL student when a white chick address me. And fucking look, sneeze or cough in their direction will get you in trouble. I avoid them at all cost to the point it make me look like an ass.
So what's the overall opinion? Is Harvey Weinstein getting the Cosby treatment?
No and he never will. Context racism/white insecurity.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
I wonder when are they going to expose Hugh Hefner and all the shit that happened at the playboy mansion.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I wonder when are they going to expose Hugh Hefner and all the shit that happened at the playboy mansion.
Playboy is airtight
Hugh had them signing consent and NDAs before they even get out of the limo (all guests models and the hoes) same for all the staff


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Quentin Tarantino on Harvey Weinstein: ‘I Knew Enough to Do More Than I Did’


In an interview with the New York Times, Quentin Tarantino has opened up about his knowledge surrounding the sexual harassment and abuse allegations that have come out against his close collaborator Harvey Weinstein.

“I knew enough to do more than I did,” he said, citing several episodes involving prominent actresses. “There was more to it than just the normal rumors, the normal gossip. It wasn’t secondhand. I knew he did a couple of these things.”

“I wish I had taken responsibility for what I heard,” he added. “If I had done the work I should have done then, I would have had to not work with him.”

Tarantino admitted in the interview that he had known about the allegations long before the explosive New York Times and New Yorker reports that catalyzed the producer’s fall from grace. Tarantino’s former girlfriend, Mira Sorvino, who has since gone public with her own allegations against Weinstein, told Tarantino of the harassment at the time that it allegedly occurred, he said. The director said he had also heard from another actress with a similar story, and knew that Weinstein had settled with Rose McGowan.

Though Tarantino was aware of those instances, he said he didn’t put them together into an overall pattern of behavior by Weinstein, and continued to make films with him — which Tarantino said he now regrets.

“What I did was marginalize the incidents,” he recalled. “Anything I say now will sound like a crappy excuse.”

He added that he didn’t take the women’s stories seriously enough, telling the Times, “I chalked it up to a ’50s-’60s era image of a boss chasing a secretary around the desk. As if that’s O.K. That’s the egg on my face right now.”

Tarantino had dismissed the incident recounted to him by Sorvino because he had assumed that Weinstein had a particular interest in her, which had led to him crossing the line. The director added that he had thought that since he was now dating Sorvino, Weinstein would leave her alone. “I’m with her, he knows that, he won’t mess with her, he knows that she’s my girlfriend,” he recalled thinking at the time.

He confronted Weinstein about the second incident recounted by his actress friend, and he said Weinstein offered what Tarantino considered a weak apology to the actress.

Tarantino urged the Hollywood community to take stories like those that circulated about Weinstein more seriously, stating that Hollywood has been “operating under an almost Jim Crow-like system that us males have almost tolerated. We allowed it to exist because that’s the way it was.” He also asked men in Hollywood to take a more prominent role: “Don’t just give out statements. Acknowledge that there was something rotten in Denmark. Vow to do better by our sisters.”

Tarantino added that he attempted to reach Weinstein after the allegations exploded, but got no reply.

Tarantino broke his silence on the scandal a week ago, stating that he needed more time to process his “pain, emotions, anger and memory.”
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