Will Harvey Weinstein get the Cosby treatment? Decades of Alleged Sexual Assault and Harassment


Rising Star
BGOL Legend




Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
FOR the first time ever, Harvey Weinstein has admitted in an interview that he offered “acting jobs in exchange for sex” — but according to him, “so does everyone.”

“Yes, I did offer them acting jobs in exchange for sex,” the disgraced movie mogul told the Spectatorin an interview published on Friday.

“But so did and still does everyone.”

Weinstein, 66, pleaded not guilty to rape and criminal sex act charges last month after being accused by dozens of women.

Dressed in a dark suit and tie on Monday, the co-founder of the Miramax film studio was brought handcuffed into a Manhattan courtroom to face the latest charges.

The disgraced producer claimed in the Spectator interview, which was conducted by longtime columnist Taki Theodoracopulos, that he “never, ever” forced himself on “a single woman” — but admitted that he often had to use his Hollywood prowess to get women.
“You were born rich and privileged and you were handsome,” he told Taki.

“I was born poor, ugly, Jewish and had to fight all my life to get somewhere. You got lotsa girls, no girl looked at me until I made it big in Hollywood.”

Joined by his lawyer Ben Brafman, Weinstein attempted to defend himself during the sit-down — claiming that at least two of his accusers, Rose McGowan and Asia Argento, were caught lying.

He told Taki that McGowan once alleged that Argento and her late boyfriend, celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, had an open relationship.

“It was obviously not true, says Harvey, but dead men tell no tales,” Taki wrote in his column.

“So the girls made it up.”

Weinstein was subdued throughout his recent court hearing, pleading “not guilty” and responding “yes, sir” when the judge told him to stay away from his accusers. He walked to the courthouse with a copy of A Talent for Trouble, the 1997 biography of Ben-Hur film director William Wyler, according to CNN.

“Mr Weinstein is not a predator, he is not a rapist and I believe when this case is over we will ultimately see him to be exonerated,” defence lawyer Benjamin Brafman told journalists after Monday’s hearing.

Brafman said that prosecutors may file additional charges against Weinstein. Prosecutor Joan Illuzzi said the number of Weinstein accusers “shows the breadth of the criminality here”.

Prosecutors contend Weinstein forcibly performed oral sex on the woman in 2006. The latest charges carry a maximum life sentence.

Earlier charges included two counts of rape and one count of criminal sexual act. Weinstein was charged after a months-long investigation by the New York Police Department.

More than 70 women, mostly young actresses and other women employed in the movie business, have accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct, including rape, in a series of incidents dating back decades.

The accusations against Weinstein sparked the #MeToo movement that has seen hundreds of women publicly accuse powerful men in business, politics and entertainment of sexual harassment and abuse, lifting a shroud that had long shielded such behaviour.

After Weinstein was accused, his eponymous company Weinstein Co fired him and filed for bankruptcy, and he was expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Through his company and Miramax, Weinstein won plaudits and awards for movies including Shakespeare in Love, Pulp Fiction, Sex, Lies and Videotape, The Crying Game and The King’s Speech.

Part of this article originally appeared on the New York Post and has been republished with permission.


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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
THE THIRST of that fat ass creep was unreal

Beggin a bitch for 5 minutes :lol:

Damn...I know this nigga NEVER got any honest pussy a day in his life

Always a pay to play ass muthafucka


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This just ruined a lot of bgol members fantasies of believing it you make millions broads will fall at your feet and be down to do whatever you want.. Sorry this is the reality of you were a lame or not visually appealing when you were broke ull be the same dude if you was rich.. I've met many lame millionaires..they were good customers when it came to tricking on bitches


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This just ruined a lot of bgol members fantasies of believing it you make millions broads will fall at your feet and be down to do whatever you want.. Sorry this is the reality of you were a lame or not visually appealing when you were broke ull be the same dude if you was rich.. I've met many lame millionaires..they were good customers when it came to tricking on bitches
Good thing I never had to rely on my money to get women. I’ve always relied on my personality first and foremost. I have a good sense of humor and I know chicks dig guys that can make them laugh. I’ve always also been told I’m handsome.

My girlfriend loves me and lets me know that everyday. She makes her own money and have built a very lucrative business on her own. She pulls in more money than me sometimes from her designs when she sells them or have them worn at special events by wealthy women. I got me a good ambitious woman and I wouldn’t trade her for nothing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
damn his casting couch game is sorry as fuck.....

cut the hoes off... he was waaay to thirsty...

I could see him being overly aggressive and rapey with these chicks, once he gets them to say yes once...

yea he needs to calm down, when you have money and power they should be throwin the panties at you...

not you lookin like you been wandering in the dessert for fory years...

thirsty as fuck... that recording makes him look real pathetic


Rising Star
(In movie man's voice)
"Director Harvey Weistein in his acting debut as, The Pussy Persuader!"

Please fill free to add your movie titles.


The sad thing is men and women do the same exact thing in everyday life. I heard women say when I was younger that they were going to sleep with their boss in order to get a promotion. These same women can now make the same accusations. I heard of lesbian older women doing the same thing in order to entrap younger women. People do it everyday who are in the position of power. Why do you think those schoolteachers get caught sleeping with their students. It don’t make it right though and I am totally against all forms of sexual misconduct.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If a women accepts his offer, is that rape? He might have video of chicks doing some nasty suit.
Good question,

A person is guilty of rape in the first degree when he or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person:

1. By forcible compulsion;  or
2. Who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless;  or
3. Who is less than eleven years old;  or
4. Who is less than thirteen years old and the actor is eighteen years old or more.

Rape in the first degree is a class B felony.


A person is guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree when he or she engages in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with another person:
1. By forcible compulsion;  or
2. Who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless;  or
3. Who is less than eleven years old;  or
4. Who is less than thirteen years old and the actor is eighteen years old or more.

Criminal sexual act in the first degree is a class B felony.


A person is guilty of rape in the third degree when:
1. He or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person who is incapable of consent by reason of some factor other than being less than seventeen years old;
2. Being twenty-one years old or more, he or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person less than seventeen years old;  or
3. He or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person without such person's consent where such lack of consent is by reason of some factor other than incapacity to consent.

Rape in the third degree is a class E felony.

Now, I guess you have to decide did they accept his offer or were they forced?