Will Harvey Weinstein get the Cosby treatment? Decades of Alleged Sexual Assault and Harassment

Louis Koo

BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Offering jobs for sex ?

What's the problem ?

Fair exchange aint robbery...

Whole lot of yall mommas was offered brains to get high in the 80s...

Mofokrs been bargaining for sex forever


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
NBC News Chief Responds To Accusations Over Ronan Farrow’s #MeToo Piece
Andrew Lack sent employees a detailed memo and an 11-page analysis on why the net passed on the story.

NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack sent employees a detailed memo and an 11-page analysis Monday addressing why the news organization did not air journalist Ronan Farrow’s 2017 investigation into harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein.

The memo comes in reaction to to accusations from a respected former producer at the NBC that higher ups passed on a huge story without obvious reason, reports Variety.

“We spent eight months pursuing the story but at the end of that time, NBC News – like many others before us – still did not have a single victim or witness willing to go on the record,” Lack said to staffers in the memo, according to Variety. Lack went on to say that Farrow disagreed with that standard and so the two sides parted ways.

The executive analysis reveals transcripts of on-camera interviews between Farrow and others, as well as a timeline of phone calls Harvey Weinstein and his attorneys made to various NBC News executives. It is a remarkable display of evidence from a sector of the media that very rarely gives details about how it reports out stories.

NBC News has come under fire for its handling of Farrow’s investigation — which was instead published by The New Yorker and went on to win a Pulitzer — since the story broke last fall. But new attention to the matter was sparked last week because of a statement from Rich McHugh, a former NBC News investigative producer who claimed that NBC News tried to kill their efforts to report out the Weinstein story.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Harvey Weinstein Allegedly Claimed He Had Sex With Jennifer Lawrence During Assault on Another Woman
By Victoria Bekiempis

Photo: Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

An actress claims Harvey Weinstein masturbated in front of her while she was trying to use the bathroom — and that he boasted “I slept with Jennifer Lawrence” during a sexual assault two months later, according to allegations in a new lawsuit.

The actress, referred to as Jane Doe in a lawsuit filed to the Los Angeles Superior Court on December 12, alleges that she met Weinstein at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2013. She went to his hotel room to discuss acting opportunities the next day, and after chatting for two hours, the woman says she went to use the restroom.

“While Plaintiff was sitting on the toilet, with her tights around her ankles, Weinstein opened the bathroom door and walked in on Plaintiff, who was initially immobilized with by embarrassment — thinking he entered accidentally — which quickly changed to terror as Weinstein unbuttoned his jeans, dropped his pants to the floor, and exposed his penis while telling her ‘I like looking at you,’ ‘my dick is nice and hard for you,’ and asking ‘do you like my dick?’ and instructing her ‘let me look at you,’” according to court documents. The woman, who was 22 at the time, said “no” but “eventually he moved so close that he was towering over her and was close enough to pull up her jacket and eventually ejaculated directly onto her skirt,” the suit charges.

Weinstein is then said to have given her two tickets to two premieres. At one after-party he took her around and introduced her as a “great actress who is going to be in a couple of movies of mine.” When she was leaving a restroom later that same evening, the actress alleges Weinstein “grabbed her tight, pulled her towards him, and thrusted her hand onto his penis.”

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Later that month, the actress asked Weinstein to meet and confronted him about his behavior. He said, “Don’t be such a prude. I didn’t even fuck you,” and threatened her career, according to her claims, and continued to engage in sexual misconduct on several other subsequent occasions. A rep for Weinstein did not immediately respond to a request for comment. He has previously denied allegations of sexual misconduct against him.

When asked about the lawsuit, Jennifer Lawrence issued a statement through her publicist, saying, “My heart breaks for all the women who were victimized by Harvey Weinstein. I have never had anything but a professional relationship with him. This is yet another example of the predatory tactics and lies that he engaged in to lure countless women.”

Update: When asked for comment, a rep for Weinstein said: “This lawsuit was filed and updated strategically with no notice given or any attempt to reach out to Mr. Weinstein’s attorneys for one reason; It was meant to embarrass Mr. Weinstein and garner unchecked media attention.”

“There is absolutely no truth to the malicious claims made in this lawsuit, and we are reviewing our options with an eye on filing for an immediate dismissal. Mr. Weinstein is embarrased for Ms. Lawrence with whom he has only had a professional and respectful relationship, who has sadly been dragged into this ugly attempt at defamation,” the rep also said in a statement. “This filing further proves that anyone can say whatever they want in a lawsuit for maximum shock value, to defame and debase, without having to offer any facts or reality.”



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Hope the cac rot in prison but if anything comes out of it, the Weinstein cat is exposing the hell out of these no talented white hollywood actresses

Hmmm...Rot in prison for what? These women willingly come to his room to further their careers.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
Here is the thing that people have to understand - if you have one movie role - and hundreds of woman vying for that role - I think the person who is funding that movie should be allowed to say I want sex to be a deciding factor - in deciding who get the role -

NOW if you hire someone and never say that sex is a deciding factor BEFORE you hire her - you can't then say sex is part of the deal - then you can get hit with a sexual harrassment charge. However, if you put it on the table that its a factor - every woman can say no and won't get hired for the role - but you can hire the one who says yes.

Many many many women (and men) have said yes and it was voluntary and they made millions - the stupid ones were the ones who fucked everyone from producers to stagehands and didnt secure their situation in writing before they spread their legs or bent over.


BGOL Legend
No diss but
She kept meeting with him and all that shit after he burst into the bathroom and nutted on her skirt.


Why did she go to movie premieres and such
This don't excuse his behavior
It does ask why the fuck did you continue to hang around him a minute even a moment after he did that

The career was more important and you thought you could get what you wanted and then when it didn't happen now it's time to sue?

And yet if you had made it you'd be cool?


Rising Star
No diss but
She kept meeting with him and all that shit after he burst into the bathroom and nutted on her skirt.


Why did she go to movie premieres and such
This don't excuse his behavior
It does ask why the fuck did you continue to hang around him a minute even a moment after he did that

The career was more important and you thought you could get what you wanted and then when it didn't happen now it's time to sue?

And yet if you had made it you'd be cool?

Buyer's remorse bro...She thought it was worth it for a potential movie career. Once she didn't become famous, now she's crying #metoo.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Man if I was in his position I woulda been fuckin bitch too for roles

Yall mfers just mad about Cosby yall not respecting us men do dumb shit I have no doubt in my mind most of us woulda been doing the same shit minus that jerking off perv bullshit that's just weird


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Jennifer Lawrence been giving that ass away outta both pants legs! I have no doubt Weinstein fucked.


Rising Star
Buyer's remorse bro...She thought it was worth it for a potential movie career. Once she didn't become famous, now she's crying #metoo.

Yeah a lot of these actresses are very hungry. There is new fresh 18 year olds that are willing to do anything to be in the next Hollywood blockbuster.

So it’s either you suck that dirty old white penis. Or go back to McDonald’s or waiting tables at a dinner.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thursday, December 20, 2018. Will the charges against Harvey Weinstein be dropped or will a trial day be set?