I guess we won't be seeing a Will Smith roast after all. Or will we?
I Agree"Philly got goons" every fucking city in America got goons and apparently them "goons don't do shit but fuck with other Black people usually Black people that will allow them to fuck with them. Where were those "goons" at when that Move bombing took place? "Goons" don't fuck with white boys for some reason.
If you have the ability to "green light" any of his projects currently in production when do you do it?It doesn't matter what we think a befitting punishment is. By slapping Chris Rock, Will has removed all the power he built over his long career. His career is now in others hands. His Oscar is in jeopardy, future roles are being tabled. Even if he decides to go the independent route, he still needs distribution. That's not to say he'll become a pariah. But he could & it would be the consequence of his actions. The decision belongs to those that truly run his industry. A person should never let his/her emotions dictate their actions. Usually the results end in a negative fashion.
I Agree
I think goons hesitate to fuck with white boys because;
1. They know that white boys don't believe in that "No Snitching" bullshit,
They telling law authority everything that happened and will stretch the story to make it seem worse than what really occurred.
2. They know if they fuck with them white boys that they will be in handcuffs with the quickness with extra charge and serving extra time in the pen.
Ok, but not every project that he has lined up is Oscar worthy, so what do you do with those films?
Killa, you lettin' em know something tonight. What you sippin' fam?
Killa, you lettin' em know something tonight. What you sippin' fam?
I used to fuck herFolks WAY too sensitive for this variety of comedy nowadays.
NahhhBIG FACTS to both of yall. After this incident, his spot in high profile films like summer action blockbusters or prestigious late fall/early winter oscar bait dramas is over. He gon have to fall back and do lower profile projects like Hitch and Focus. Or he can go the independent film route and do A24 movies or something. Man is about to go from commanding a salary of $25 million a film to potentially doing projects where he would make 300K-800k at most (since indie films have significantly lower budgets and its more about the art with them)
And as for that I Am Legend sequel, I GAURENTEE that Will is gon have more of a background role and MBJ is gonna be the actual star of the film, and I felt that BEFORE this incident. Shit for all we know Will might leave the project completely and have MBJ the only star in it. Will allegedly was trying to get a Marvel spot in an upcoming project but that shit DEAD now.
An agreement is an agreement. But that bitch fucked her son's friend in their house. Highly doubt Will was fucking random broads in their main cribI don't feel like he's controlled by her, but she may be out of control and so apparently are his emotions relative to her. Much of the way their marriage and family is structured appears to be an attempt on his part to be the polar opposite of how things were with his own parents situation- particularly what I heard of his father abusing his mother. It could be that some good was thrown away with the bad, though. Kind of like a single mother I know whose own mother was verbally and physically abusive and neglectful of her. She now has extremely spoiled, bad ass kids that she never spanks and tries to treat like they're equals with her.
Now I want to read Will's autobiography to get more perspective.
The quote below feels problematic. It cuts a couple important layers out of the relationship- devotion to each other only and the mutual discipline, appreciation, consideration and respect to adhere to that. There's a bond and an intimacy that comes with monogamy, especially if a couple keeps on working on keeping things fresh and respects the friendship aspect of things.
Seems like Will and Jada's chosen path opened the door for a lot of issues.
Will, who has been married to Jada for almost 24 years, explained: "Jada never believed in conventional marriage.
"Jada had family members that had an unconventional relationship. So she grew up in a way that was very different than how I grew up.
"There were significant endless discussions about, what is relational perfection? What is the perfect way to interact as a couple?
"And for the large part of our relationship, monogamy was what we chose, not thinking of monogamy as the only relational perfection."
He continued: 'We have given each other trust and freedom, with the belief that everybody has to find their own way. And marriage for us can’t be a prison.
And I don't suggest our road for anybody. I don't suggest this road for anybody. But the experiences that the freedoms that we've given one another and the unconditional support, to me, is the highest definition of love.
Will Smith admits he has an open marriage with Jada Pinkett
WILL Smith admitted that he and wife Jada Pinkett Smith have an open marriage after choosing monogamy for a “large part of their relationship.” The 53-year-old actor opened up about his…www.thesun.ie
At this point folks are just making up shit.
I remember it, and I am familiar with the late David Hampton.
you laughed at 112 pages.. then procedded to write a essay lol112 pages of this? LOL
In what world is it okay to assault someone because they're making fun of you?
Although it's somewhat the right thing to do, In what world is it okay to furthermore assault someone because they're making fun of your wife?
I'm so confused about people trying to justify what Will Smith did. What if Chris Rock slapped him back and a brawl ensued? Will the opinions be different?
I read a lot of responses here. Chris should have at least slapped him back, punched him in the face or ribs, at the very LEAST pressed charges for assault.
This is why i can't be part of a gang. When the police comes, i'm telling them exactly what happened and someone's getting locked up.
It doesn't matter what we think a befitting punishment is. By slapping Chris Rock, Will has removed all the power he built over his long career. His career is now in others hands. His Oscar is in jeopardy, future roles are being tabled. Even if he decides to go the independent route, he still needs distribution. That's not to say he'll become a pariah. But he could & it would be the consequence of his actions. The decision belongs to those that truly run his industry. A person should never let his/her emotions dictate their actions. Usually the results end in a negative fashion.
112 pages of this? LOL
In what world is it okay to assault someone because they're making fun of you?
Although it's somewhat the right thing to do, In what world is it okay to furthermore assault someone because they're making fun of your wife?
I'm so confused about people trying to justify what Will Smith did. What if Chris Rock slapped him back and a brawl ensued? Will the opinions be different?
I read a lot of responses here. Chris should have at least slapped him back, punched him in the face or ribs, at the very LEAST pressed charges for assault.
This is why i can't be part of a gang. When the police comes, i'm telling them exactly what happened and someone's getting locked up.
you laughed at 112 pages.. then procedded to write a essay lol
thats because YOU are thinking about it from the joke to
the slap..
but its the BUILD UP .. In all of their relationship..
Jada would throw in wills face.. she SETTLED for him,
he was TOO soft... and she REALLY is more attracted to
more "thuggy" types...
this was Will smiths ONE chance.. to prove to his
thug lovin wife jada,
that he could be THAT guy...
Feel me??
But that's an assumption, right? She hasn't officially said so?
these bitches would hang themselves after hearing these jokesFolks WAY too sensitive for this variety of comedy nowadays.
thats because YOU are thinking about it from the joke to
the slap..
but its the BUILD UP .. In all of their relationship..
Jada would throw in wills face.. she SETTLED for him,
he was TOO soft... and she REALLY is more attracted to
more "thuggy" types...
this was Will smiths ONE chance.. to prove to his
thug lovin wife jada,
that he could be THAT guy...
Feel me??
Bruh this is MORE than just a
how can he SLAP moment
its a CASE study on how women
control their men.
Will did NOT act like Will Smith,
he acted like Jada wanted him to act..
Thats fuckin MIND CONTROL 101