Will Smith just slapped the fuck out of Chris Rock (update) Will banned for 10 years from Oscars

Who's more at fault?

  • Will - He took it way too far by engaging in public assault.

    Votes: 278 75.5%
  • Chris - But only if he was aware of her medical condition.

    Votes: 41 11.1%
  • Other (i.e. August Alsina, continued Tupac lust, etc.)

    Votes: 49 13.3%

  • Total voters


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
If Will Smith was going through it before, wait until now

Now any troll who wants a pay day will try to get under his skin

and he better get some balls and put his foot down and not go on Jada's show looking like a fuckin fool once again

Dude totally ruined his own moment. Normally they will announce Oscar winner....but him being an Oscar winner just reminds everyone of his lowest and most embarrassing moment


waking people up
BGOL Investor
for the youngins on the board, here is free game.

any time a man commits to the initial act of violence, logical reasoning MUST be used.

you don't make an act of violence based on emotion. never. that's how you end up six feet under or in prison. Chess must be played. What is the likely reaction, physical or social? Will retaliation take place in any form? Can this emotion be fleeting or dealt with in another manner?

There's a big difference from Pookie finding his enemy on the block and shooting him up with cameras everywhere to get snatched up and locked away then a serial killer, hunting prey, studying routine, find escape routes, where to bury the body, etc. The gangstas that never get caught think in this manner.

A man must make this decision on his own and not under influence but with proper guidance that provides objective reasoning.

In terms of a relationship, a man does want to please his woman but not at the expense that could ruin him. A man has to be able to tell his wife to fuck her feelings and make a logical move. If she doesn't respect this, then you never had control of the relationship to begin with.
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Speaking of bouncers. Cousin and his friend go to a couple of strip clubs in Detroit. About the second or third one we get to they don't want to let us in due to a collar-less shirt that I am wearing. It's one of those tight ass Ed Hardy shirts (and I ASKED him will I need a collar cause I keep on the in car JUST for such occasions) "Nah, I have worked with these bouncers before they know me!" "I can't let you because of that shirt" My cousin and I are sorry WERE natural body builders. I am the calm one and he is the hot head. We keeps seeing white dudes, Armenians all leaving with similar shirts. He wants to rush the door, don't get me wrong I will too if in reason. THIS is not a reason to rush the door. His boy is not about that life and we are trying to have a good time. Between the three of us his boy had the nicer car and had his work shirt in the car (he is NOT a natural bodybuilder and you can tell where this is going) I have no shame so I say let me wear your work shirt? This thing is TIGHT like painted on tight (thankfully smartphones weren't as big at the time) Same bouncer let us in and wants to blame the owner on not letting us in, pointing him out and shyt. My cousin the hot head wants to bash the beer bottle over this bouncers head. Instead I run up a 500$ tab and report my card stolen. Cracked a bunch of jokes about the tight ass shirt that I was wearing and bounced to another strip club.
I'm glad you maintained your cool, and got in (nice move on the stolen card too, lol). You know that the problem was not the type of shirt, but the owners tell the bouncers to limit the amount of black patrons.



Zod's Son
BGOL Investor
for the youngins on the board, here is free game.

any time a man commits to an act of violence, logical reasoning MUST be used.

you don't make an act of violence based on emotion. never. that's how you end up six feet under or in prison. Chess must be played. What is the likely reaction, physical or social? Will retaliation take place in any form? Can this emotion be fleeting or dealt with in another manner?

There's a big difference from Pookie finding his enemy on the block and shooting him up with cameras everywhere to get snatched up and locked away then a serial killer, hunting prey, studying routine, find escape routes, where to bury the body, etc. The gangstas that never get caught think in this manner.

A man must make this decision on his own and not under influence but with proper guidance that provides objective reasoning.

In terms of a relationship, a man does want to please his woman but not at the expense that could ruin him. A man has to be able to tell his wife to fuck her feelings and make a logical move. If she doesn't respect this, then you never had control of the relationship to begin with.

The Type of Moves Im All About.....

....Straight This Type Status ^^^^^


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm glad you maintained your cool, and got in (nice move on the stolen card too, lol). You know that the problem was not the type of shirt, but the owners tell the bouncers to limit the amount of black patrons.

Tryna understand at which point in this fucking earth did Black people start being the inferior and most hated race in the universe, damn!

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tryna understand at which point in this fucking earth did Black people start being the inferior and most hated race in the universe, damn!
Well, back in 711 AD. the Moors invaded Granada, Spain, and other parts of Europe and basically ruled for about 700 years.

This is just my take on things, and I am sure other members on the board know a lot more than I do (and probably see things differently). Nevertheless, it's my belief that they saw how the African Moors (yeah, I know the Arabs were involved too) not only ruled, but enlightened the Europeans. Basically, history has seen what your ancestors are capable of and God forbid you realize your potential once again (so the powers that be try their best to quell any resurgence of that happening).


International Member
Bruh this is MORE than just a

how can he SLAP moment

its a CASE study on how women

control their men.

Will did NOT act like Will Smith,

he acted like Jada wanted him to act..

Thats fuckin MIND CONTROL 101

I don't know if the picture has already been posted, i'm fucked if i can be bothered to trawl through 114 pages to check, especially when one of my bitches will be quick to jump in and let mme know @lazarus

word up LAZARARSE!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ahh, somewhere around 1452 - 1455, and you can thank the Pope for that. There's more to the story, but this might explain a bit.

thats also around the time the designation Black is used to identify Africans and race science was developed.

“A Negro and by Consequence an Alien” - The legacy of Legal Race Making.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
youre conflicted!!:roflmao2::roflmao2::roflmao2: you wanna talk shit about her but she's TOO HOT AND FUCKABLE!!! even WITH the fucked up personality!:roflmao3::roflmao3::roflmao3:


your in complete conflict on her! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

I get it homie!!:shades::shades:
Ahh, let’s just say Jada has a pretty face. And Oh, I saw what happened to the last guy from Brooklyn (close by) to say something about her. So, I am going to only say and think good thoughts (the same way they treated little Anthony Freemont in that episode of the Twilight Zone).
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wonder how many men are in the graveyard because their woman gave them the side-eye and said, "you gone let him talk to me like that?" "You not gone do something about that?" "You a bitch nigga ole punk ass mofokr.."
Probably a bit more than what we'd like to think.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm glad you maintained your cool, and got in (nice move on the stolen card too, lol). You know that the problem was not the type of shirt, but the owners tell the bouncers to limit the amount of black patrons.

Oh yeah, I was a bouncer and the cousin I was with is security too. You'd think a little professional courtesy would have been extended. But it was a different team than what my cousin was expecting

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of people are emotionally retarded.
Just an aside, I am watching 60 minutes and they have a segment on the flock of corrupt money from Russian billionaires, and the subject of "dirty money," and how they clean it. For a minute, I had a flash back to when I was a little kid and thought they could just put their "dirty money" in the washing machine, but I wasn't sure it was safe putting it in the dryer.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Just an aside, I am watching 60 minutes and they have a segment on the flook of corrupt money from Russian billionaires, and the subject of "dirty money," and how they clean it. For a minute, I had a flash back to when I was a little kid and thought they could just put their "dirty money" in the washing machine, but I wasn't sure it was safe putting it in the dryer.

That’s so innocent :lol:

As kids we took things very literally.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Speaking of bouncers. Cousin and his friend go to a couple of strip clubs in Detroit. About the second or third one we get to they don't want to let us in due to a collar-less shirt that I am wearing. It's one of those tight ass Ed Hardy shirts (and I ASKED him will I need a collar cause I keep on the in car JUST for such occasions) "Nah, I have worked with these bouncers before they know me!" "I can't let you because of that shirt" My cousin and I are sorry WERE natural body builders. I am the calm one and he is the hot head. We keeps seeing white dudes, Armenians all leaving with similar shirts. He wants to rush the door, don't get me wrong I will too if in reason. THIS is not a reason to rush the door. His boy is not about that life and we are trying to have a good time. Between the three of us his boy had the nicer car and had his work shirt in the car (he is NOT a natural bodybuilder and you can tell where this is going) I have no shame so I say let me wear your work shirt? This thing is TIGHT like painted on tight (thankfully smartphones weren't as big at the time) Same bouncer let us in and wants to blame the owner on not letting us in, pointing him out and shyt. My cousin the hot head wants to bash the beer bottle over this bouncers head. Instead I run up a 500$ tab and report my card stolen. Cracked a bunch of jokes about the tight ass shirt that I was wearing and bounced to another strip club.

Now THAT is how you tell a story.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fucked up part is we watch this dude build a career over the last 30 years like a cake. Each layer was perfectly fluffy and moist ...then he married fine ass Jada Pinkett that was the frosting....all he needed was the sprinkles..that was the oscar..and last Sunday he finally got it! To cap off an almost perfect cake (fuck Wild Wild West!:mad:) Will FINALLY got the golden sprinkles on top..........then he unbuckled his belt..pulled his pants down and took a giant SHIT on all of it!

And that incident like a big turd on a perfect cake...the smell and look of it just overwhelms EVERYTHING...there's no clean part of that cake anymore..there's just before he shat on it and after. :smh:

The messed up part is that he felt he was protecting his wife from a joke that he actually laughed at.
But what he has done as a consequence of his actions is opened his wife up for side eye, ridicule and more jokes that bite harder than the GI Jane joke..
It's already started with comedian Lavell Crawford where at the 4:00 mark his joke is funnier yet harsher than Chris Rock's.
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