I'm sorry, real niggas shouldn't be crying and need consoling after doing real-nigga shit. Slap the fuck out that nigga and stand on it. Don't cry like a bitch during the commercial break. And I've always been a Will fan.
Chris sights are set on the long game.
Oscars been paying him to host for a few years.
He was at work & he knows not to fight at work.
He gon' catch Will outside - so to speak.
Will gave him a year's worth of material to work with.
Giving in to emotion ain't gonna serve Will.
You think KBJ didn't want to slap a Senator or 2 or 3 or 4?
Keep composed to reach your goals.
When you have the LONG VIEW in your scope you don't let the devil steer you off your journey.
(kinda what Denzel told him)
Will had that Oscar fever going on...lost his composure temporarily.
He didn't feel a bit of rage when Regina Hall implied he was single - right in front of Jada.
(If Jada told him to go on stage he woulda had his ass up there)
A tweet put it best:
Will Smith was asked on stage with some single men in the earlier bit as a joke/dig at his and Jada’s open marriage.
(my take - The marriage is "open" cuz' Jada's leg had that August opening. SHe laughed at that joke!))
He didn’t go onstage. But he boiled over at Chris Rock.
(my take - she frowned, gave him the "You gon' let him say that about me?" look)
Thus his tears & apology to his employee union after. (AMPAS brings y'all the Oscars).
not to Chris?)
Black comics are gonna have a FEAST on Willy from Philly for as long as they can!
Stay tuned~