Will Smith just slapped the fuck out of Chris Rock (update) Will banned for 10 years from Oscars

Who's more at fault?

  • Will - He took it way too far by engaging in public assault.

    Votes: 278 75.5%
  • Chris - But only if he was aware of her medical condition.

    Votes: 41 11.1%
  • Other (i.e. August Alsina, continued Tupac lust, etc.)

    Votes: 49 13.3%

  • Total voters


The Big Brain
I keep reading this every where online...

I don't really believe that

First off the rock wouldn't have said it and I don't think Will is scared of the Rock.

Better observation?

Would Chris have made that joke about the The Rock ex wife or child?

Would Will had punched Mike Tyson for making that joke?

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is akin to the Terry Crews, DL Hughley feud. Terry Crews decided to finally get some respect after getting disrespected by some gay white dude off the comedian. Nigga was a straight cornball and Will is a cornball. He lost a lot of respect last night.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Our people look both emotional and sad on a night that should have been a big win for the fathers and daughters everywhere growing up in the struggle especially the father of Serena and Venus Williams.

Before ppl of color went without acknowledgement or accolades but back then the ridicule came from onlookers of a fairer shade then us. Now the shade comes from our own (Regina King, and Chris Rock.)

However the case ends in the court of popular oppinion, that's no way to behave on stage with the world watching.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is akin to the Terry Crews, DL Hughley feud. Terry Crews decided to finally get some respect after getting disrespected by some gay white dude off the comedian. Nigga was a straight cornball and Will is a cornball. He lost a lot of respect last night.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
August Alaina blew her back out , that’s far worse. He allowed it. He allowed another man to willing smash his wife.
Naw, I think Will knew and was cool with it. The shit coming to light is just airing dirty laundry. Those weirdos have an "understanding". Getting mad would have made him look even worse.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
*shakes head at the thread results so far*

Chris was at fault. If you take jabs at a man's wife RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, it get what comes with that. Jada's reaction said it all. He reacted to her reaction. Props to Will for defending his wife.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
Chris was just the last straw. There's a lot of people ahead of him in the line that deserve slapping. Starting with himself, if we're honest. Whole family is wild and he should be the head of his house and have better control. Underage daughter in bed with an adult, son wearing dresses, wife putting all kinds of business on the internet for clicks...


Will was clearly at the "If one more person says one more thing" stage


Rising Star
Platinum Member
:roflmao: :lol: :roflmao: :lol: @ the reaction pics to the SLAP from the audience. Keep 'em coming, fam.

On a side note, his wife looks good rocking a baldie and of course the media and "content creators' going to ride this out for ad revenue, even IF Will apologizes to Chris and Chris accepts.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
What the hell

Would Will had punched Mike Tyson for making that joke.

again Tyson isn't a comedian so its a bad hypothetical.

and Tyson would NEVER make that joke

Tyson has a well documented track record about stuff like that.

Also I aint NEVER heard anyone call Will a coward.

So I am not the one to say even if Chris was taller or bigger etc Will would not do the same thing

And I have stupidly went out of my respective weight class on principal a few times.

And for my kids?

I really truly would not care WHO it was.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
again Tyson isn't a comedian so its a bad hypothetical.

and Tyson would NEVER make that joke

Tyson has a well documented track record about stuff like that.

Also I aint NEVER heard anyone call Will a coward.

So I am not the one to say even if Chris was taller or bigger etc Will would not do the same thing

And I have stupidly went out of my respective weight class on principal a few times.

And for my kids?

I really truly would not care WHO it was.

And you are a hundred percent correct, but we're learning that Will does this shyt to smaller cats. Earlier in this thread Tommy Davison in a role with Jada! Cue the Jaime Fox bit: 'Dog we is acTing!'

And Mike is lowkey a funny dude. Don't put it past him that he wouldn't crack jokes on the low!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@4 Dimensional


THIS is the kind of cancel culture really Iike

as much as I have been defending comedians SPECIFICALLY recently and folk being too sensitive

I also think a good slap warning will keep all these so called comedians in check.

These jokes ain't free

I think you're confusing comedians and social-medians. These social-medians don't put in the work that comedians have put in. Early in Chris career yeah, he had to be afraid that someone might run up on the stage and put hands. He's at a point now that this shouldn't be a concern any longer. He's put in his 10000 hours.

Next Dave special a trans "woman" is gonna rush the stage, but Dave got that weight on him so that might actually be a good fight, then again on some of those tiny ass stages he likes to perform on somebody might get hurt.


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
Shannon said he would’ve whooped Will Smith ass that night and then every time he saw him after that and I would have too. Shannon said Will should’ve been slapping the guy Jada was in a entanglement with:lol:

alllllllllllllllllllllll of this right here

def something deeper going on, mixed in with the emotions of the night and the character he played in King Richard.

Will cannot walk up on that stage.


Mr. Pool
*shakes head at the thread results so far*

Chris was at fault. If you take jabs at a man's wife RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, it get what comes with that. Jada's reaction said it all. He reacted to her reaction. Props to Will for defending his wife.
Have you ever seen the Oscars? Lol they weren't at a private dinner when all of a sudden someone started talking shit, they were at the Oscars where people get made fun of every year. That's like getting mad at a stand up and attacking them at a comedy show for making fun of your wife. Will acted like an immature emotional bitch.

Also he would have never hit a white comedian for saying the same shit. Period.


BGOL Patreon Investor
@4 Dimensional


THIS is the kind of cancel culture really Iike

as much as I have been defending comedians SPECIFICALLY recently and folk being too sensitive

I also think a good slap warning will keep all these so called comedians in check.

These jokes ain't free
That's the comic's role at the Oscars, brother. It's been that way for decades, to poke fun at the bigwigs.

What Chris said about Jada wasn't a low blow. It was mild, really.

When I was looking at that clip before Will turned full Tresvant, I was thinking how beautiful Jada looked.

As comics go at comedy shows, I'd say if people are too sensitive, either sit far from the stage or don't go if you know that's that comic's getdown.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
....and i give a side eye to anyone who says Rock shoulda pressed charges like a biitch. CACs online are there
Here's the deal though, if that was you or I that went up there, it wouldn't matter if charges were filed or not, we'd be in jail that night. The police would not be asking Rock, if he wants this Joe Schmoe arrested.

big enos burrnet

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chris was just the last straw. There's a lot of people ahead of him in the line that deserve slapping. Starting with himself, if we're honest. Whole family is wild and he should be the head of his house and have better control. Underage daughter in bed with an adult, son wearing dresses, wife putting all kinds of business on the internet for clicks...

yes thats all it was..that quote on quote last straw...will's house is out of order and just the way is fam-looks to be all weird and shit yea
as we can all see it takes a toll on you as a man and have to watch a close celebrity friend take shots at your wifes hair issues becomes
consuming..gott dammit that man had enough.. :lol: :lol: i actaully like how jada is embracing her hair loss..she still looks good..

deputy dawg

~wait a cotton pickin' minute...
BGOL Investor
I'm sorry, real niggas shouldn't be crying and need consoling after doing real-nigga shit. Slap the fuck out that nigga and stand on it. Don't cry like a bitch during the commercial break. And I've always been a Will fan.

Chris sights are set on the long game.
Oscars been paying him to host for a few years.
He was at work & he knows not to fight at work.
He gon' catch Will outside - so to speak.
Will gave him a year's worth of material to work with.
Giving in to emotion ain't gonna serve Will.
You think KBJ didn't want to slap a Senator or 2 or 3 or 4?
Keep composed to reach your goals.

When you have the LONG VIEW in your scope you don't let the devil steer you off your journey.
(kinda what Denzel told him)
Will had that Oscar fever going on...lost his composure temporarily.
He didn't feel a bit of rage when Regina Hall implied he was single - right in front of Jada.
(If Jada told him to go on stage he woulda had his ass up there)

A tweet put it best:

Will Smith was asked on stage with some single men in the earlier bit as a joke/dig at his and Jada’s open marriage.
(my take - The marriage is "open" cuz' Jada's leg had that August opening. SHe laughed at that joke!))

He didn’t go onstage. But he boiled over at Chris Rock.
(my take - she frowned, gave him the "You gon' let him say that about me?" look)

Thus his tears & apology to his employee union after. (AMPAS brings y'all the Oscars).
(but not to Chris?)
Black comics are gonna have a FEAST on Willy from Philly for as long as they can!

Stay tuned~
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As I said, Chris Rock was just on the end of a man at his breaking point. Everyone has one. Just hope you don't have to find out. Dude has kept his cool for years and living in the limelight having to always at least seem like you got it together because you're a black man. Dude lost it..Chris Rock'` joke was nothing. Just a man at his breaking point


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The more I look at this, the more I think it’s fake. It looks as if Chris Rock moves his head a split second before Will swings (movie punch) and when you look at Wills face when he walks away, he has a slight smile/smirk. Almost a comedic face. He doesn’t appear angry at all. I could be wrong, but you never know what’s real or fake in Hollyweird