Will Smith just slapped the fuck out of Chris Rock (update) Will banned for 10 years from Oscars

Who's more at fault?

  • Will - He took it way too far by engaging in public assault.

    Votes: 278 75.5%
  • Chris - But only if he was aware of her medical condition.

    Votes: 41 11.1%
  • Other (i.e. August Alsina, continued Tupac lust, etc.)

    Votes: 49 13.3%

  • Total voters

deputy dawg

~wait a cotton pickin' minute...
BGOL Investor
Will stepped on Questlove's shine!
The Oscar win for "Summer of Soul" ain't even being talked about!

Per IUSA Today, the legal mumbo jumbo...

Can Will Smith face assault charges?
Smith's slap was assault and battery under California law, and any watching police officer in the building could have immediately removed Smith from the stage, according to legal analyst Aron Solomon, who says he checked California statutes after the incident witnessed by millions.

"The immediate question (online) is was it a crime, and statutorily it's clear it was assault and battery – there was actual physical contact – and that's a misdemeanor," says Solomon, chief legal analyst for Esquire Digital in Philadelphia, which helps lawyers grow their practices. "Generally both are punishable by a fine of $2,000 and up to six months in county jail."

If Rock decides to press criminal charges, prosecutors would then have to decide whether to pursue what's called a "wobbler," an offense that toggles between a misdemeanor and a felony. If Smith's target had been, say, a police officer rather than a fellow entertainer, a prosecutor could make the case that this was a more "aggressive" offense, Solomon says.

But if Rock doesn't press charges, a prosecution may be unlikely.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences released a statement on Twitter saying it “does not condone violence of any form.”

Can the academy rescind Smith's Oscar?
It's unlikely, Solomon says, although that would depend on the contractual terms and conditions of its awards process.

So far, the academy has not rescinded director Roman Polanski's 2003 Oscar for "The Pianist," although it expelled him from the academy in 2018, decades after he pleaded guilty to statutory rape in a plea bargain in the late 1970s and fled the country.

Even if Rock declines to file a criminal complaint, he could file a civil suit against Smith – and he has up to two years to do so if he later finds he has suffered either a physical injury or reputational injury or both, Solomon says.

What are the repercussions for Smith and Rock?
No matter what happens (or doesn't) in court, the slap was bad for both men, for the academy and for the movies, Solomon says.

"It hurts Chris Rock for using poor judgment for making a bad joke that crossed the line, and it hurts Will Smith because (he responded with) violence," Solomon says, although he wonders if the level of outrage being expressed online would be the same if it were two white movie stars in a similar wrangle.

The slap "dishonored the film ("King Richard"), it dishonored Venus and Serena Williams, it dishonored Questlove (whose best documentary Oscar immediately afterward was overshadowed), it dishonored the academy – there are so many aspects to this that no matter how you slice and dice it there's nothing good that comes from it."

eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
That's the comic's role at the Oscars, brother. It's been that way for decades, to poke fun at the bigwigs.

What Chris said about Jada wasn't a low blow. It was mild, really.

When I was looking at that clip before Will turned full Tresvant, I was thinking how beautiful Jada looked.

As comics go at comedy shows, I'd say if people are too sensitive, either sit far from the stage or don't go if you know that's that comic's getdown.
yep always liked will back in the day but he this was a bitch move by him
he looked like a fool to the entire world


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
people who have diseases tend to feel differently about it from day to day. JUST because she embraced it then.......dont make a joke on a live broadcast OK, TO HER, today. Not saying he shouldnt have said it. Just saying . WHY DA FUCK ARE PEOPLE SHOCKED? Everything aint funny either.

50, CTG or Shannon have never been this disrespectful towards Will, in this setting. I'll answer my own question

Why do y’all keep using the term “disease”, “illness”, “health condition“, etc…. the chick has ALOPECIA the worst that’s going to happen to her is some bald spots and flaky skin. She is not dying, in bad health or suffering. What do you mean why are people shocked, they’re shocked because they never saw someone do some hoe shit like that live at the Oscars over a joke. People are joked about every year by comedians and the might feel embarrassed on the inside but they laugh because they know they just laughed at the person the comedian was talking about before them. I just can’t believe dudes in hear saying Will was right


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why do y’all keep using the term “disease”, “illness”, “health condition“, etc…. the chick has ALOPECIA the worst that’s going to happen to her is some bald spots and flaky skin. She is not dying, in bad health or suffering. What do you mean why are people shocked, they’re shocked because they never saw someone do some hoe shit like that live at the Oscars over a joke. People are joked about every year by comedians and the might feel embarrassed on the inside but they laugh because they know they just laughed at the person the comedian was talking about before them. I just can’t believe dudes in hear saying Will was right

She's a woman.

Men go crazy over losing their hair, you have to know it's much worse for a woman.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
I hate the discussions that are deriving from this shit. So now alopecia is now some life threatening disease? Black women were attacked? This shit insane. These same females laugh at Lebron and Tory Lanez…..

i just said that dudes calling alopecia a disease, illness and health condition like she walking around with a oxygen mask and walker


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why do y’all keep using the term “disease”, “illness”, “health condition“, etc…. the chick has ALOPECIA the worst that’s going to happen to her is some bald spots and flaky skin. She is not dying, in bad health or suffering. What do you mean why are people shocked, they’re shocked because they never saw someone do some hoe shit like that live at the Oscars over a joke. People are joked about every year by comedians and the might feel embarrassed on the inside but they laugh because they know they just laughed at the person the comedian was talking about before them. I just can’t believe dudes in hear saying Will was right

stay on topic...disease smisease. Anything thats gonna impede your day that most of society doesn't have to deal with. I stand by what i said and i really dont care about anything that happened before. Dude made the joke, Will didnt like it, so he did something about it.

shit happens every day

what CR dont need is a whole bunch of people online talkin bout he should sue or some stupid shit. Yall gotta take how you feel about these people out of it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok, now…make fun of Jaden wearing a dress IN FRONT OF WILL and to his sons face and see if Will don’t touch you.
Y’all just ..:smh:
Go onstage with Dwade and his son in the crowd and say ANY of this shit posted on here and see if DWade don’t come up on the stage.
Will smacked that bitch as he should have. You DON’T abuse, mock or confront anyone I love about something they are struggling with, with me sitting there just for likes or laughs.
My lady’s sister is gay. Looks, sounds and acts like Snoop from The Wire. 5’3” I don’t love it, BUT….make fun of her while we all there. :smh::smh::smh: Yeah, if her Timbs are dirty—that’s a joke. Her sexuality will get you touched because what my lady told me she went through before coming out is no joke. You don’t joke about peoples struggle.

Dog this isn't the same a alopecia!!! And Jada does some ?uestionable shyt I thought she just hauled off and shaved her head. That shyt could have been for an actual role. We don't know!

And I get what you're saying, but if that is a sensitive subject why are you going to a place where that can be joked about? Look if you and I are at the barber shop and I see you woman's sister and I start in on her that is one thing. I would almost EXPECT you to work me over. I am not a comedian nor are we in a place designated for me to clown your peoples. But you're expecting this comedian a total stranger to know what is a touchy subject and what isn't is crazy.

There are graveyards and prisons full of cats for having a ni**a moment:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're asking for a 1:1 scenario which is impossible, but if WIll is that dude then why is it that these cats keep Jada's name in their mouths. Not expecting Will to leave his mansion to run up on 50, but as much stroke Will had in Hollywood, he can stop him from getting work. If Will is REALLY that dude a text or speaking indirectly through agents to 50: '...bring my wife's name up again and see if Power gets renewed.'

If Will is REALLY that dude, what Shannon JUST said is a; 'Oh YOU want the spotlight on you now!' moment. If @killagram is beating someone up and I say; '...if I was fighting Killa I would beat the shyt out of him and then beat the shyt out of him on sight every time after!" That motherfcuker is now going to give ME the spotlight: 'OH you gonna beat the shyt outta me?!?! Welp, here's your chance!!!' Do you honestly think Shannon has anything to fear from Will Smith after saying that?

He doesn't do SHYT! I know for a fact that he and 50 have been at numerous boxing and UFC fights. But Jada STAYS in 50 cents mouth.

Like I said it would be one thing if Will was that dude, but the 50year old 165lbs guy...THAT'S who you slap the shyt out of you want my respect get the motherfcuker that's been dragging you and your family that's as big as you and also has some level of boxing.

yall know damn well, what 50 and people like him do, is TOTALLY different that doing this at the Oscars

I doubt even 50, if he was hosting, would do that........

nobody saying "Will is that dude"

dont do that

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Jada posted a video last year showing her shaved head and telling people why, she said “all I can do is laugh about it now“ and she did the video so people would know and not be speculating, she embraced her bald head so what Rock said was not disrespectful. Even if she hadn’t made the video Rock saying “I’ll see your wife in the next G.I. Jane movie” wasn’t said in a disrespectful way,if he had said “I’d see that bald headed asa wife of yours in the next G.I. Jane movie” then it could be seen as disrespectful. You can ask any big football, basketball player etc… if they amd their crew have been made fun of by a comedian at a show and they will say yes



Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
She's a woman.

Men go crazy over losing their hair, you have to know it's much worse for a woman.

have you see how many women are out here with pushed back hairlines from all the weave they been wearing, all she had to do was put on a wig or throw on a headwrap just like them and keep it pushing, her telling people about it, shaving her head on national tv and then rocking the baldie was telling people she has accepted it and not trying to hide it like those other women


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
have you see how many women are out here with pushed back hairlines from all the weave they been wearing, all she had to do was put on a wig or throw on a headwrap just like them and keep it pushing, her telling people about it, shaving her head on national tv and then rocking the baldie was telling people she has accepted it and not trying to hide it like those other women



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Naw gurl.... it wa
I'm pretty sure that slap was meant for you and will actually said " stay the fuck out the barn yard!"
It was meant for you.... it actually said "GET YOUR HO ASS BACK IN THE ALLEY, YOUR $400 LIGHT IN YOUR EARNINGS!!!"

#DickRater #DickWhisperer #DickWatcher



Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
stay on topic...disease smisease. Anything thats gonna impede your day that most of society doesn't have to deal with. I stand by what i said and i really dont care about anything that happened before. Dude made the joke, Will didnt like it, so he did something about it.

shit happens every day

what CR dont need is a whole bunch of people online talkin bout he should sue or some stupid shit. Yall gotta take how you feel about these people out of it

i am staying on topic, by using terms like disease and illness you trying to make it seem like it’s more than what it is, alopecia has not impeded her day in anyway except maybe sunburn on top of her head. CR already said he wasn’t gonna press charges and he’s a comedian so I’m sure he’s encountered hoe ass audience members getting in their feelings before


Rising Star
Thank you bruh. Every man has a breaking point.

Doesn't take away one bit from the ho ass shit he did. Laugh first, then check for wifey reaction. Damn now Ive reached my breaking point. And conveniently has his breaking point with a comedian at the Oscars that I'm pretty sure he calculated there'd be no retaliation.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
I wonder what the outcome would’ve been if Trump did this to Obama at the White House correspondents dinner in 2011… :o



Rising Star
Platinum Member
The measure of a man is not in his ability to do violence, any little boy can do that. It is in one's ability to show restraint and examine one's options. Knowing how to effectively use one's words and knowing how to put the fear of God into someone can be more devastating than a slap.
Tell that to Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible, George Bush, Shaka Zulu, Nat Turner...brah