Did he ever come back on stage after that?Chris Rock can joke but he can't recover from that either.
I hope you dont ever go to a comedy show.Chris got exactly what he deserved,no matter the status or validity of their marriage that was mad disrepectful for him to joke on her bald nead when she just came out talking about the disease that made her bald. Will did what any real MAN would have done stand up for your wife in the face of obvious disrespect. That will curtail all the jokes and disrespect.
Ya'll acting like Will was not gettin' it in during that time.Will punches the guy who makes a joke about his wife but does nothing to the man fucking his wife.....
Who is the white girl that Venus is standing beside
Men*Ya'll acting like Will was not gettin' it in during that time.
I'm sure he plenty of women on the side as well. He just doesn't air out his secrets like Jada.
A man cannot let this happen and keep his manhood.
I would have beat Will like a country grass fire on live TV for even trying this mess.
An open hand slap is more disrespectful than a punchan open hand smack though
how could he slap!
Didn't I tell you to go outside and play, funky little boy?Ain't you that dude with the low testosterone?
I doubt it.....Lord knows will wouldn't have done that shit if it was a white boy, Ricky gervaise coulda said he was gonna rape willow and Jada and will would have smiled and sat there.
Great form from will lol
Liza minelli looking bad now
Lord knows will wouldn't have done that shit if it was a white boy, Ricky gervaise coulda said he was gonna rape willow and Jada and will would have smiled and sat there.
It's how I start all my fights..brah!An open hand slap is more disrespectful than a punch
quote of the year right there lolI wish Jada went this hard for Will
Looks like shes on borrowed time.Liza minelli looking bad now
It's how I start all my fights..brahAn open hand slap is more disrespectful than a punch