I don't know joking about somebody wife by a friend that would ride or die with you like a Martin Lawrence, this person could get away with it. What is Chris Rock relationship to Will Smith? It looks like they go back a long time. It is the same thing if another black person called me the n word versus a white person.
Will Smith Resume:
1. Cop Propaganda Movies
2. He is constantly doing side kick movies soft pedaling bioweapons with his movie production company Sony probably contributing to COVID-19. There is some type of messaging we are the intended target. Denzel got wrapped up into one of these piece of garbage movies produced by Sony.
In Africa, a specific playbook was utilized to ensure a high infection rate of AIDS, we can see the same pattern being used today. It is not about releasing a virus to destroy people, it involves other tactics. By looking at these other tactics, it increases the likelihood that AIDS...
3. Validates cosigns white supremacists activity for personal gain. He tried to rip off some idea that I hadn't really fine tuned, the issue is sending a signal that it is ok and not racist to do it. No surprise this fool was involved in something like this, cannibalism/greed at its finest.
4. Helped promote contract manufacturing of jobs that greatly affects the black community. It would be like a person promoting farm products made in other countries within the hispanic community, giving out scholarships, and pedaling some fantasy illusion that you will get a job at Google or Facebook. You bring that weak game with them, you will be disappeared.
5. Another President Trump repudiator whose economic agenda would greatly benefit the black community in lock step with the DNC. He does not mention this at all in his interview, just focuses on nonsense. At the time they did not have criminal indictments and other non sense to code signal this. This was the black elites bartering us to whites for their economic benefit.
The Suicide Squad star has criticised the Republican presidential candidate’s campaign but has ‘faith in America’ about November’s outcome
Will Smith has criticised
Donald Trump and the “absolute collective insanity” of his support.
6. Another one of their fantasies after trying to offshore as many jobs as possible is automation. Here as they do with movies about viruses is put their intended target as the lead character, code signaling their agenda.
We can't afford him anymore, the black community need to cut ties, this is the final straw.