Chris f*cked up going off script and the first joke he could think off is to clown the black woman? He surrounded by latex plastic filled cacs he could have shot at.
That part is where I can't support him
Brotha...How did Chris Rock "clown" Jada as a black woman? He told a joke. Are black women so fragile in our community now that we can't tell jokes about sistas? Are our women really that sensitive now in 2022?
Rock didn't joke on the alopecia
Rock didn't joke on their martial problems
Rock didn't joke on the August Alsina situation
Rock didn't joke on Jada's mom's past drug use
All Rock did was make a joke about Jada's crewcut saying she could be in GI Jane 2...A sequel to the GI Jane which JADA as an actress does what..............
ACT IN MOVIES! THAT'S THE JOKE! (and wasn't a great joke btw, but a joke nonetheless)
If Jada wasn't a famous actress in her own right...ppl in will's favor MAYBE would have a point.
Will slapped Chris because he don't wanna deal with Jada's crazy manipulative ass at home once all the cameras aren't on them.
He took out his frustrations from his personal life on Chris Rock by slapping him. That kind of nonsense gets black men put in prison or the grave on a daily basis here in America.
Black men need to be smarter and more logical when dealing with women, ESPECIALLY awful manipulative bitches like Jada "I fuck my teenage son's friends" Pinkett.