Woman stops to check on toddler left on side of road,then vanishes


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I just read the family said they got a call from her earlier today saying she was at the Red Roof Inn but she wasn't there when they got there. She returned home at 10:45, that was about 2 hours ago so somebody needs to be giving a report on what happened
That was wrong info shared on social media the family said. I almost posted that earlier


Still Cooking Dem Thangs in Da Kitchen est... 68
BGOL Investor
Where at in the U.S. can you not carry a gun? I'm down south, so I'm used to it. Although I know some states have stricter laws. But if you have a legal permit. Whats preventing you from carrying?
With or without... protect ya neck


Still Cooking Dem Thangs in Da Kitchen est... 68
BGOL Investor
My rule of thumb. Never leave my phone and damn sure not my gun in the car. Cause if something happens and I gotta flee. I'm go need those 2 things to get right.
I don't even need a phone aka tracking device... Just me n my girlfriend as Pac says...


Still Cooking Dem Thangs in Da Kitchen est... 68
BGOL Investor
I can think of several like;.. accidentally shooting yourself, your loved ones or an innocent, running into a race soldier cop who decides to yell "gun!" before you can explain, leaving your house with a sense of confidence and purpose instead of leaving thinking you need your gun because the world is full of danger or you just scared of a good ass whooping...ect...on and on :dunno:


...do what you have to do to survive, I just hope shooting someone to do it is the very last option.

You must don't get out much... cause if you did you would KNOW self-preservation is #1


Still Cooking Dem Thangs in Da Kitchen est... 68
BGOL Investor

they want take our guns and make the men a nation of faggots, so foreign countries could

try and take over....

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT SHIT... you lucky in in the mighty Mississippi gun laws are laxed out there....

I think riiight??? I know in NYC they act like if you walk around with a gun, you have a bomb strapped to you..

bruh the supreme court said NYC gun laws are unconstituional... bruh the nyc govt rushed back, and passed a law, Im talkin in fuckin DAAAYS..

to Ban guns from public spaces, making it illegal to carry one despite the supreme court ruling,

but look how fast they get things done then... anything else in nyc takes fucking forever....

just like reparations, always something they gotta do first..

but to keep guns out of kniggods hands they proved they can get things done fast if they want to..

them bitch ass fuck boys, its why you cant take these traitors we call our govt seriously
TBH.... fukk a permit... fukk a law... they will kill you and wouldn't give 2 fukks bout a card in ya dead ass pocket...


Still Cooking Dem Thangs in Da Kitchen est... 68
BGOL Investor
imma do them 5 Imma ghost mob affiliate...for one of these funky ass knighaz
.... caught wit it and live to see another day... brah
Some peeps don't even know how many SWITCHES da Yungstas have... Da doing damage here in Cashville, Ten A Key...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This might sound stupid but I think her abductors got spooked and decided to let her go. They prolly weren't that smart and realized they wouldn't get away with it.
Bingoooo.. I think the case got hot to fast and they saw how much law enforcement was involved and knew it would be better to release the victim and try another person in the later future , than do extreme harm and attempt to dump her carcass somewhere when the area is on high alert… believe this was spooking the criminals into doing the right thing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just find it odd nobody else saw the baby...I also find it odd to use a baby as a lure when you dont know who is going to pull up to investigate.
And no one thats into sex trafficking gonna drop her off at home. If this is indeed how she got home. Unless she hitchhiked a ride home. So many questions to be answered. Maybe it was someone she knew that kidnapped her and decided to return her. I'm gonna go ahead and say there was never a toddler on side the road.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And no one thats into sex trafficking gonna drop her off at home. If this is indeed how she got home. Unless she hitchhiked a ride home. So many questions to be answered. Maybe it was someone she knew that kidnapped her and decided to return her. I'm gonna go ahead and say there was never a toddler on side the road.
They would taking a risk by leaving her alive. If she was dead, she can't describe what she saw, or where she was at. Killing her solves more problems than it creates.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They would taking a risk by leaving her alive. If she was dead, she can't describe what she saw, or where she was at. Killing her solves more problems than it creates.
Robbing a white person or robbing and killing a white person actually gives two diff kinda crimes.. it also increases the pressure on how law enforcement goes at it by trying to solve a case.. many people done got robbed and just took the loss but once you body somebody you literally get law enforcement involved and now your case is more on radar… letting this chick go gives more of a sigh of relief , a happy ending.. killing her gives a calling all cars take the criminal down even more


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Robbing a white person or robbing and killing a white person actually gives two diff kinda crimes.. it also increases the pressure on how law enforcement goes at it by trying to solve a case.. many people done got robbed and just took the loss but once you body somebody you literally get law enforcement involved and now your case is more on radar… letting this chick go gives more of a sigh of relief , a happy ending.. killing her gives a calling all cars take the criminal down even more
Ok why nobody else saw the baby? The road looks busy af. I haven't hear nothing about law enforcement searching for a baby.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Ok why nobody else saw the baby? The road looks busy af. I haven't hear nothing about law enforcement searching for a baby.
Could it been a dwarf have no idea. What does this have to do with the fact it’s smarter to let her go alive than killing her while this search and investigation is hot?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Could it been a dwarf have no idea. What does this have to do with the fact it’s smarter to let her go alive than killing her while this search and investigation is hot?
Ay man that's your opinion, I let you have it, I still don't agree. I just wanted to see what your argument was. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok why nobody else saw the baby? The road looks busy af. I haven't hear nothing about law enforcement searching for a baby.
I don't think there ever was a kid. I get the feeling law enforcement felt the same. More answers should come to light over the next couple of days.

1. If she was at the Red Roof Inn at some point. Cops are already going over video to determine who she came there with. Did she look under duress. Did she leave with the same person(s) and what name was the room under. 2. Who dropped her off at home..was it the same car or person(s) she arrived at the hotel with. She lived in a really nice neighborhood. I'm sure someone has video of the car driving through the neighborhood.

And it's odd that law enforcement hasn't released at statement. Informing the public to be on the look out for these dangerous individuals. Maybe that comes to light later though. Main thing is she not dead and is back home. It could easily have turned out different. All the other stuff will eventually be figured out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't think there ever was a kid. I get the feeling law enforcement felt the same. More answers should come to light over the next couple of days.

1. If she was at the Red Roof Inn at some point. Cops are already going over video to determine who she came there with. Did she look under duress. Did she leave with the same person(s) and what name was the room under. 2. Who dropped her off at home..was it the same car or person(s) she arrived at the hotel with. She lived in a really nice neighborhood. I'm sure someone has video of the car driving through the neighborhood.

And it's odd that law enforcement hasn't released at statement. Informing the public to be on the look out for these dangerous individuals. Maybe that comes to light later though. Main thing is she not dead and is back home. It could easily have turned out different. All the other stuff will eventually be figured out.
I aint Columbo but if the shit don't add up....

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Yall aint thinking like criminals man, mutherfuckers arent going to kidnap somebody to voluntarily let them go, come on now. That kind of scenario ends bad for 9.5/10 people.
That's because I'm not a criminal and I'm not.routing for the criminals in this situation either. If this is a fabricated rouse she can be polygraph tested to find the truth in this.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's because I'm not a criminal and I'm not.routing for the criminals in this situation either. If this is a fabricated rouse she can be polygraph tested to find the truth in this.
Neither am I, but detective work requires a good guy with a criminal mind. I aint the police, but my detective mind has pulled some shit off. Lets not kid ourselves, theres a very fine line between criminals and the people that hunt them down.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
TBH.... fukk a permit... fukk a law... they will kill you and wouldn't give 2 fukks bout a card in ya dead ass pocket...

hey where you live bruh....?? Bruh you must not know about new york, new york fears the true

American aka kniggas so much, they got a multi billion dollar a year police state around all our commmunities....

bruh these kkkops in new york, nypd got all types of fuckin gadgets, bruh they got vans out here, equipped with cameras that could see right through your clothing...

they get big rewards an incentives for arresting someone with an ""illegal" gun... bruh you get got

with a gun, you automatically going to prison.... bruh they locked up nfl players in their prime, fuckin

mega rap start... these pussy in power that shouldnt be, are super SHOOK of kniggas gettin guns,

bruh a lot of these "mass shooting" you see, are all orchestrated to make people want to beg for more

legislation to take their rights away... You see they cant just take our rights, but if we stupid and shook

enough, we will give them up, or at least thats what the powers that shouldnt be are thinkin..

I feel what you are saying but in nyc, you gotta move three steps ahead of the game...

I am all for gun rights, but I also know the most powerful weapon in all the multiverses,


cant nobody fuck with and organized and focused mind bruh....You got control of your mind,

your body follows....you control your actions for the better of you and all good people you empower

your spirit, you combine it, YOU CANT BE STOPPED.. the TRUE TRINITY.... they mindfucked the masses to think

the trinity is the name of the father son and holy spirit, true mind fuckery..

its in the name of MIND BODY AND SOUL.


