Words and Phrases you are tired of hearing. GO!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
There needs to be a universal like button that you can push and it will like every post in the thread, and also automatically like every post that comes afterwards. Lol.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Just spent time with a person that said “Like” before and after every word. Years ago when I had to speak at work I realized I said “Umm” way too often. I worked hard to replace words that were filler with meaningful words. Now I’m a word cop/dick. :lol: Snob, if that’s applicable. But today I listened to her and every other word was LIKE. “Sooo, like, is it possible to, like, reschedule because, like, we don’t have everything we need. And, like, to be honest…” :dunno: I found myself counting them and she averaged 3 per sentence. “So, okay, like, what if just, like, pushed the meeting to, like, say, Thursday.” Clearly I can be a dick, it became an ear worm for the entire day.
When Obama first got elected he said um a lot. A whole lot. Check out his speeches when he first got elected and then maybe eight months to a year afterward and you can tell he worked on that shit too. In fact he eliminated it all together.
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Flawless One
BGOL Investor
When Obama first got elected he said um a lot. A whole lot. Check out his speeches when he first got elected and then maybe eight months to a year afterward and you can tell he worked on that shit too. In fact he’ll eliminated it all together.

At first he had to really think about any of his responses and he got better with it over time. That um is a stalling technique.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When Obama first got elected he said um a lot. A whole lot. Check out his speeches when he first got elected and then maybe eight months to a year afterward and you can tell he worked on that shit too. In fact he’ll eliminated it all together.
I noticed that too. He said umm and uhhhh way too much. He eventually just paused and left the space empty.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I've only been here a year and don't have enough fingers to count the number of times "boy pussy" and "bussy" have been used here.

So much that if you Google BGOL and "gay"....
Bussy ain’t boy pussy. It’s a bastardized version of badussy. Booty, ass and pussy.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
When Obama first got elected he said um a lot. A whole lot. Check out his speeches when he first got elected and then maybe eight months to a year afterward and you can tell he worked on that shit too. In fact he’ll eliminated it all together.
I was never a member of Toastmasters, but I knew a couple of people who were and they helped me out a lot with my crutch words. I was grateful for that before I became an Instructor. My biggest one was saying, "and shit" after a lot of statements, etc. I didn't even HEAR myself saying them because they were so natural to me.

I just wanted to chime in on ZuluSam's post about using crutch words and shit.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Rising Star
"I appreciate ya"

"have a blessed day (I really, really, really fucking hate this)"

"What up, boss?"

The word "fraught" used without the requisite "with". Nothing is fraught, something can be fraught with something, but not just fraught"

"Preventative" and "conversate" and "irregardless"; these are NOT words.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sumpin' sumpin sumpin. GO!
...in the basement.
The bag.
Stank walk.
"I appreciate ya"

"have a blessed day (I really, really, really fucking hate this)"

"What up, boss?"

The word "fraught" used without the requisite "with". Nothing is fraught, something can be fraught with something, but not just fraught"

"Preventative" and "conversate" and "irregardless"; these are NOT words.
Learn to pronounce


  1. designed to keep something undesirable such as illness, harm, or accidents from occurring; preventive.
    "a number of preventative measures are required"

Preventive or preventative?
Preventive or preventative?
What is the difference between preventive and preventative? – Leah, United States
There is virtually no difference between preventive and preventative. Both words are adjectives that mean, "used to stop something bad from happening." Both words are most often used to talk about health care, in phrases such as these:
  • Preventive/preventative care
  • Preventive/preventative health care
  • Preventive/preventative medicine (a field of medicine)
  • Preventive/preventative services
  • Preventive/preventative measures

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Usually parroted by people who won't admit how many times the media has given them 'misinformation'. Usually parroted by people who won't even admit what recent shit that was once labeled 'misinformation' but wasn't. Usually parroted by censorship proponents who want soviet-era censorship and don't like opinions that question media/elitist horseshit(which there is plenty of)

Don't like it, start your own

Usually parroted by hipsters who will try to shut whatever it is down if it is successful(unless they can infiltrate and destroy it from within).


Usually parroted by hipsters who are scared of their own shadows and political shills of any color on tv/social media.
My freedom

Usually parroted by right-wingers. Dumb ass, you ain't free. Don't want a vaccine, but let the same government tell you that you can't smoke a plant that grows out the ground. Not even in the privacy of your own fucking home, but not you want to bitch about freedom? Oh, the government just tells you that you're too stupid to judge for yourself whether or not to use the plant, but you're fine to judge about the vaccine, huh?
Our Democracy is in danger(Or some variation)

No, it's not. This REPUBLIC has never been stronger. Shit is running as planned and masses are easily manipulated. Just another media boogeyman. This is another one usually parroted by hipsters.


Black people don't say(can be do to, but usually online it's say)

Usually parroted by bootlickers. Same type of people who also claim that there isn't any such thing as younger black folks being clowned for talking proper or not dressing a certain way. Same type of people who would have told Serena and Venus black people don't play tennis. Type of fools give a person a side eye for eating pumpkin pie because folks only supposed to eat sweet potato. These types don't even realize they this type. Weirdos for real.


This is now when some untalented, hipster gets their hands on an IP and completely destroys it. Since these folks have no creativity, they have to take well-known characters and stories and make them all new while using the same IP to try to force people to watch their fuckery. All the while, they shit on core fans. These reboots usually fail miserably and everyone/everything is blamed but the people who butchered the IP.

Elon Musk

Self-serving attention whore. Arguably, ruined the bullrun by pumping up shitcoins/meme coins after using bitcoin as a backdoor. Now has moved to the free speech bandwagon because he knows censorship is a real issue(just as bitcoin is a real solution), but it's likely just a backdoor for more of his egotistical fuckery.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
"I appreciate ya"

"have a blessed day (I really, really, really fucking hate this)"

"What up, boss?"

The word "fraught" used without the requisite "with". Nothing is fraught, something can be fraught with something, but not just fraught"

"Preventative" and "conversate" and "irregardless"; these are NOT words.

Preventative IS a word though


Rising Star


Usually parroted by hipsters who are scared of their own shadows and political shills of any color on tv/social media.

No, it's not. This REPUBLIC has never been stronger. Shit is running as planned and masses are easily manipulated. Just another media boogeyman. This is another one usually parroted by hipsters.

Fascism is real, and a clear and present danger. All one has to do is read up on the history of Germany post WWI, and the rise of Hitler, Mussolini, and the fall of the "republics" of current day Poland and Hungary to realize this.

To deny it exists, or dismiss it as the bane of Chicken Little types, is to do so at one's peril.

The republic is weak. Fascism has actually taken hold in parts of the south and midwest (Florida, for example).

Passing laws written by corporate masters that suppress the vote and enable the spread of military weapons among the populace are not hallmarks of a healthy republic. They are clear signs of the descent into fascism; we are at least half way there.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
_________ has a Napoleon complex.

Napoleon was actually average height during his time... It was a British cartoonist,James Gillray, that depicted him as a small man. The satire became so popular Napoleon had a quote saying "Gillray did more than all the armies of Europe to bring me down".

While,I don't give a shit;most people say that bullshit without knowing the history about the phrase and use it wrong.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
"that's that bullshit"
"but what about" on any thread to deviate from the subject of the thread
"it's 2022 and there's still ..." As if white people were no longer white. We'll be saying the same shit for the next 200 years.
"african american"
"black and brown" no we're not the same nor do we get treated the same


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“…now had this been a white person”
Whiny-ass statement. Typically associated with police action or financial scandals. Often applicable;’but annoyingly fucking typical.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
I was never a member of Toastmasters, but I knew a couple of people who were and they helped me out a lot with my crutch words. I was grateful for that before I became an Instructor. My biggest one was saying, "and shit" after a lot of statements, etc. I didn't even HEAR myself saying them because they were so natural to me.

I just wanted to chime in on ZuluSam's post about using crutch words and shit.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I hate lake who say "right" and "you know what I'm saying" after every sentence.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I hate lake who say "right" and "you know what I'm saying" after every sentence.
That's my younger brother all day. "Blah, blah, blah; You know what I'm sayin' right man?," and blah, blah, blah; You know what I'm sayin' right man?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Fascism is real, and a clear and present danger. All one has to do is read up on the history of Germany post WWI, and the rise of Hitler, Mussolini, and the fall of the "republics" of current day Poland and Hungary to realize this.

To deny it exists, or dismiss it as the bane of Chicken Little types, is to do so at one's peril.

The republic is weak. Fascism has actually taken hold in parts of the south and midwest (Florida, for example).

Passing laws written by corporate masters that suppress the vote and enable the spread of military weapons among the populace are not hallmarks of a healthy republic. They are clear signs of the descent into fascism; we are at least half way there.
:lol: I'm familiar with Germany post WWI and this ain't shit like it. This fascism craze was brought on by safespace, cac hipsters who pumped up the mean twitter man. Mean twitter man went from joke to shitting on the GOP in the primaries simply off the strength fragile ass cacs stalked him and pumped him up. That made GOP base think he mean man was really about something.

And here we are 7 fucking years later and fragile cacs still stalking this mofo talking about 'facism' and 'our democracy'. Fucking clowns.

One of the main things that helps dictators and oppressive regimes rise the fuck up is CENSORSHIP. It's crazy that the folks who stay talking about Germany and Hitler are trying to repeat the censorship that they did while have the balls to scream 'fascism'. You know we are in an upside down world when the prevailing narrative is that 'only nazis want free speech.' The jokes write themselves these days.

This country been passing laws written by bankers and corporate masters. How you think we got off the gold standard? What about those trade agreements? What about the Patriot Act? What about a national ID? Shit, I could go on. All predate the mean twitter man and the safe space crazies.

It's fucking amazing to me that Americans don't get America. Cats live in a brutal empire and think shit just went off the rails in 2016.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
1.Blood is thicker than water. Many get this phrase all wrong because it has nothing do with family at all. The real meaning is the total opposite.

2. Great minds think alike. The real meaning is the total opposite.

3. Curiosity killed the cat. A lot of people don't say the full phrase.

4. Money is the root of all evil. While,greed is bad it's not the root of all evil.

5. Anything that has to deal with men is "toxic masculinity".


BGOL Patreon Investor
1.Blood is thicker than water. Many get this phrase all wrong because it has nothing do with family at all. The real meaning is the total opposite.

2. Great minds think alike. The real meaning is the total opposite.

3. Curiosity killed the cat. A lot of people don't say the full phrase.

4. Money is the root of all evil. While,greed is bad it's not the root of all evil.

5. Anything that has to deal with men is "toxic masculinity".
4. People are quoting that Bible verse wrong. It's "the love of money is the root of all evil."

...which makes sense. It's not money that's bad. It's the obsession.

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