Would you be a guard at a female prison?


Rising Star
My ....was a warden at a joint and nooooo way in hell would I do such a job at a womens prison.

These are females off of the streets,from a tarnished background so you gotta just assume that 90% of em aren't right in some form or with something and why risk my job for her.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
you work in a prison, you are in prison. fuck that.
This. Right. Here. Working all day and can't see the sky??? Youre in prison for 1/3 of your day??? That shit sounds depressing. Then add in a buncha horny bitches trying to get your attention, but if you get weak you'll be right in there with them??? Well not with them, but a more more dangerous and depressing version of it??? Not unless they paying enough for me to do 5 years and retire.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Most dudes probably be thinking that it'd be like in those women's prison movies from back in the day..





Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I dunno.... 90% of the females in there are on some scheming shit, but the small percentage thats in for:

- Riding with the wrong person
- In the wrong place at the wrong time
- Tax evasion
- Baby Daddys/BFs selling drugs

... in other words the harmless chicks... Id have to consider. Prob smells putrid, but its a lot of COs that mess with these chicks...


BGOL Investor
I dunno.... 90% of the females in there are on some scheming shit, but the small percentage thats in for:

- Riding with the wrong person
- In the wrong place at the wrong time
- Tax evasion
- Baby Daddys/BFs selling drugs

... in other words the harmless chicks... Id have to consider. Prob smells putrid, but its a lot of COs that mess with these chicks...
I'm gonna disagree with that percentage number


BGOL Investor
how the hell she get a thong and lingerie in prison? :oops:

I dunno.... 90% of the females in there are on some scheming shit, but the small percentage thats in for:

- Riding with the wrong person
- In the wrong place at the wrong time
- Tax evasion
- Baby Daddys/BFs selling drugs

... in other words the harmless chicks... Id have to consider. Prob smells putrid, but its a lot of COs that mess with
Working in a prison would be a LAST resort but if I was too work in a female prison, I'm sure more then a few of them would be enticing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I am and I would never smash one of those hoes. A lot of the dudes that fall for that shit have no self control or get no pussy.

Side bar. A girl I used to date is a PA with a doctorate degree. She started working at my jail recently. According to her a huge amount of the women in the facility have HIV.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I forgot to add that they're all fucking each other. I'm going to say a good 80%. Even if they were straight in the street and have families and shit. When I say that they're fixing each other i mean that they're fucking for sport. Everybody is getting passed around or fucking somebody else's girlfriend.
STDs are through the roof over there.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Like I told ya about stripper female dressing rooms… the wipes aren’t always white .. nuff said..answer is no
This is where I found out how nasty some women were no matter how they looked. I was like 19-20 seeing a chick with a banging ass body walking around, get her to come over and shake her ass for you and then been hit by pure funk. I still remember going to a stripper party and having to tell a stripper to stop dancing she was so funky, I left and had to take my shirt off and put it in the trunk :puke: :mad:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is where I found out how nasty some women were no matter how they looked. I was like 19-20 seeing a chick with a banging ass body walking around, get her to come over and shake her ass for you and then been hit by pure funk. I still remember going to a stripper party and having to tell a stripper to stop dancing she was so funky, I left and had to take my shirt off and put it in the trunk :puke: :mad:

Ironic that your sig is giving a visual of your post as well :roflmao::roflmao2::roflmao2:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This is where I found out how nasty some women were no matter how they looked. I was like 19-20 seeing a chick with a banging ass body walking around, get her to come over and shake her ass for you and then been hit by pure funk. I still remember going to a stripper party and having to tell a stripper to stop dancing she was so funky, I left and had to take my shirt off and put it in the trunk :puke: :mad:
This one strip club i used to frequent back in AZ,the restrooms were in the same area as the dancer's locker room..on any given night when walking back to that area(you'd have to walk past the locker room to get to there),the locker room door would sometimes be left open and you'd have to cover your nose and mouth while walking fast :smh::puke::lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
This one strip club i used to frequent back in AZ,the restrooms were in the same area as the dancer's locker room..on any given night when walking back to that area(you'd have to walk past the locker room to get to there),the locker room door would sometimes be left open and you'd have to cover your nose and mouth while walking fast :smh::puke::lol:

Was that the Douche Juice Cabaret?

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Women's bathrooms are always nastier than Mens
You just reminded me of when i worked at mcdonalds when i eas in high school. That usually was the case when i cleaned the restrooms. Thats right the same ;person that cleans the restooms also prepared the food. Theres no janitors at fast food restaurants. Another reason not to eat out


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You just reminded me of when i worked at mcdonalds when i eas in high school. That usually was the case when i cleaned the restrooms. Thats right the same ;person that cleans the restooms also prepared the food. Theres no janitors at fast food restaurants. Another reason not to eat out
I've said the story on here various times.. in highschool we would get these sex educational speakers come through to do the usual practice safe sex blah blah speeches like every yr . This one yr they had a special guest speaker who was a chef at a 5 star restaurant. A black dude. Dude pretty much explained how he was hiv positive. The first question I had was have you ever cut yourself while preparing meals at restaurant. His response yes but they go through a whole procedure when that happens for cleanup etc. that always stuck with me. There are no std checks for people that prepare food at any or all restaurants. You never know who touching your food and what they have. That's another reason to limit or not to go out to eat

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
If you ever lived in a dorm with women you'll know the answer is no. its been 23 years since I been in the dorm and I can still smell the period blood smell.
That reminds of way back when me and my brother was helping my younger sister move into her dorm at famu. There was this inexplicable otherworldly stench that lingred through the dorm; the girls was just going through their routine like the shit eas normal. The stench made my brother angry he like a" what the fuck is that smell?"