Would you be a guard at a female prison?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No, and I will tell you why. I was informed by a "reliable source" that some of the female inmates might "flirt" with you and you may very well be tempted to have sex with them.

Once you do this, they can "blackmail" you for favors and "special treatment" because there is always the possibility that they can report you. This can result in you not only losing your job, but having Criminal charges brought up against you.

Mug shots:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I worked at Target when I was 19 and the cleaning service didn't show up and they had us clean the women's bathroom once. Women say WE'RE nasty, but that bathroom was disgusting as fuck. I've never in my life seen a men's bathroom that horrible.
I did my bid at Safeway earlier in life. Them women always clogged up their toilets so the 4th time they messed up all 3 of their stalls, they had to use the men's bath, within hours all the men who attempted to use the bathroom did a 180 as soon as they went in. Most of us went to the Wendy's next door.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That reminds of way back when me and my brother was helping my younger sister move into her dorm at famu. There was this inexplicable otherworldly stench that lingred through the dorm; the girls was just going through their routine like the shit eas normal. The stench made my brother angry he like a" what the fuck is that smell?"
Yep its a strong fucking smell. Add in the girls having sex in there too. NASTY


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
I've said the story on here various times.. in highschool we would get these sex educational speakers come through to do the usual practice safe sex blah blah speeches like every yr . This one yr they had a special guest speaker who was a chef at a 5 star restaurant. A black dude. Dude pretty much explained how he was hiv positive. The first question I had was have you ever cut yourself while preparing meals at restaurant. His response yes but they go through a whole procedure when that happens for cleanup etc. that always stuck with me. There are no std checks for people that prepare food at any or all restaurants. You never know who touching your food and what they have. That's another reason to limit or not to go out to eat
I'd rather have a person who has an STD but has good hygiene prepare my food than someone who has no diseases but doesn't wash they're fucking hands or just run them under the water without lathering up.

I agree about eating out but only because you don't know how hygienic the people preparing your food are. As long they don't have a communicable disease spread by droplets (the masking situation again), I don't care about people's health history.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Super Moderator
My sister works in corrections and she said the same thing she rather work around men then women.
I had a guy friend work at one as well, and he said the same. However, I wouldn't work in either, but I will say this women are by far nastier then men. Most women's restrooms are disgusting.

About 20 years ago a recruiter called me about interviewing for a Finance position at a Federal men's prison, first thing I asked was am I locked in daily, and they said yes, and that I would have inmates working under me. So I asked further, each day I'm behind bars too and they were yes, but it's not that bad. I declined, because I just didn't see that as my life everyday. I won't even go visit anyone if I can help it.


Rising Star
OG Investor
That reminds of way back when me and my brother was helping my younger sister move into her dorm at famu. There was this inexplicable otherworldly stench that lingred through the dorm; the girls was just going through their routine like the shit eas normal. The stench made my brother angry he like a" what the fuck is that smell?"
but what did you sister say though? she probably was looking at you two like "oh god they embarrasing me" :roflmao:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
dude. Dude pretty much explained how he was hiv positive. The first question I had was have you ever cut yourself while preparing meals at restaurant. His response yes but they go through a whole procedure when that happens for cleanup etc. that always stuck with me. There are no std checks for people that prepare food at any or all restaurants. You never know who touching your food and what they have. That's another reason to limit or not to go out to eat
Got to be especially careful at the fast food places..one KFC i went to a long while back i went to use the restroom and as i was opening the door i heard some dude in one of the stalls grunting(AHH-HUHHH,etc),then he got the toilet paper,wiped and flushed the toitet..turns out this was the assistant manager,he came out the stall and was like "hey how you doing.."..and walked straight out the door back into the kitchen area :smh:
No, and I will tell you why. I was informed by a "reliable source" that some of the female inmates might "flirt" with you and you may very well be tempted to have sex with them.

Once you do this, they can "blackmail" you for favors and "special treatment" because there is always the possibility that they can report you. This can result in you not only losing your job, but having Criminal charges brought up against you.

Mug shots:

Some of them look familiar..