WTF? Mayor Eric Adams after his son sent him drill rap videos, will try to get the videos banned from social media


The Big Brain
BGOL Investor
We're not going to agree on everything this new mayor says or does. He has to govern from the middle. Don't demonize him when he isn't acting like Malcolm X.

Still optimistic... what's the other options. Weiner?


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
We're not going to agree on everything this new mayor says or does. He has to govern from the middle. Don't demonize him when he isn't acting like Malcolm X.

Still optimistic... what's the other options. Weiner?
Actually what would Malcolm X say about drill rap if he were alive?


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I was speaking generally. I don't know much about drill rap. No judgment.
Well let me put you up to speed, all drill rap is about is music advocating for the murder of other blacks, now if Malcolm used to get on blacks for playing the numbers, drinking, and getting high, just imagine his attitude towards a genre of music that only talks about killing other black men.


Rising Star
I knew this bitch was going to be no friend to black people when he ran promising "law and order" which is code for police and can continue abusing their authority. I would love to punch this house Negro in his ugly face. :mad:
What does going after drill music have to do with being a friend to black people?


The Big Brain
BGOL Investor
Well let me put you up to speed, all drill rap is about is music advocating for the murder of other blacks, now if Malcolm used to get on blacks for playing the numbers, drinking, and getting high, just imagine his attitude towards a genre of music that only talks about killing other black men.

If that's it. Then I'm against it as well. It's hard to take a stand when most of your peoples are gonna come against you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The difference is back then they wanted to ban the music due to religious zealots who thought the music would do something, now these kids are actually killing each other.
But lets pull things back so you can connect the dots, without your feeling getting involved, say there was to be music made about committing suicide and folks started killing themselves at the number that drill rappers are dying, do you think any country in the world would be OK with that shit, or better yet say people started making music about rapping and killing babies and folks started doing it at the rate that drill rappers are dying, will you start crying on how they used to want to ban rock and roll back in the days? Dude unless you address the real facts and stop sugar-coating what's actually going on, the word ignorance should be banned from your vocabulary!!!

I'm not sugar-coating anything. If you think a person suddenly picks up a gun and starts selling drugs and murdering because of music maybe you need to check the meaning of the word Ignorance. Video games, music, movies, TV are popular scapegoats. Especially with politicians and are easy ways people can feel like they are doing something meanwhile the root causes continue. That's basically all I'm saying. Perhaps these Drill Rappers aren't rappers at all. Perhaps they are just criminals. If they are criminals who are dumb enough to commit heinous acts and document them on social media then use that stupidity to round them up and put them away. Bottom line I'm just leery of Bans. You give them an inch and they'll take a yard.


Rising Star
I'm not sugar-coating anything. If you think a person suddenly picks up a gun and starts selling drugs and murdering because of music maybe you need to check the meaning of the word Ignorance. Video games, music, movies, TV are popular scapegoats. Especially with politicians and are easy ways people can feel like they are doing something meanwhile the root causes continue. That's basically all I'm saying. Perhaps these Drill Rappers aren't rappers at all. Perhaps they are just criminals. If they are criminals who are dumb enough to commit heinous acts and document them on social media then use that stupidity to round them up and put them away. Bottom line I'm just leery of Bans. You give them an inch and they'll take a yard.
If you think that's not occurring at all. Then you may need to the the meaning of ignorance yourself.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I'm not sugar-coating anything. If you think a person suddenly picks up a gun and starts selling drugs and murdering because of music maybe you need to check the meaning of the word Ignorance. Video games, music, movies, TV are popular scapegoats. Especially with politicians and are easy ways people can feel like they are doing something meanwhile the root causes continue. That's basically all I'm saying. Perhaps these Drill Rappers aren't rappers at all. Perhaps they are just criminals. If they are criminals who are dumb enough to commit heinous acts and document them on social media then use that stupidity to round them up and put them away. Bottom line I'm just leery of Bans. You give them an inch and they'll take a yard.
Stop straw-manning my argument, no one said that people will listen to drill then all of a sudden pick-up guns and kill, and bringing up video games is a nonsequitur to the argument so stop making yourself look like an idiot with these 9th grad fallacies.
My argument is any music, whether country or chutney, that advocates the murder and death of a single race of people need to be banned, and being that every drill song (or everyone I have ever heard) fill this criterion by only rapping about killing blacks, I say it should be banned. Now if you can show me another genre of music that advocates killing other races then that too should be banned.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
If you think that's not occurring at all. Then you may need to the the meaning of ignorance yourself.
He is trying to make the argument that they will immediately do it, which is bullshit because no one is saying all you have to do is listen to it and you will become a mindless killer, what I am saying is that it advocates the killing of blacks, and according to the numbers and our own eyeballs, this advocating appears to be working.
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Rising Star
He is trying to make the argument that they will immediately do it, which is bullshit because no one is saying all you have to do is listen to it and you will become a mindless killer, what I am saying is that it advocates the killing of blacks, and according to the numbers and our own eyeballs, this advocating appears to be working.
It's a culture and part of that culture is the music. Music can make you happy, sad, excited, unenthusiastic, etc.......but somehow it won't make someone pick up a gun?
The shit is psychological warfare.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
For those who are having problems connecting the dots to how coonish that drill shit is forward to the 2:07 mark. So in other words they have no problems going to jail, dying or killing a black man, but is scared shitless about touching a white man!!!! Evidence that they are programmed black people, killers who are doing the bidding of their white masters!

Man, I got to try to reach out to that lost brother because I have O.G. folks up in his hood.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He'll help it by going after it,the young dudes will go harder which will turn into them dissing him.
remember the NWA song "Fuck the police",they were taking radios,tapes and shit but they couldn't stop us from playing that song so they just let it go.Now would be the perfect time to play it more in 2022.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
He'll help it by going after it,the young dudes will go harder which will turn into them dissing him.
remember the NWA song "Fuck the police",they were taking radios,tapes and shit but they couldn't stop us from playing that song so they just let it go.Now would be the perfect time to play it more in 2022.
Big difference between rapping about fuck the police, and not actually fucking them (hold up pause), and rapping about killing other blacks, and actually doing it.

Tha Baldavenger

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't fully agree with banning, but something has to be done. Why our culture focuses on creating beefs and potential killings of other artist? We do used to it, we no longer see it as an issue. There are lives being lost in the street? I remember seeing the YouTube video of 200 rappers killed last year, most were unknown however they when they played snipers of their music most of it was gang and gun related.

I don't think there is another genre of music that tends to promote violence and vengeance. I dj, and I know these young kids have little idea what the lyrics represent. The older ones do, but fail to understand the ramifications until it is too late.


Rising Star

It's def best to involve those who do it. I'm glad he didn't take the normal path of not including the main participants in the conversation. Big up. Not sure if he's actually going to agree but i hope that both sides come with an open mind and are willing to create a path both parties respect.

Uncle John

Rising Star
Pay attn, Snoop under fire by Police for his recent song “Police” but Drill Rap is OK.
don’t say nothing about the people who run the music industry either, but it’s OK to call each other nigga and talk about killing each other.

it’s that simple. Grab any youngin you can without risking hour life and beat some sense into him with a side order of knowledge.

scariest part about these kids is they want to be immortalized and seek to get caught.


Rising Star

This is a perfect example of what's wrong within the black community (generally speaking). "We" want to make excuses for negative behavior, etc.... Then cry for help and that somebody needs to do something. As I said many a times. The white man don't need to do shit...because too many of "us" are in autopilot.