"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
They did some studies on SARS. The asymptomatic people had lower levels of anti-bodies. I know viral load was a guess, but don't know if they proved it. Something about less exposure to the infection. Masks were mentioned being more common in asymptomatic cases.

Viral load and exposure are interesting topics. Does it make sense that the more of it you are exposed to when infected that the worse you might get? I'd just love to be alone with a fucking researcher so I could grill them on this and take notes. :eek:

They will be studying this for a long time trying to find answers since SARS and other virus studies might not apply here.



Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
I knew it was bad in NYC but, after talking to my boy who works for the city as an inspector, I'm even sadder at the conditions my friends & family are dealing with up there. He hasn't gone into the office in 2 weeks using his pto & sick days as a way to avoid going in. Told me his director died from the virus, multiple coworkers have been diagnose as infected & there were at least 3 refrigerated trucks outside the office to handle dead bodies :smh:
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I knew it was bad in NYC but, after talking to my boy who works for the city as an inspector, I'm even sadder at the conditions my friends & family are dealing with up there. He hasn't gone into the office in 2 weeks using his pto & stick days as a way to avoid going in. Told me his director died from the virus, multiple coworkers have been diagnose as infected & there were at least 3 refrigerated trucks outside the office to handle dead bodies :smh:

It's so many things going on it's wild to think about.



Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
They going to end up in the bin too. Saw dudes on the block hanging out like it's summer this week. When this is said and done the blocks going to be empty.
1 of my other friends told me there were people out & hooping at parks along the Westside highway. Ppl aren't taking it serious at all. I'm not a fan of martial law but at this rate they need to really lock shit down so the idiots out there don't continue to put the rest of us at risk


International Member
Jack asses were hell bent on having carnival.

most of the cases were recently imported. Also 48 of the 97 positives came from a cruise so that skews our numbers. If it was carnival related our numbers would have skyrocketed by now. We are just starting to get local transmission. 20,000 people got here within the last two weeks before we closed our borders from countries with widespread cases. We dodged a bullet with carnival. Right now non essential workers are told to stay home. Next level would be state of emergency based on the numbers.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
That's to be expected. Obesity and all the conditions that come with it. :smh: This is just a terrible fucking combination. A fat country that is prone to the underlying conditions that makes this thing deadly.

Gesus Khrist!

Obesity by state amongst African Americans.


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big enos burrnet

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
here in detroit by next friday the gates of hell is about to be upon us...very body is hanging out every where...on the basketball
courts in the liquor stores and gas stations....and tomorrow is friday only 7 days into the 14 day spike


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
It's all good, man. You still have to live and navigate life.

Being extra cautious doesn't guarantee anything. It just reduces our chances of catching it.

Be cautious, build your immune system, and live life.

Personally, I'm learning to accept the chaos for what it is. I'm not in control of any of this shit except my mind state.

I had to come to terms today that I'll likely be out of a job next month. What can I do about that? Pretty much nothing.

No doubt you're absolutely right.

I was speaking with a friend about this not too long ago who was telling me all of the steps for avoiding contamination including when bringing items into your home including groceries.

I told him that I attempt to take those precautions but the reality is its impossible to really do all of those steps realistically and at a certain point we just have to accept that we're going to be at risk no matter what we do.

Sorry to hear about your job, do you have any employment prospects at this point for when/if it occurs?


Salesman of the year!
Platinum Member
I find it strange that the White House saw the numbers. Thinks they are inaccurate and MUCH higher yet STILL didn’t put better plans into action knowing it was a matter of time before it got to the US. Boggles the mind.
Call me crazy, but I think it was all part of China’s plan when Trump started fucking with them, cutting them off over Tariffs. That was was, and will be a huge deal. Lots of companies started to moving their manufacturing, businesses to other countries. China, started this wuhan virus shit as a retaliatory gesture, willing to kill their own to wage world war 3. Don’t mess with the Chinese army, because their army is subliminal to the ignorant. They win with numbers, numbers, numbers. One minute you see one, then 1 million, look around the world - whether it be a Chinese restaurant, wig shop, dry cleaner, manufacturing, but the shear volume that will leave you suffocating on your own shit when they get done with you. They are the true enemy. It will surface soon, as they look to dominate and aspire to be the new world leader. These fuckers ain’t playing. I won’t fuck with them after this shit.
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
When Jesus was crucified, there were two other guys on the cross. The "good thief" and the "unrepentant thief."

The good thief was ready to go to the holy land with Jesus. The unrepentant thief basically said, "fuck you, Jesus."

Ebola outbreak ends.

Corna outbreak begins.

Oh, and the "good thief" still got his leg broken and the people left him on the cross even after they took Jesus down.

I'm not religious anymore, but I was raised Southern Baptise. Going back, I realized I still enjoyed some of the stories. My perspective is drastically different.
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
No doubt you're absolutely right.

I was speaking with a friend about this not too long ago who was telling me all of the steps for avoiding contamination including when bringing items into your home including groceries.

I told him that I attempt to take those precautions but the reality is its impossible to really do all of those steps realistically and at a certain point we just have to accept that we're going to be at risk no matter what we do.

Sorry to hear about your job, do you have any employment prospects at this point for when/if it occurs?

My math and technical background will take me somewhere if need be. Remote education is the future and I'm on the front lines with it. So I'm not tripping too hard. The world is shutting down, so essential jobs is where the market is at. I'm not above it neither. Anything for the fam.

I have enough saved and credit to pay my rent and utilities for an entire year, with a decent amount of money leftover. I already prepared for jobless potential before this pandemic. I'm grateful for my good planning. Puts me at ease mentally.

Like many, I just need to weather this storm.


International Member
Call me crazy, but I think it was all part of China’s plan when Trump started fucking with them, cutting them off over Tariffs. That was was, and will be a huge deal. Lots of companies started to moving their manufacturing, businesses to other countries. China, started this wuhan virus shit as a retaliatory gesture, willing to kill their own to wage world war 3. Don’t mess with the Chinese army, because their army is subliminal to the ignorant. They win with numbers, numbers, numbers. One minute you see one, then 1 million, look around the world - whether it be a Chinese restaurant, wig shop, dry cleaner, manufacturing, but the shear volume that will leave you suffocating on your own shit when they get done with you. They are the true enemy. It will surface soon, as they look to dominate and aspire to be the new world leader. These fuckers ain’t playing. I won’t fuck with them after this shit.

truth be told I don’t know what the true facts are. Would just be guessing if I said you were outright wrong...but I don’t live in the US so I view things differently. This shit isn’t just China vs America. Look at the entire fucking world right now. Global economy is going to be a mess. China won’t benefit if so many other countries are also fucked. If no one is buying Chinese made products their economy is also fucked.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
My math and technical background will take me somewhere if need be. Remote education is the future and I'm on the front lines with it. So I'm not tripping too hard. The world is shutting down, so essential jobs is where the market is at. I'm not above it neither. Anything for the fam.

I have enough saved and credit to pay my rent and utilities for an entire year, with a decent amount of money leftover. I already prepared for jobless potential before this pandemic. I'm grateful for my good planning. Puts me at ease mentally.

Like many, I just need to weather this storm.

Good to hear.

For you I doubt it will be as much of a storm as you may think.

As you say remote education is the future but that's going to be true with many jobs moving forward.

I believe that many company's have been hesitant when it comes to employees working from home due to being stuck in the past so to speak.

I think this pandemic has forced many of those companies to reluctantly begin having employee's work remotely and when they begin to see that it's not only effective with regards to their work but also cost effective I don't see a lot of them going back to what they were doing previously.

As a social worker who works with a disabled and vulnerable population I've been fortunate to remain employed since these individuals will need even more help now.

Additionally my company actually began switching us from working in an office to working remotely from home which was finalized last August so we were already set up when this occurred.