"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...Here we go again 2025 are we ready for Trump to fuck this up again?


Rising Star
This is what I been trying to tell @gene cisco The Republicans are drowning out Mitch McConnell voice.


Unfortunately, for every republican who is publicly calling for vaccinations, I can name 10 who are too scared to do it.

That's not an accident.

For all their faults, Republicans have ALWAYS been the best at staying on code.

Its also not an accident that all of their media outlets are giving out anti vaxx messages.

They chose this.
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Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

Unfortunately, for every republican who is publicly calling for vaccinations, I can name 10 who are too scared to do it.

That's not an accident.

For all their faults, Republicans have ALWAYS been the best at staying on code.

Its also not an accident that all of their media outlets are giving out anti vaxx messages.

They chose this.
They really did this to try to make Joe Biden look bad but it’s coming back to bite them in the ass because a lot of the voters are dying. If the Republicans come up short in November 2022 Everyone who is not a Republican would know why.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Who are you blaming this on?

Clearly Mitch didnt get his party on board with this message. Not even sure how much power Mitch has in his own party, Marjorie Green Taylor calls him a bitch on Twitter regularly. He's not the only republican who gave that message either but as a whole the party has made the decision to go the opposite way.
Blame what on? The anti-vaxxers? They are idiots who aren't even listening to the republican big dogs(mitch and Trump).

Listen, I don't play politics. I hate all of them, but on different levels.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Blame what on? The anti-vaxxers? They are idiots who aren't even listening to the republican big dogs(mitch and Trump).

Listen, I don't play politics. I hate all of them, but on different levels.
No your problem is you look at everything glass half empty glass half full and sometimes like in this particular case it’s one side causing all the issues very clearly you should see that.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
No your problem is you look at everything glass half empty glass half full and sometimes like in this particular case it’s one side causing all the issues very clearly you should see that.
What I specifically mentioned is the VACCINE. Even Kemp and DeSantis got the fucking vaccine. I's public knowledge.

So we have Trump, Mitch, Kemp, Desantis all vaxxed up. 2 out he four I know pushed the vaccine. Getting the shot is the ultimate backing of the fucking shot. You know, actions, words, and all that.

So who are all these anti-vaxxers following? I know the anti-vaxxers are republicans, but they ain't even following their own people's KNOWN ACTIONS. You realize there can be literal vaccine commercials like:

:D "The COVID vaccine, so good, that even Trump, Mitch, Kemp, and DeSantis got it! Available at Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart!! Get Yours now!!"

Shit could be on billboards. Instead of that messaging, we get the 'deathbed cac of the day' saying :( "Wish I would have got the shot!!"

And you know I don't play with this virus, but the politics and messaging is all over the fucking place. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear none of the top republicans got the shot or ever endorsed it. Coverage is like crickets.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
What I specifically mentioned is the VACCINE. Even Kemp and DeSantis got the fucking vaccine. I's public knowledge.

So we have Trump, Mitch, Kemp, Desantis all vaxxed up. 2 out he four I know pushed the vaccine. Getting the shot is the ultimate backing of the fucking shot. You know, actions, words, and all that.

So who are all these anti-vaxxers following? I know the anti-vaxxers are republicans, but they ain't even following their own people's KNOWN ACTIONS. You realize there can be literal vaccine commercials like:

:D "The COVID vaccine, so good, that even Trump, Mitch, Kemp, and DeSantis got it! Available at Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart!! Get Yours now!!"

Shit could be on billboards. Instead of that messaging, we get the 'deathbed cac of the day' saying :( "Wish I would have got the shot!!"

And you know I don't play with this virus, but the politics and messaging is all over the fucking place. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear none of the top republicans got the shot or ever endorsed it. Coverage is like crickets.
Those two stupid ass governor’s got the vaccine but they are not encouraging their own constituents to get the vaccine that is where the disconnect is happening at

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Those two stupid ass governor’s got the vaccine but they are not encouraging their own constituents to get the vaccine that is where the disconnect is happening at
Texas Governor Abbot got vaxxed in December 2020 and said:

"I will never ask any Texan to do something that I'm not willing to do myself," Abbott said moments before the injection. Once it was all over, Abbott added, "didn't feel a thing," and thanked the nurse who administered the shot.

So the receipts so far are Mitch, Trump, and Abbot saying to take the vaccine way back in December of 2020. Trump and Mitch both repeating themselves in 2021. Kemp and Desantis taking the vaccine in 2021.

Holy shit. I just found this from July 2021. I didn't even know fucking hannity told these fools to get it.

Hannity begs his viewers to get vaccinated: 'Please take COVID seriously'

Yeah, there is a serious disconnect going on here. Somehow we got a bunch of shitkicker anti-vaxxers, but all their 'OGs' vaxxed up and told them to take it. :smh:


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Texas Governor Abbot got vaxxed in December 2020 and said:

"I will never ask any Texan to do something that I'm not willing to do myself," Abbott said moments before the injection. Once it was all over, Abbott added, "didn't feel a thing," and thanked the nurse who administered the shot.

So the receipts so far are Mitch, Trump, and Abbot saying to take the vaccine way back in December of 2020. Trump and Mitch both repeating themselves in 2021. Kemp and Desantis taking the vaccine in 2021.

Holy shit. I just found this from July 2021. I didn't even know fucking hannity told these fools to get it.

Hannity begs his viewers to get vaccinated: 'Please take COVID seriously'

Yeah, there is a serious disconnect going on here. Somehow we got a bunch of shitkicker anti-vaxxers, but all their 'OGs' vaxxed up and told them to take it. :smh:
Dude these guys are talking out of both sides of their mouth’s and you know it. Especially the Texas governor.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those two stupid ass governor’s got the vaccine but they are not encouraging their own constituents to get the vaccine that is where the disconnect is happening at

Because they're aware that their dumb ass constituents will turn on them.

You see how some have begun to even attack Trump and call him a trader since he admitted to being vaccinated and spoke positively of the virus.

Even bat shit crazy Alex Jones has started attacking him.

What you're witnessing is a real time example of the tale wagging the dog. The anti-vax, anti-mask movement has gotten even more powerful and influential than these Republicans including Trump.

Trump, DeSantis, Mitch, etc. are pieces of shit who I personally loathe and the Republicans definitely arr to blame for a lot of this shit but you're fooling yourself if you believe the Democrats don't also deserve some blame for this shit.

The Biden administrations choices on how to handle this and the messages they've put out in the last 6-8 months has been disastrous.

For example, their decision to spread the message to the public last Spring that vaccinated individuals would no longer need to wear a mask or adhere to social distancing guidelines in public was a serious misstep that is one of the major contributing factors to the surge in numbers we're now seeing.

Additionally, the CDC's decision to recently reduce the mandated quarantine period from 10 to five days while the numbers are exploding is another terrible/dangerous decision that this administration will have to be held accountable for.

Even the experts are questioning this decision:



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Because they're aware that their dumb ass constituents will turn on them.

You see how some have begun to even attack Trump and call him a trader since he admitted to being vaccinated and spoke positively of the virus.

Even bat shit crazy Alex Jones has started attacking him.

What you're witnessing is a real time example of the tale wagging the dog. The anti-vax, anti-mask movement has gotten even more powerful and influential than these Republicans including Trump.

Trump, DeSantis, Mitch, etc. are pieces of shit who I personally loathe and the Republicans definitely arr to blame for a lot of this shit but you're fooling yourself if you believe the Democrats don't also deserve some blame for this shit.

The Biden administrations choices on how to handle this and the messages they've put out in the last 6-8 months has been disastrous.

For example, their decision to spread the message to the public last Spring that vaccinated individuals would no longer need to wear a mask or adhere to social distancing guidelines in public was a serious misstep that is one of the major contributing factors to the surge in numbers we're now seeing.

Additionally, the CDC's decision to recently reduce the mandated quarantine period from 10 to five days while the numbers are exploding is another terrible/dangerous decision that this administration will have to be held accountable for.

Even the experts are questioning this decision:

It’s very interesting CDC did this along with the story about all these white people are dying from this virus.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Dude these guys are talking out of both sides of their mouth’s and you know it. Especially the Texas governor.
I know they are anti-mandate for masks and vaccines. I know they are for opening everything. I never said they weren't.

I just said they weren't anti-vaccine. Being anti-mandate is not the same as being anti-vaccine, especially when telling people to take the fucking vaccine.
Because they're aware that their dumb ass constituents will turn on them.

You see how some have begun to even attack Trump and call him a trader since he admitted to being vaccinated and spoke positively of the virus.

Even bat shit crazy Alex Jones has started attacking him.

What you're witnessing is a real time example of the tale wagging the dog. The anti-vax, anti-mask movement has gotten even more powerful and influential than these Republicans including Trump.

Trump, DeSantis, Mitch, etc. are pieces of shit who I personally loathe and the Republicans definitely arr to blame for a lot of this shit but you're fooling yourself if you believe the Democrats don't also deserve some blame for this shit.

The Biden administrations choices on how to handle this and the messages they've put out in the last 6-8 months has been disastrous.

For example, their decision to spread the message to the public last Spring that vaccinated individuals would no longer need to wear a mask or adhere to social distancing guidelines in public was a serious misstep that is one of the major contributing factors to the surge in numbers we're now seeing.

Additionally, the CDC's decision to recently reduce the mandated quarantine period from 10 to five days while the numbers are exploding is another terrible/dangerous decision that this administration will have to be held accountable for.

Even the experts are questioning this decision:

The bold and highlighted is what is mindblowing. Trump was touting the vaccine last December when the knock on him was not enough doses. He then admitted to taking it in March and told people to get it and that it was safe. How in theeeeeeee fuck don't his MAGA followers know this? It's impossible. He came out in 2021 and told them he took Pfizer. He been trying to take credit for the shit all year.

And it's crazy that I just found out Hannity told these fools to take it back in the fucking summer.

And this goes back to my original point. I blame politics(goes without saying republicans and their 'no big deal' stance is fuckery) for a lot of this shit. It's too much fucking confusion. I'm now seeing the way anti-vaxxers get their fuel is from people mixing anti-mandate together with anti-vaccine, and that is ALL politics.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s very interesting CDC did this along with the story about all these white people are dying from this virus.

There are a lot of words I can think of to describe that decision, interesting wouldn't be one of them :smh:

That decision reeks of capitalism, greed, and political expediency at the expense of proper procedure and ultimately the health/lives of the people.

This decision will not only negatively affect the dumb ass, anti-vax/anti-vax, pro Republican crowd but also the vaccinated and mask wearing supporters of the left/Biden administration.

Even within my agency alone I have multiple co-workers who, along with their entire families, are vaccinated and yet all have tested positive for COVID in the last two weeks.

And although being vaccinated definitely saved them multiple members from each family are now dealing with long COVID with no end in sight:smh:

These all occurred when the quarantine periods were 10-14 days and amongst people who adhered to the mask policy for the most part.

I can only imagine what we're going to see in the coming weeks with the numbers already rising with no end in sight while people are only quarantining for 5 days moving forward, New Years eve celebrations are for the most part moving ahead with very little restrictions across the country, the playoffs are about to begin which was a major contributing factor to the increased numbers last year, and even more concerning most schools are moving forward with the plan to have students return to in person learning in January :smh::angry:


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I know they are anti-mandate for masks and vaccines. I know they are for opening everything. I never said they weren't.

I just said they weren't anti-vaccine. Being anti-mandate is not the same as being anti-vaccine, especially when telling people to take the fucking vaccine.

The bold and highlighted is what is mindblowing. Trump was touting the vaccine last December when the knock on him was not enough doses. He then admitted to taking it in March and told people to get it and that it was safe. How in theeeeeeee fuck don't his MAGA followers know this? It's impossible. He came out in 2021 and told them he took Pfizer. He been trying to take credit for the shit all year.

And it's crazy that I just found out Hannity told these fools to take it back in the fucking summer.

And this goes back to my original point. I blame politics(goes without saying republicans and their 'no big deal' stance is fuckery) for a lot of this shit. It's too much fucking confusion. I'm now seeing the way anti-vaxxers get their fuel is from people mixing anti-mandate together with anti-vaccine, and that is ALL politics.
Sir I rest my case there is no more I could say to you….you are not going to change my mind I am not going to change your mind at this point good luck and be safe out there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Delta's CEO asked the CDC for a 5-day isolation. Some flight attendants feel at risk

The newest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance shortening the isolation period for those with COVID-19 from 10 days to five days has led to a growing concern about its impact on essential workers such as nurses and airline staff.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said the decision to change the guidelines was, in part, to "keep the critical functions of society open and operating."

"We started to see challenges with ... airline flights and other areas. We started first with doing the health care workers last week to make sure that we could make — keep our hospitals functioning safely and open," Walensky told NPR on Tuesday.

The CDC says its decision is also based on the science showing that a majority of COVID-19 illnesses get passed around in the first few days of the infection. Other public health experts say that's true — but there's still a chance that transmission to others could happen after the five-day benchmark.

There's also concern that mask adherence won't be properly followed, and health experts, including Walensky, have said wearing a mask from the Day 5 to Day 10 period is critical for the new guidance to work.

Flight attendants' concerns
But some essential workers, such as flight attendants who are at higher risk of exposure to more people, say they are hoping their workplaces implement longer isolation periods, rather than following CDC guidance.

"There are holes here that give us a lot of unknowns and a lot of uncertainty, and that is the last thing we need," Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants, tells NPR, pointing out that uncertainty has led to violent outbursts from airline passengers, putting flight attendants at risk.

Nelson is concerned there's an emphasis in the new guidance on protecting the economy over public health.

"The problem is that we are admitting that we're going to put infectious people back into the workplace or on our planes," Nelson said on Morning Edition Wednesday. "We're very concerned about this, and we are pressing the airlines to have much better policies than what the CDC is giving us."

What Delta's CEO wanted
Nelson's position is at odds with some airlines leaders. The CDC's decision comes days after Delta Airline's CEO sent Walensky a letter advocating for a shorter isolation period.

In the letter, CEO Ed Bastian — along with the airline's medical adviser and chief health officer — asks Walensky to consider shortening the isolation period to five days for those who experience a breakthrough infection.

"With the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the 10-day isolation for those who are fully vaccinated may significantly impact our workforce and operations," the Delta officials write.

The airline was among several in the U.S. that experienced thousands of cancellations over Christmas weekend, in part because airline staff were calling out sick with COVID-19.

On Wednesday, a spokesperson for Delta reiterated its support for the new guidance in a statement to NPR.

"Delta has always, without exception, put the health and safety of our people and customers ahead of all else throughout the pandemic," the statement said. It added, "Delta has and continues to follow the science-backed approach of the CDC."

The CDC's balancing act
Walensky, in her interview with NPR, said, "We can't take science in a vacuum."

"We have to put science in the context of how it can be implemented in a functional society. So we always do that," she said.

And the guidelines do rely on science — and people's adherence to them.

"The vast majority of transmission happens in that first five days and there's probably a little bit that might happen after those five days, which is why we've really put in the strong recommendation to mask those last five days," she said. "And I will reiterate that this guidance only works if people follow it and mask for those last five days."


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
This is a bit disturbing But with the story just came out a few days ago about the white death count things are going to get super interesting right now. OK Republicans you want to return back to normal well here you go :eek::rolleyes2: :scared:

Delta's CEO asked the CDC for a 5-day isolation. Some flight attendants feel at risk

The newest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance shortening the isolation period for those with COVID-19 from 10 days to five days has led to a growing concern about its impact on essential workers such as nurses and airline staff.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said the decision to change the guidelines was, in part, to "keep the critical functions of society open and operating."

"We started to see challenges with ... airline flights and other areas. We started first with doing the health care workers last week to make sure that we could make — keep our hospitals functioning safely and open," Walensky told NPR on Tuesday.

The CDC says its decision is also based on the science showing that a majority of COVID-19 illnesses get passed around in the first few days of the infection. Other public health experts say that's true — but there's still a chance that transmission to others could happen after the five-day benchmark.

There's also concern that mask adherence won't be properly followed, and health experts, including Walensky, have said wearing a mask from the Day 5 to Day 10 period is critical for the new guidance to work.

Flight attendants' concerns
But some essential workers, such as flight attendants who are at higher risk of exposure to more people, say they are hoping their workplaces implement longer isolation periods, rather than following CDC guidance.

"There are holes here that give us a lot of unknowns and a lot of uncertainty, and that is the last thing we need," Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants, tells NPR, pointing out that uncertainty has led to violent outbursts from airline passengers, putting flight attendants at risk.

Nelson is concerned there's an emphasis in the new guidance on protecting the economy over public health.

"The problem is that we are admitting that we're going to put infectious people back into the workplace or on our planes," Nelson said on Morning Edition Wednesday. "We're very concerned about this, and we are pressing the airlines to have much better policies than what the CDC is giving us."

What Delta's CEO wanted
Nelson's position is at odds with some airlines leaders. The CDC's decision comes days after Delta Airline's CEO sent Walensky a letter advocating for a shorter isolation period.

In the letter, CEO Ed Bastian — along with the airline's medical adviser and chief health officer — asks Walensky to consider shortening the isolation period to five days for those who experience a breakthrough infection.

"With the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the 10-day isolation for those who are fully vaccinated may significantly impact our workforce and operations," the Delta officials write.

The airline was among several in the U.S. that experienced thousands of cancellations over Christmas weekend, in part because airline staff were calling out sick with COVID-19.

On Wednesday, a spokesperson for Delta reiterated its support for the new guidance in a statement to NPR.

"Delta has always, without exception, put the health and safety of our people and customers ahead of all else throughout the pandemic," the statement said. It added, "Delta has and continues to follow the science-backed approach of the CDC."

The CDC's balancing act
Walensky, in her interview with NPR, said, "We can't take science in a vacuum."

"We have to put science in the context of how it can be implemented in a functional society. So we always do that," she said.

And the guidelines do rely on science — and people's adherence to them.

"The vast majority of transmission happens in that first five days and there's probably a little bit that might happen after those five days, which is why we've really put in the strong recommendation to mask those last five days," she said. "And I will reiterate that this guidance only works if people follow it and mask for those last five days."

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Apologies if this has been posted before. But as all of us (basically the same people posting for 2 years) know in this thread, the USA has been on some bullshit. COVID boosters are now 3 months out for Israel, Germany, and the U.K(and who knows who else). By the time USA catches up, who the fuck knows. :smh:

What concerns me is how ineffective SOME are saying the vaccine becomes after 3 months. Be careful out here, these elites want 'muh economy' over our lives. They lying to live out here and we keep catching them telling us bullshit.

Hey @easy_b Get your people. Tell them to lead. Where are 3 month update at to 'crush the virus!!" Fuck is the hold up? We are going BACKWARDS. :angry:

The Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash announced on Monday that the third dose (booster) be given to those who have not yet received it just three months from the second dose (instead of five months as was customary until today).

The ministry said that this guideline applies to all vaccines given in Israel, Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZenica, in any combination. However, it is recommended as much as possible to get in a third dose the same vaccine as that given in the first and second dose.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Apologies if this has been posted before. But as all of us (basically the same people posting for 2 years) know in this thread, the USA has been on some bullshit. COVID boosters are now 3 months out for Israel, Germany, and the U.K(and who knows who else). By the time USA catches up, who the fuck knows. :smh:

What concerns me is how ineffective SOME are saying the vaccine becomes after 3 months. Be careful out here, these elites want 'muh economy' over our lives. They lying to live out here and we keep catching them telling us bullshit.

Hey @easy_b Get your people. Tell them to lead. Where are 3 month update at to 'crush the virus!!" Fuck is the hold up? We are going BACKWARDS. :angry:

The Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash announced on Monday that the third dose (booster) be given to those who have not yet received it just three months from the second dose (instead of five months as was customary until today).

The ministry said that this guideline applies to all vaccines given in Israel, Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZenica, in any combination. However, it is recommended as much as possible to get in a third dose the same vaccine as that given in the first and second dose.
Hey tell your Republican bodies to lead the people out of the wilderness because this is all of their fault by and try to do a bunch of shit and Republicans the slow everything down in the court system. You guys made your bed so you guys have to lay in it.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Hey tell your Republican bodies to lead the people out of the wilderness because this is all of their fault by and try to do a bunch of shit and Republicans the slow everything down in the court system. You guys made your bed so you guys have to lay in it.
Come on man, how are republican my buddies? I'm masked up, vaxxed up, and under the bed. :eek: How the hell can I be close to republicans when I just posted people should boost up at 3 months?

On the real side, politics aside ain't you concerned about the incompetence going on and changing narratives? I told the board about boosters at 5 months back in July/August. Israel just changed it from 5 to 3. Do you want to save lives, or play politics?

Don't you have loved ones who might need to know that they need a booster at 3 months instead of 6?

Ain't you concerned you being lied to once again? Being played. Given the wrong info just like :D "Don't wear masks, Asians are just weird!!!"


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Come on man, how are republican my buddies? I'm masked up, vaxxed up, and under the bed. :eek: How the hell can I be close to republicans when I just posted people should boost up at 3 months?

On the real side, politics aside ain't you concerned about the incompetence going on and changing narratives? I told the board about boosters at 5 months back in July/August. Israel just changed it from 5 to 3. Do you want to save lives, or play politics?

Don't you have loved ones who might need to know that they need a booster at 3 months instead of 6?

Ain't you concerned you being lied to once again? Being played. Given the wrong info just like :D "Don't wear masks, Asians are just weird!!!"
Yes your Republican buddies because you seem like you are taking up for them… I told you yesterday that half empty half full thing does not apply to this situation

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Yes your Republican buddies because you seem like you are taking up for them… I told you yesterday that half empty half full thing does not apply to this situation
You don't like facts. If I state to a Browns fan that Lamar Jackson is a better QB than Baker, does that make me a Ravens fan? No. I hate the fucking Ravens. Facts are facts.

Just address the 3 months wait for the shot. Should your man announce a change or not? Err on the side of caution. Simple yes or no, no politics. What are you going to tell your loved ones given the information you have?


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
You don't like facts. If I state to a Browns fan that Lamar Jackson is a better QB than Baker, does that make me a Ravens fan? No. I hate the fucking Ravens. Facts are facts.

Just address the 3 months wait for the shot. Should your man announce a change or not? Err on the side of caution. Simple yes or no, no politics. What are you going to tell your loved ones given the information you have?
What in the fuck sir you trying to make points that doesn’t make sense again we are not going to see eye to eye on this subject. Also I have a very high suspicion that you are a republican pretending to be middle of the road.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
What in the fuck sir you trying to make points that doesn’t make sense again we are not going to see eye to eye on this subject. Also I have a very high suspicion that you are a republican pretending to be middle of the road.
I posted this:

The Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash announced on Monday that the third dose (booster) be given to those who have not yet received it just three months from the second dose (instead of five months as was customary until today).

The ministry said that this guideline applies to all vaccines given in Israel, Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZenica, in any combination. However, it is recommended as much as possible to get in a third dose the same vaccine as that given in the first and second dose.

And you on and on about me and republican this and that. Deflecting. I am asking you are you following the incompetent US 6 month guideline or going with Israel, Germany, UK and possibly others? Simple yes or no. None of this deflecting shit.

How in theeeeeeee fuck am I republican pushing shots to be taken at 3 months instead of 6? Is that you Kamala?

Show me in this fucking thread where I am a fucking republican? I was pushing for masks when people were washing hands(after admitting I was first wrong about masks). I pushed for ALL the financial aid. I pushed for lockdowns. Posted some of the first fucking studies that lead to social distancing. All I post is fucking facts. I'll put my COVID receipts up ask anyone, so cut the deflecting and answer the question:

I am asking you are you following the incompetent US 6 month guideline or going with Israel, Germany, UK and possibly others? Simple yes or no.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Dude, you gotta stop this shit. It's delusional as fuck to believe that it's only peckerwoods dying from this shit. Even moreso to believe that it's only Republicans.
I'm trying to get to the bottom of this shit, but seems like everyone in the U.S. has a fucking agenda. Like it's the COVID death olympics or some shit. All this shit is costing lives and not to mention all the people who might get knocked on their ass. People can lose jobs, fall behind on bills, all kinds of shit. But fuck it, lets keep score. :smh:

I'm afraid politics might be coming into play with the US announcing switching from 6 months to 3 months for the shot. I don't want to be thinking I'm safe when I'm not. Then they come out with some more :D "OOPS!" shit while shills run cover for them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm trying to get to the bottom of this shit, but seems like everyone in the U.S. has a fucking agenda. Like it's the COVID death olympics or some shit. All this shit is costing lives and not to mention all the people who might get knocked on their ass. People can lose jobs, fall behind on bills, all kinds of shit. But fuck it, lets keep score. :smh:

I'm afraid politics might be coming into play with the US announcing switching from 6 months to 3 months for the shot. I don't want to be thinking I'm safe when I'm not. Then they come out with some more :D "OOPS!" shit while shills run cover for them.
People like @easy_b are playing a dangerous game with the health of others which is why there is no way he isn’t bought and paid for. The same people will claim altruism for the reason to get the shot while they don’t even take out the trash at their own home, eat like shit and are overweight or do all kinds of damage to harm the environment.

A lot of ignorance and agenda pushing in this thread because anytime someone talks about the BLUE or RED, the shills start revealing their hand.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
People like @easy_b are playing a dangerous game with the health of others which is why there is no way he isn’t bought and paid for. The same people will claim altruism for the reason to get the shot while they don’t even take out the trash at their own home, eat like shit and are overweight or do all kinds of damage to harm the environment.

A lot of ignorance and agenda pushing in this thread because anytime someone talks about the BLUE or RED, the shills start revealing their hand.
STFU and go cuck in a different thread pathetic cac cuck... :hmm:



Platinum Member

Ms. mask said they had another 450 appointments yesterday that’s after

500 monday
400ish Tuesday
450 Wednesday
?? Today