"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...Here we go again 2025 are we ready for Trump to fuck this up again?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck it. Let a asteroid crash into this shit and get over with as to start anew. Bring da zombies on or some shit.

Don't Look Up on Netflix. I gotta restart and finish it.

I keep forgetting to watch that movie, I meant to over the weekend but ended up watching something else.

Fuck it, stop all inbound and outbound flights to/from India, close da borders & let 'em fend for themselves till they wipe each other out.

Shit we first need to stop all inbound/outbound flights from the entire mid-west and the majority of the south in this country first :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you sound stupid, people rush to the hospital for other treatments because they've been proven to work without having to worry about future side effects.

can you honestly say the same thing for this new vaccine that nobody knows how it will affect people in years to come? I'll answer for you, no you can't dumb ass.

apples and oranges.
People who turn their backs on mRNA technology because it is "untested" and "has unknown effects" are lining up for "monoclonal antibodies". I'm willing to bet half of them have never heard the phrase before last year, and probably couldn't tell you what the hell they are, either.

I'm not even counting people that are downing anti-parasitics, licking horse paste, drinking bleach, and whatever weird ass idea they can read on the internet before following some actual real-ass scientific method.

And yes, people are rushing to the hospital for treatment not because of some thoroughly tested science, but because they can't fucking breathe. And when that happens, you stop bullshitting and accept whatever resembles help. If vaccines are so ineffective to these folks, then why are so many of them begging for it after they already get sick?

My point is that if you don't believe the doctors and scientists saying that one form of treatment works, why the hell do you believe less reliable sources giving you faultier information? I may not accept 100 percent what a CDC certified doc will say, but I sure as fuck don't trust Joe Rogan, Donald "Disinfect your insides" Trump, or Someone's Uncle Steve from down the block as the better authority.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
People who turn their backs on mRNA technology because it is "untested" and "has unknown effects" are lining up for "monoclonal antibodies". I'm willing to bet half of them have never heard the phrase before last year, and probably couldn't tell you what the hell they are, either.

I'm not even counting people that are downing anti-parasitics, licking horse paste, drinking bleach, and whatever weird ass idea they can read on the internet before following some actual real-ass scientific method.

And yes, people are rushing to the hospital for treatment not because of some thoroughly tested science, but because they can't fucking breathe. And when that happens, you stop bullshitting and accept whatever resembles help. If vaccines are so ineffective to these folks, then why are so many of them begging for it after they already get sick?

My point is that if you don't believe the doctors and scientists saying that one form of treatment works, why the hell do you believe less reliable sources giving you faultier information? I may not accept 100 percent what a CDC certified doc will say, but I sure as fuck don't trust Joe Rogan, Donald "Disinfect your insides" Trump, or Someone's Uncle Steve from down the block as the better authority.

Bruh go head and let the white man inject his virus/vaccine in your blood stream.

My body is covid free and I'm not letting them inject a virus/vaccine into a covid free body.

You niggards really trust these honkees that have proven time and time again they want to kill you and wipe your black existence off this earth.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is wild to me that data like this coming from every part of the country isn't persuasive enough for some to change their behavior . :smh:

They're in the comments calling it cap. Stats don't matter. Personal stories don't matter. It's just gonna get dismissed as lies


Rising Star

It is so much worse when you see the full chart...:smh:




One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Honestly, what's left to say? They literally said that if people didn't get the vaccination rate above a certain level, we'd eventually have to deal with variants and vaccine resistance. And that's exactly what's happening.

The science had finally got ahead of this damn thing, but people want to play political games and be ignorant about it over their "freedom". By the time they figure out this shit is still real, we'll be behind the curve again with no solid options.

There will be more and more variants as long as people don't mask, wash hands and get vaccinated.

It's like the antivax crowd want the virus to spread so they can say the vax doesn't work.

It's like the assholes that refuse antivirus software on their computer, go to sketchy sites and then want to put their thumb drive in your laptop.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Fuck it. Let an asteroid crash into this shit and get it over with as to start anew. Bring da zombies on or some shit.

Don't Look Up on Netflix. I gotta restart and finish it.

Don’t Look Up (2021)

It’s crazy accurate on how we are as a society :smh: and not in a good way.

Appreciate it.... :cool:

Even the Chinese are clowning republicans.

Republican voters are so fucking dumb...

It's sad that teenagers have to be the responsible adults when it come to this situation....:smh:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
62,000 students and staff have COVID as LAUSD resumes on Tuesday
Students wait in line at a LAUSD COVID testing site run by LAUSD in Leimert Park.

One in seven COVID tests for LAUSD students and staff came back positive for COVID-19 in the past week. It’s the highest positivity rate the school district has seen since the beginning of the pandemic. And kids are headed back to in-person school on Tuesday.

Large school systems in Detroit, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Chicago, Madison and Newark all delayed the start of their spring semester, or switched to online instruction because of the recent Omicron surge.

LAUSD isn’t one of them.

That has some teachers worried for their safety, and parents concerned that their kids will contract the virus when they go back to school.

“Feeling safe? I can’t be 100%, no,” says Tierra Smith, who brought her sixth grader Brandeis to Crenshaw High School on Friday to get tested. “It’s scary, but I mean he has to go to school. So I just pray about it and hope for the best.”

Brandeis Smith, 12, says he agrees with his mom, Tierra Smith, that COVID transmission risk at school is worse than it used to be.

LAUSD has conducted weekly PCR testing for all of its students since the school year began, and in order to come back after the winter break, they are accepting PCR tests and rapid antigen tests. Students had to upload their test results by Sunday.

Parent Danielle Peters, who lives near the Fairfax neighborhood, is keeping her kids home for most of this week because she says it’s too easy for COVID cases to slip through the baseline tests undetected.

“I could conceivably have taken a test … gone to a wedding of 200 people where five of them have COVID, come back infected and still been okay for school because my test was negative,” she says. “That doesn't make sense to me.”

Parents say kids aren’t safe from COVID as LAUSD restarts Tuesday (kcrw.com)