If we had a COVID narrative thread with all the receipts, we would see the sheer amount of bullshit we have been fed for 2 fucking years straight.The funny thing is they've been pushing the narrative that while Omicron spreads easier and more rapidly than the Delta variant it's also far less severe so therfore not as much of a concern.
Now that there's a variant which both are combined what will the new narrative be, particularly if this variant starts spreading like crazy (which is more than likely?)
Yeah, people were talking about the climate change narrative in the film. The immediate thing about the movie that struck me was the politics/money first shit. Although it's been like that with every disaster/serious event movie(The leaders don't want to tell the population the truth). But this movie just made it so silly with how the convos went. Then throw in the money angle and we have 2020-2022.I just watched that movie and it was surprisingly good. After watching it, I even felt a sense of acceptance of human’s eventual fate knowing that people are dumb enough for this to happen and there is nothing we can do about it.
When old girl’s parent said “they wanted the comet to hit because they were for job growth” I laughed out loud because that’s how people in this country thinks.
Everything in this country is politicized.
How many times as that experts convo at the white house happened the last 2 years?

Meanwhile, deltacron about to fuck flurona and give us some more crazy virus babies.