37, not vaccinated, caught covid a few weeks ago. wasnt a scary experience, at all. just felt like a common cold (which was expected, cause its in the common cold lane). felt like shit tho. but thats usually how u feel when youre sick. the loss of smell was interesting, but part of that had to be from the buckets of snot/mucus, that i was blowing out of my nose. took me a good 2 weeks to shake it. never had a sinus, throat etc infection last that long. but because its NEW, i understood that my body had to take some time to "learn about it". The 2 week duration was mostly my fault, from my pov.
i was hindering my immune system from doing what its capable of doing. I was smoking weed, instead of vaping it. eating whole pizzas and donuts at 3am (munchies), sleeping for only 4 hrs etc. once i cut the bs, and started drinking lots of water, it seems like my body was eliminating everything via my nose. i was blowing globs of snot like every 45 mins. flushed my sinuses with my alkalol nasal wash stuff last week. now im feeling back to normal.
im no doctor, and im not telling anyone not to get the vaccine, but imho, most should be able to handle covid vaccine or not. if u cant, then, imho, the issue is more so u, than covid.