So wait you'll have to pay a Co-Pay to get a COVID-19 test? Man folks will just skip all test nowFuck that I am keeping my mask on.
I've BEEN keeping mine on. I'on care if I go somewhere and I'm da only one wearing a mask.
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So wait you'll have to pay a Co-Pay to get a COVID-19 test? Man folks will just skip all test nowFuck that I am keeping my mask on.
So wait you'll have to pay a Co-Pay to get a COVID-19 test? Man folks will just skip all test nowFuck that I am keeping my mask on.
Yep, and without insurance or if your insurance doesn't cover it, a PCR test will cost $125.
Hey this thread has been very informative785 pages and counting.
Continued best health wishes to all BGOL members & your families.
Hey this thread has been very informative
Yo keep your ears and eyes open about China because there is some strange shit going on over there with this version of corona…they are not telling us The full story.
This shit comes in waves you know better than to make that comment after what happened over the last two yearsShit, COVID is over. There were 2k Americans dropping every fucking day just a month ago and no media coverage here.
We ain't going to get any story. Only science we going to get in 2022 is political science. It's every person for themselves out here.
Man, I had to unfriend a dude who used to do this shit on the regular. With everything. People's rights being suppressed, people literally being forced out or starved or denied access to basic normal stuff, and he always wanted to muse about how "interesting" it was. And the dude was the most financially secure person I know, mainly because he gamed the system, and the only reason that I didn't give him a "fuck you" is because I didn't want to deal with his confused emoji as trying to ask me how he possibly offended me.
Last year white people Got a reality check with this virus I am noticing less and less anti-vaccine posts lately.Man, I had to unfriend a dude who used to do this shit on the regular. With everything. People's rights being suppressed, people literally being forced out or starved or denied access to basic normal stuff, and he always wanted to muse about how "interesting" it was. And the dude was the most financially secure person I know, mainly because he gamed the system, and the only reason that I didn't give him a "fuck you" is because I didn't want to deal with his confused emoji as trying to ask me how he possibly offended me.
Believe me when I say that white people in a position of perceived safety are the most obtuse motherfuckers on the planet.
This shit comes in waves you know better than to make that comment after what happened over the last two years
Good old COVID...with the exception of taste/ smell loss, nothing but ambiguous ass symptoms![]()
NHS expands list of Covid symptoms to add NINE new signs of illness
The health service on Friday expanded the UK's list of the tell-tale signs of the virus to also include a loss of appetite, feeling or being sick and a
Yep I do think we have a brand new variant in China![]()
BTS Fans Demand an Apology From Aussie Talk Show Over Racist COVID Joke
K-pop fans got the hashtag #StopAsianHate to trend on Twitter after talk show “The Project” suggested that BTS spread the virus at last night’s
This New COVID Variant Is the Most Unpredictable One Yet
Experts are baffled as to why the BA.2 COVID variant is running completely rampant in some countries while sparing others with softer
Divided Shanghai Battles Omicron Surge With First Lockdown
Thousands have been sent into quarantine and millions have been told to stay home as China’s largest city goes into its first proper lockdown of the
Why Tuberculosis May Protect Against COVID-19
Mice previously infected by tuberculosis mysteriously dodged COVID-19, for reasons we’re still trying to figure
NHS expands list of Covid symptoms to add NINE new signs of illness
The health service on Friday expanded the UK's list of the tell-tale signs of the virus to also include a loss of appetite, feeling or being sick and a
That's every fucking thing. Covers allergies to the common fucking cold.
On the real side, the real young kids now won't know a world that doesn't have 2k Americans dying daily whenever a new variant runs rampant. It will just be the new normal to them. Hell, it's damn near the new normal now in the western world.
"Oh, you got the sniffles? Might be COVID. Oh well. Go to school/work. Can't let COVID stop you from keeping the machine going!"
Yo what the fuck is going on in China??? people please keep your ears and eyes open