"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...Here we go again 2025 are we ready for Trump to fuck this up again?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Translation: now that we are no longer recommending extended quarantines/isolation for infected people, here is the real list of possible symptoms, half of which you already figured out, and half you have pretty much 2-3 times a month anyway. ... good luck.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I said,a month ago,they said fuck COVID and been covering the Ukraine/Russia war almost all day...
Out of nowhere with that shit though. Got everyone out here with Ukraine flags like we had 9/11 patriots 20+ years ago. Shit is embarrassing how dumb and easily lead Americans are. Get back to your great downtown bitches and virtue signal with foreign flags. :smh:

The next wave of 2k a day deaths will be downplayed so much it won't even be funny. Well shit, since the orders from up top came to stop reporting we won't even know.

I've never, ever, ever, seen propaganda so thorough. And that's saying a lot seeing as I remember the Cold War 80s and the Apple Pie post-9/11 madness. Just made Covid disappear. Unreal.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Damn, so we getting hit with some more shit? Who would have guessed that? :hmm: Scientists told these fools to keep with the mitigation measures. Oh well, media better bump up the Ukraine coverage and maybe flood the news cycle with more Jan 6 horseshit they been milking to death. :smh:.

These days, even dogs come with coronavirus shots but the elites forcing everyone to get back to normal at the same fucking time.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Well.. eventually we will. It is just how many people have to die or get sick and the total long term cost. In the short term, capital wants to keep.the machine running.

Well you might be right but this shit is going to kill a lot of people


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well you might be right but this shit is going to kill a lot of people

There have been worse pandemics. The main problem that has always been with this pandemic is the unwillingness to do the right thing in the short term for our long term future like many other things that threaten the well being and survival of our species. People can handle an inconvenience as long as it doesn't last too long, but the thing that this pandemic exposed is that we have the ability to solve most of the worlds problems, but greed, bigotry in all forms and just plain myopia doesn't allow for it to happen. The clock is ticking and if it isn't the virus then climate change is just around the corner.
Reality is that human lives don't really matter to most people unless it is someone in their family, ethnic group, gender, class, sex, "race" or nationality and even then there is an hierarchial relation to whose lives matter.
I am just pragmatic. Almost all species on this planet have become extinct. Why are we different. I wish things were different but it is what it is. Doesn't mean to not fight and stay silent. I think it is an eternal fight.

Getting my 2nd booster this weekend. Over 50 and asthmatic, plus I have many senior clients. Not trying to be that guy n