"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...Here we go again 2025 are we ready for Trump to fuck this up again?


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The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Since early May, I have traveled thru central Cali, eastern parts of Washington and Oregon, southern Idaho and northern Nevada.

Also been in Utah a number of times.

Today, made a delivery in Grand Junction, CO. (This is batshit crazy, wacko US Rep. Lauren Bohbert (R) area).

All the areas I listed included where I’m at now, back in 2020 and 2021, it was next to impossible to spot anybody wearing masks or following safety protocols. All those areas are Trump country.

Well, for the past month I have seen a increase in the use of masks and people following safety protocols like keeping their space. I have seen people walking on sidewalks wearing masks. Even seen a few wearing masks when they the only person in the car while driving.

These folks ain’t wearing these masks cuz the medical community has advised them too. I highly suspect these folks have directly been affected by Covid by either catching it and being laid up in the hospital close to dying, they had a close family member catch it and were in the hospital close to dying or died. Or a close friend/associate did the same.

It was pointed out back in 2021 that folks will only take this thing seriously when it affects them directly. There is still a large segment of the US population that has not been affected directly by Covid. So their attitude toward it is “Who Gives A Fuck”.

It’s gonna take time. Unfortunately more lives will be lost or folks catching it and recovering suffer from lifetime long Covid putting them on the disabled list.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Since early May, I have traveled thru central Cali, eastern parts of Washington and Oregon, southern Idaho and northern Nevada.

Also been in Utah a number of times.

Today, made a delivery in Grand Junction, CO. (This is batshit crazy, wacko US Rep. Lauren Bohbert (R) area).

All the areas I listed included where I’m at now, back in 2020 and 2021, it was next to impossible to spot anybody wearing masks or following safety protocols. All those areas are Trump country.

Well, for the past month I have seen a increase in the use of masks and people following safety protocols like keeping their space. I have seen people walking on sidewalks wearing masks. Even seen a few wearing masks when they the only person in the car while driving.

These folks ain’t wearing these masks cuz the medical community has advised them too. I highly suspect these folks have directly been affected by Covid by either catching it and being laid up in the hospital close to dying, they had a close family member catch it and were in the hospital close to dying or died. Or a close friend/associate did the same.

It was pointed out back in 2021 that folks will only take this thing seriously when it affects them directly. There is still a large segment of the US population that has not been affected directly by Covid. So their attitude toward it is “Who Gives A Fuck”.

It’s gonna take time. Unfortunately more lives will be lost or folks catching it and recovering suffer from lifetime long Covid putting them on the disabled list.
What's hitting me about what you are saying is that it's summer season. Fucking summer season and people are running around like this. :smh:

That 'summer cold' shit is now ancient history and it's only been 2 years. Folks got Covid on their mind when its 80 outside.

And you're right, more people are getting touched by this and it is affecting just who we thought it was. Those who couldn't stay home or telecommute(deemed essential workers). That category also include those who WOULDN"T stay home and take precautions.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Overlapping, highly contagious COVID subvariants are spreading fast in Florida

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Overlapping waves of omicron are sweeping through Florida, leading more people to get infected with COVID.

The more transmissible BA.2.12.1 omicron subvariant became officially dominant in the U.S. last week, yet it already is being pushed out nationally by newcomers BA.4 and BA.5, both of which have arrived in Florida.

While BA.2.12.1 has gained an advantage by being more contagious than the omicron subvariant BA.2 before it, the newcomers (4 and 5) are particularly good at evading antibodies and infecting those who are vaccinated or previously infected.

Some epidemiologists are describing what’s happening as the “battle of omicron.”

Helix, a private lab that identifies COVID strains circulating in states, found BA.4 and BA.5 crept into Florida in May, and represent about 5% of samples. The majority of cases in Florida — about 58% — are still BA.2.12.1.

The omicron subvariant BA.4 was first identified in January in cases sequenced in South Africa, and BA.5 surfaced a month later. The omicron strain, BA.2.12.1, accounted for nearly all of South Africa’s daily cases at the end of February. By the end of April, however, BA.4 and BA.5 were found in 90% of all positive test samples analyzed in that nation, exemplifying the infectiousness of the newcomers.

Health officials say evidence seems to point to increasingly rapid, overlapping waves of new variants, which likely means more infections in Florida in the summer months ahead.

“My theory is we may see more variants, and they may be more contagious, but they will continue to get less problematic with fewer harmful outcomes,” said Dr. Mona Amin with Pediatric Associates in Fort Lauderdale.

In Florida, much like other states, COVID reporting has become spotty with many learning of the diagnosis through at-home tests. So far, wastewater has proven useful in learning the prevalence of the virus.

An analysis of wastewater in South Florida counties by Biobot Analytics, shows COVID cases are rising to levels last seen during the winter omicron wave in early 2022. Delta no longer is a factor in the state, Biobot’s analysis shows. The samples taken in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties show omicron and its subvariants are circulating at increasingly high levels.

With a seven-day daily average of more than 10,200 cases on Friday, Florida is a state classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as having a “high level” of transmission. Broward and Miami-Dade counties are reporting a test positivity rate of more than 20%. Palm Beach County’s positivity rate is 18.9%. Health officials consider transmission levels under control when the rate is less than 5%.

Jason Salemi, an epidemiologist at the University of South Florida, points out, “We might actually (finally) be seeing some improvement in the Northeast, but in Florida — 3 in 4 people live in a high-risk county, based on the hospitalization-based measure.”

On Friday, 2,834 people were in Florida hospitals with COVID, representing nearly 5% of all beds, according to U.S. Health and Human Services data. That’s a significant increase from about 1,000 COVID patients in early April, but nowhere near the more than 17,000 people hospitalized during the delta wave in August 2021.

Overlapping, highly contagious COVID subvariants are spreading fast in Florida | The Seattle Times


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
COVID Death Rate for White Americans Now Exceeds Others

June 9, 2022 --
The coronavirus death rate for white Americans has surpassed the rates for Black, Latino, and Asian Americans, according to a new report from The New York Times.

Early in the pandemic, the virus had a disproportionate toll on Black and Latino Americans. During the initial months in 2020, the per capita death rate for Black Americans was almost twice as high as for white Americans and more than twice as high as for Asian Americans. The death rate for Latino Americans was above average as well, though below the death rate for Black Americans.

The gaps continued throughout the pandemic, the newspaper reported, as white and Asian Americans initially received vaccines quicker. Black and Latino Americans had less access to shots and waited longer to receive them.

But these gaps have appeared to change. During the past year, the COVID-19 death rate for white Americans has been 14% higher than the rate for Black Americans, and 72% higher than the rate for Latino Americans.

Part of the reason is the rapid increase in vaccination among Black and Latino Americans since last year, the Times reported. Now the vaccination rate for both communities is slightly higher than for white Americans. Local leaders, community organizers, and medical workers have led the charge for vaccination, the newspaper reported, designing outreach campaigns to fit their local communities.

In contrast, the number of white Americans who have received a COVID-19 vaccine has remained about the same since last summer, CDC data shows. One reason points back to the local level -- in heavily conservative, white communities, local leaders haven’t emphasized disease risks or vaccine benefits, and in some cases, advised people not to get a shot, according to the Times.

Still, the overall risks for COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death remain higher for Black and Latino Americans, according to CDC data. Due to the early disparities, lack of access to good health care, and underlying health conditions linked to systemic issues in the health care system, Black Americans still remain more vulnerable to severe illness than white Americans of the same age, sex, and vaccination status, the newspaper reported.

What’s more, Indigenous Americans -- Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders -- continue to suffer the highest rates of loss, which have remained consistently higher than other groups since 2020, CDC data shows.

COVID Death Rate for White Americans Now Exceeds Others: Report (webmd.com)


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
What the fuck am I missing, do they know something they aren't disclosing to the publics that makes everyone comfortable enough to remove these restrictions while this virus is still rapidly spreading and under 50% of the population is fully vaccinated :confused:
I keep saying it is like DeSantis is creating the national Covid plan for this country. Everything that was stated in this thread back in 2020 about them normalizing this has come to pass. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What the fuck am I missing, do they know something they aren't disclosing to the publics that makes everyone comfortable enough to remove these restrictions while this virus is still rapidly spreading and under 50% of the population is fully vaccinated :confused:

No you aren't. it is a willful decision to bring things back to "normal." So... ignore it as if it is going to go away and whomever is caught in the crosshairs be damned..


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don’t want it for me or my family. We are not trying to fuck with long Covid. Minus whale change my screen name to Darth Vader because that’s how me and mine will be masked up. Just got 100 N95s last week.

Im shocked at the amount of people just out here with a yolo attitude. Especially Black people. We always get the short end of the stick in healthcare and we still don’t know shit about the long term effects.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
I don’t want it for me or my family. We are not trying to fuck with long Covid. Minus whale change my screen name to Darth Vader because that’s how me and mine will be masked up. Just got 100 N95s last week.

Im shocked at the amount of people just out here with a yolo attitude. Especially Black people. We always get the short end of the stick in healthcare and we still don’t know shit about the long term effects.

You're smart to do what you think is best. I understand folks wanting to get back to normal, but at the same time a lot of those folks think that means wylen all the way the fuck out and throwing all caution to the wind. Hell, I want to travel again and plan to... but def plan on being more cautious than most (I'm already a huge germaphobe, mask up when nec./needed for sure).

The World is gonna World. But don't let it keep us from doing what's best to protect ourselves and our families.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What the fuck am I missing, do they know something they aren't disclosing to the publics that makes everyone comfortable enough to remove these restrictions while this virus is still rapidly spreading and under 50% of the population is fully vaccinated :confused:
Basically with vaccines and treatment meds in play, the government's official position is, "We gave you the means to mitigate this without it being deadly. The rest is on you."

The problem is that that isn't what they are saying. And the lack of clarity there leads to a lot of people misunderstanding and thinking that things are simply "over" or "back to normal".

I've hung out with family and close friends. I've even gone to events and places. But while I'm out, I'm still as safe as humanly possible, and I stay the hell away from people unless we're all masked. For the rest of my life, if I don't feel well, I'll probably stay fully masked if I'm out in public, because I learned that that was something that made sense to do to protect other people. There is a risk attached to everything, but it's not as huge a risk as simply doing whatever you feel like with no regards for safety or consequences.

Then again, it's not like disregarding other people's (and your own) well being is anything new, so it shouldn't be shocking. More disappointing, given the number of people we lost to both this disease and some people' stubbornness and ignorance.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
