"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...Here we go again 2025 are we ready for Trump to fuck this up again?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, been caught up in the macro economic picture, crypto, business, bullshitting and I totally forgot about Covid. :eek: :eek: It's that easy the way media covers it.

Will it come back to life for the midterms? Is it in anyone's political interest to make it an issue? Doesn't look like it.

They'll be able to avoid it most likely for the mid-terms since the numbers don't really start to climb until after Halloween.

They'll go out of their way to avoid mentioning it unless they are going to tout how successful they've been at combating it or, in the case of Southern Republicans, continue the narrative that Democrats are trying to force them to mask/get vaccinated thus taking their freedom.

But in September/October I don't see any real benefit for either with mentioning it.

Truthfully I blame the people more than the politicians for this shit at this point.

If we weren't so dumb, gullible and willfully ignorant as a country we'd be able to really get rid of this virus.

But at this point to even mention the possibility of a restriction or mandate would be political suicide.

Trump is a god to Republicans and even he can't mention the vaccine without them turning on him.

My expectation is that a new, more severe variant will be upon us by early winter and we won't be prepared for it.

Especially since by then most people will be months or close to a year from their vaccine boost, and they still are reserving them for elderly and high risk individuals at this point which doesn't look like it will change soon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
so does this so called vaccine work for the moneky pox

or is that a whole other experimental shit yall

gonna have to inject in YALL bodies....

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

I'm all for masks, but masks ain't going to bring on the roaring 20s. We have to know by now not to compare 1918 to now. The world is facing economic ruin due in part to the 'money printing' and stimulating activity to counter lockdowns/COVID. The way things are setup ain't really built for this shit.

Roaring 20s came after the Great War and traditional world powers being fucking broke while the U.S. entered the war late and wasn't. Also, wasn't any fucking interconnected global economy on the level of this one. This was also the beginning of the move for reserve currency(British) that was allegedly still pegged to hard money. I guess she also forgot about Weimar republic.

I wonder what her stance is on locking down borders and and travel restrictions. Because it is half-stepping that leads to problems with this virus and the economy. That why we see both democrats and republicans picking economy over virus. :smh:


Rising Star
OG Investor
I'm all for masks, but masks ain't going to bring on the roaring 20s. We have to know by now not to compare 1918 to now. The world is facing economic ruin due in part to the 'money printing' and stimulating activity to counter lockdowns/COVID. The way things are setup ain't really built for this shit.

Roaring 20s came after the Great War and traditional world powers being fucking broke while the U.S. entered the war late and wasn't. Also, wasn't any fucking interconnected global economy on the level of this one. This was also the beginning of the move for reserve currency(British) that was allegedly still pegged to hard money. I guess she also forgot about Weimar republic.

I wonder what her stance is on locking down borders and and travel restrictions. Because it is half-stepping that leads to problems with this virus and the economy. That why we see both democrats and republicans picking economy over virus. :smh:

I'd bet money that her tweet was in response to an article that NPR put out yesterday (posted below). I think she's referring to how bad medical debt is for Americans and how the simple act of putting on a mask could prevent them from joining the 67% of people who declare bankruptcy citing medical issues as the reason for filing.

The worse spots in America for medical debt are in southern Trump counties. The least likely to wear masks.

A hundred years ago, people would work off their debt by doing manual labor, whereas now people will get stuck with high interest loans which prevents them from investing, saving, etc.

It wouldn't bring about another roaring 20s, but some people are headed for financial ruin due to being hard headed.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'd bet money that her tweet was in response to an article that NPR put out yesterday (posted below). I think she's referring to how bad medical debt is for Americans and how the simple act of putting on a mask could prevent them from joining the 67% of people who declare bankruptcy citing medical issues as the reason for filing.

The worse spots in America for medical debt are in southern Trump counties. The least likely to wear masks.

A hundred years ago, people would work off their debt by doing manual labor, whereas now people will get stuck with high interest loans which prevents them from investing, saving, etc.

It wouldn't bring about another roaring 20s, but some people are headed for financial ruin due to being hard headed.

Man...the system set up for us to be free but indebted. Hence, why there is no national healthcare, medical debt, student debt, credit card and many other loan variations..

Things like the pandemic and it's effects are inevitable due to the way things are. Just we live in a system that can't think beyond the immediate desires of capital.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I'd bet money that her tweet was in response to an article that NPR put out yesterday (posted below). I think she's referring to how bad medical debt is for Americans and how the simple act of putting on a mask could prevent them from joining the 67% of people who declare bankruptcy citing medical issues as the reason for filing.

The worse spots in America for medical debt are in southern Trump counties. The least likely to wear masks.

A hundred years ago, people would work off their debt by doing manual labor, whereas now people will get stuck with high interest loans which prevents them from investing, saving, etc.

It wouldn't bring about another roaring 20s, but some people are headed for financial ruin due to being hard headed.

That's sad, but that problem has been here. But fuck the masks(and I am all for them and got boxes of n95 for the fam), simply putting the fork down could save even more people from medical debt. People can't catch being overweight/obese, which just also happens to be a pre-existing condition for this COVID beast. :smh:

I said over 2 years ago just people taking their fitness into consideration knowing what we knew about this disease would go a long way in just 6 months. Here we are some 27 months later and Americans as fat as ever with a disease that gives fat people hell. What could go wrong?

This just speaks to how healthcare AND the economy should be the number one focus for Americans. Those things affect black, white, yellow, and whatever. No matter what gender someone imagines themselves to be, the reality is medical bills can cripple them. The economy comes into play because people can't afford shit and it gets worse year after year. Pay doesn't keep up with inflation and purchasing power just gets weaker for us.

The number one thing Americans can do to fight medical costs AND COVID complications is exercise and put the fucking forks down. Then hold politicians accountable for this failed healthcare system. :angry::angry: A first-world country should not be policing the world while its own citizens can't get affordable care.


Rising Star
OG Investor
That's sad, but that problem has been here. But fuck the masks(and I am all for them and got boxes of n95 for the fam), simply putting the fork down could save even more people from medical debt. People can't catch being overweight/obese, which just also happens to be a pre-existing condition for this COVID beast. :smh:

I said over 2 years ago just people taking their fitness into consideration knowing what we knew about this disease would go a long way in just 6 months. Here we are some 27 months later and Americans as fat as ever with a disease that gives fat people hell. What could go wrong?

This just speaks to how healthcare AND the economy should be the number one focus for Americans. Those things affect black, white, yellow, and whatever. No matter what gender someone imagines themselves to be, the reality is medical bills can cripple them. The economy comes into play because people can't afford shit and it gets worse year after year. Pay doesn't keep up with inflation and purchasing power just gets weaker for us.

The number one thing Americans can do to fight medical costs AND COVID complications is exercise and put the fucking forks down. Then hold politicians accountable for this failed healthcare system. :angry::angry: A first-world country should not be policing the world while its own citizens can't get affordable care.

It's probably considered fat shaming to encourage people to get to a healthy weight. :smh: Nevermind the fact that when you go to the doctor for any reason, they always take your blood pressure then have you get on the scale.

We have billions for Ukraine but folks here are on their own. It's crazy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's sad, but that problem has been here. But fuck the masks(and I am all for them and got boxes of n95 for the fam), simply putting the fork down could save even more people from medical debt. People can't catch being overweight/obese, which just also happens to be a pre-existing condition for this COVID beast. :smh:

I said over 2 years ago just people taking their fitness into consideration knowing what we knew about this disease would go a long way in just 6 months. Here we are some 27 months later and Americans as fat as ever with a disease that gives fat people hell. What could go wrong?

This just speaks to how healthcare AND the economy should be the number one focus for Americans. Those things affect black, white, yellow, and whatever. No matter what gender someone imagines themselves to be, the reality is medical bills can cripple them. The economy comes into play because people can't afford shit and it gets worse year after year. Pay doesn't keep up with inflation and purchasing power just gets weaker for us.

The number one thing Americans can do to fight medical costs AND COVID complications is exercise and put the fucking forks down. Then hold politicians accountable for this failed healthcare system. :angry::angry: A first-world country should not be policing the world while its own citizens can't get affordable care.

As far as people getting "healthy" there are too many factors that okay into it. Even though, I am a big proponent of a healthy lifestyle, I am privileged in that I have two fitness studios, adult child, not many if any other extenuating circumstances that don't center around self care. So I can go workout at 9 pm on a Saturday night. Also, I have the knowledge and self motivation to do so. Most people don't have the luxury as their lives are more complicated.

Class, race and where you live play big role in your ability to live a healthy lifestyle. So yes people can try to be healthy but the confounding factors are just too many for most people to overcome..

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
It's probably considered fat shaming to encourage people to get to a healthy weight. :smh: Nevermind the fact that when you go to the doctor for any reason, they always take your blood pressure then have you get on the scale.

We have billions for Ukraine but folks here are on their own. It's crazy.
Fat shaming is a big part of it. Because when people were tying being fat to complications, the plea coppin' articles couldn't come out fast enough. It's sickening. They setting Americans up to fail. I think the data had 80 percent of the people fucked up being fat. :smh:
As far as people getting "healthy" there are too many factors that okay into it. Even though, I am a big proponent of a healthy lifestyle, I am privileged in that I have two fitness studios, adult child, not many if any other extenuating circumstances that don't center around self care. So I can go workout at 9 pm on a Saturday night. Also, I have the knowledge and self motivation to do so. Most people don't have the luxury as their lives are more complicated.

Class, race and where you live play big role in your ability to live a healthy lifestyle. So yes people can try to be healthy but the confounding factors are just too many for most people to overcome..
Let's just call it what it is. All the bad shit tastes fucking great. Shit is just good as fuck. And it's easy to get fat and not exercise. Excuses are easier than turning away sweets and moving. It's really that simple.

Because cats was poor as shit getting it in. I was one of them. I went OT as a teen without a gym. Wake up, hitting the deck, burpees, etc. No gym. No personal trainer. Just the floor. When it came to diet, I remember even gang members were on some no pork shit. It's harder without money, but doable if people give a fuck.

If Covid don't make people give a fuck, I don't know what will. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Misinformation. :eek2:

But on the real side, so many cases of yesterday's misinformation being today's :hmm:"maybe." Wish we can just retire 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' already. Because so many people been caught being wrong it's fucking crazy. And to think, SOME didn't even want to talk about leaks because of 'racism' fears and admitted to not wanting an honest discussion. And those are the scientists we are supposed to trust.

Sad times.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is in two months.

That event has been one of the biggest superspreader events since 2020.

Wont be any different this year.
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