Xbox Series X/S Microsoft - Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 confirmed for Xbox Game Pass on day 1


Rising Star
I still have my modded 360 with a whole book of burned games. That was the last gaming system I played on a regular basis.
I still don't like the idea of paying $60 for a game.
Man when I was in Korea, you go down to the Ville and it was on!!! Got my PS1 and 2 modded and the games were only $5.00 I had an entire library of games for both and the games were available a week before retail, boy I was living large back then.


Rising Star
OG Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man when I was in Korea, you go down to the Ville and it was on!!! Got my PS1 and 2 modded and the games were only $5.00 I had an entire library of games for both and the games were available a week before retail, boy I was living large back then.
I found out how to burn my own 360 games, so I could get any game I wanted for free.
Modded my son's Nintendo Wii too and was able to download a shitload of games for him for free on an external hard drive when he was younger.
Trying to decide if I should sell them both now and if so, where.
Man, the good ol' days.


Rising Star
I still have my modded 360 with a whole book of burned games. That was the last gaming system I played on a regular basis.
I still don't like the idea of paying $60 for a game.

I remember renting games from Blockbuster to extract the Online ID (PS2) then burn them to a disc to play online but m 360 got banned my little nephew played COD early and poof :angry:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wish they would just copy shadow of war's fighting system. The nemesis system too

It was similar to that up until they made Origins. Which after I completed the campaign I knew I wasn’t going to play another game from the franchise.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those dates might change.

Hold it until you can get one from Amazon or from Walmart tomorrow.