You Ever Caught Feelings For a HO?


no cant really say i have...i've dealt wit a few hoes n i juss regret fuckin wit they dumbass...cuz tha dick was weak..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
chizzy216 said:
I Got 1 for yall. My Home Boy was Messin wit this Chick for 4yrs Off & On . Didnt never Bust. And then The Chick turn up Pregnat (LOL) and she's aint sayin nothing. and this was his Main line. :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
how the hell was he with her for 4 years and never busted a nut? :confused: :confused:


OG Investor
Re: You Ever Caught Feelings For A Hoe?

gameboy said:
everybody has been caught slipping in the game at some point,,, i'm sure the fam has some good stories out there,,,
plus, the past is the past,,, you live and you learn.


Potential Star
Re: You Ever Caught Feelings For A Hoe?

There was lil chick i fucked wit in undergrad..."good girl" and a virgin. Turned out, bitch had domed up bout 8 different niggas that I knew in the past. Glad I didn't catch feelings, cuz I mighta been hurt, cuz she cooked and cleaned for me all the time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The game is meant to be played, you win some and you loose some but you don't stop playing...

My crab year I was dating this senior, she was a fine Creole chick from

Yeah kind of... I spent a good amount of time in miami one summer met this redbone chick

another one,,,

met this chick during college, a month before x~mas break. she was one of the baddest bitches on campus,,, all the dudes on the yard used to sweat her (fine redbone Louisiana chick),,, :lol:
Damn.............................. :hmm::hmm: :confused: OOoook, check: STAY AWAY FROM RED-BONES check


Re: You Ever Caught Feelings For A Hoe?

More recently, I was really feelin' this chick I went to school with. I KNEW she was a hoe, but I was thinkin of gettin with her on the serious tip

...then I sobered up and kicked the bitch out the bed

That's my story, without the details. Wifey lurks here (maybe)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think every dude here has fallin' for a ho. If you haven't, you must not get that much pussy.
I ain't gonna front homie, I've some crushes but never realll deep stuff...... And I after readin' most of the fam's story here - I'm startin' to consider myself fortunate:cool:


Personally, I don't give a fuck. As long as a sista will oil my scalp and come over and wash my dirty drawers, she can do as she pleases as long as I don't find out about it. I'm not trying to own and/or marry a bitch. And, I for damn sure don't have time to be trying to keep tabs on her. A bitch can tell you anything, and just like you're out doing dirt, she can do the same thing.


Deja vu...or something like that I coulda swore this topic is a repost? got me all over here reading like :dance:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Exactly...especially since women prefer to be with men who are experienced with many women...
:lol::lol: And that therefore, is one of the underlying paradoxes of men and women.
fellas want that pure virginal chick that can fuck you like, as Desert E called 'em, the slutbucket while women wonder why guys act like "dawgs" :rolleyes:, as they love label us, which correlates to what blacktrace:2318224 sayed.
We both want the person that fuck dey, or rather our, ass off but - - - :rolleyes:


I didn't because I never let my relationships go that far. Prior to my wife, my average relationship lasted two weeks. I married young, too.

But I can tell you something: Hoes are really cool people! They listen to you intently when you talk. They are appreciative when you do stuff for them. They're great friends and have a total distrust of other women. But they'll tell you all the Ladies Room talk that goes on.

I learned that early in life, so the women that I was fucking were hoes, but they were not in relationships with me. They were just my real close friends that were also cool with the girlfriends that I was dating, too. Hell, many of my girlfriends were introduced to me by my close female friends.

So, for all the youngsters out there:

Hoes are cool people! Your relationships with them should stay at friend level.

If you marry, though, find a woman with some resistance. Your wife should not be as cool as the ho that's in the neighborhood. There should be some clashes.

The woman you wife should get pissed off when you change the channel to watch Sportscenter while she's watching the stories. She should not be able to shut up when you want her too. She shouldn't take your shit. She should give you all kinds of hell when you stay out too late with the boys.

But she should make YOU better. She should have your back even when you're slipping. She should be able to budget and hold both of you all to it. She should be able to take your money and spend it in such a way that your dollar stretches.

Let me give you some insight on what should really turn you on when you're married. It's not the lingerie, or the cotton panties with the the cotton wifebeater on your wife. It's not the good cooking. It's not the permissiveness in her attitude.

You know what turns me on the most????


'Cause I know that she cares enough about me to make sure that she spends the money I work so hard to make goes as far as possible! And that just make me want to ensure she's happy.


Rising Star
Originally Posted by twiggy
well my story is that I have girl and I were broken up I had a new chick and she wasn't acting I was a free agent...

met girl at club... got to know her...she was hoodrat but cool I needed that in my life...
we start fucking around and shit no feelings for her yet...

but then I had a motorcycle accident...I called up my real girl and told her she didn't answer or come to check on me when she found out...which was the final straw with her I deaded that shortly thereafter...

I called the new friend she sped over to the crib was giving me accurate medical advice and shit that night we went out and ate but in the middle of dinner the adrenaline was gone and all that was left was the pain...she drove me home and wrapped up my road rash again and held me till I fell asleep... that when I fell for the bitty...

didn't wife her but started fucking raw head was great she wasn't a swallower but she was a spitter fine with me shit... then a couple months later my new old main chick starts saying how she has a foul odor and it hurts to have sex, she gets checked and has trich and BV...I get the medicine for trich...stop calling the chick...and deaded the intimate part of the relationship...not to sure where the trich came from cuz I was doing my thang but she was the only one that I was hitting raw...

sad part is I'm trying to let her go all the way but I still talk to her and I still think about her and her "convience pussy" even make moves to get some but then my conscience take ahold of me...

I hope that I can resist
Mayne I have been around but I never heard of this shat. :smh: Are you gonna live? :confused:

Yeah I'm going to live the bacterial infection was

Trichomoniasis is caused by the single-celled protozoan parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis. The vagina is the most common site of infection in women, and the urethra (urine canal) is the most common site of infection in men. The parasite is sexually transmitted through penis-to-vagina intercourse or vulva-to-vulva (the genital area outside the vagina) contact with an infected partner. Women can acquire the disease from infected men or women, but men usually contract it only from infected women.

and BV is bacterial vaginosis easily cured but uncomfortable and causes smelly pussy!!!

update I haven't been able to resist oh well and she wasn't the one who gave it to me, it was my bitch from da army who gave a nigga some of that Iraqi bullshit


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
I nut in her mouth, and she keeps sucking, till I'm ready to cry. Then she goes to clean up, and for 5 minutes, I'm thinking to myself, how can I justify making this hoe my wife.

Dis shit got me on the floor crying, :lol: I know the feeling though


Potential Star
Man, I meet this girl on myspace and we became friend and shit. So one day we came up with the bright idea for her to come to my city and stay with me for the week. So we fucked while she was in town and I must say that shit was the bomb, some good ass pussy:wepraise:. So she left after the week and she was starting talking relationship. Well, I was feeling her more expectational after we fuck. But the next time she came to town she tried fuckinig my brother behind my back and that shit really pissed me the fuck off.

It was my fault though cause I tried to over look the fact that she told me she Fucked over 35 five dudes in the past 3 years.


Potential Star
Man, ya'll what happen in my case is....

I was messing around with this chick in high school, and I was a senior she was a junior. I took her virginity and everything, hell I basically taught this girl everything she knows. The first two years of the relationship was perfect but I know that for every nigga that trys to stay faithful, you get the urge for what I like to call STRANGE (New Pussy). Basically to shorten the story up, its like as soon as I started to fuck around, this bitch did the same thing. Its like she turned into a hoe over night......I often brush it off to say it was just karma


Re: You Ever Caught Feelings For A Hoe?

More recently, I was really feelin' this chick I went to school with. I KNEW she was a hoe, but I was thinkin of gettin with her on the serious tip

...then I sobered up and kicked the bitch out the bed

That's my story, without the details. Wifey lurks here (maybe)

you just told on yourself. (maybe)



Rising Star
Never Really Had Feelings For A Hoe.....but
I Have Been A Little Pissd Off At Myself For Not Recognizing That A Couple Of Them Were Hoes In The Beginning.

That Was All Before I Knew How To Identify An Undercover Hoe.

that about says it...until I got my HO VISION Checked!!!!!



Support BGOL
You do realize that's how you got here my son I slipped (You Ever Caught Feelings For a HO?) and here you are posting on BGOL. :lol::roflmao::lol::roflmao::lol::roflmao:

Mr.Still Fly

Support BGOL
co-sign on maxx dawg post...

I have one... I was 17 working at the show(movies) and i was off one Saturday so I came up there to holla at my homeboys that worked there also... I told my girl that i was going to this little party and I'm going up there to visit my homie@ work before the party... this dumb bitch showed up to my job with another nigga to watch a movie( the hoe thought I was not going to be there). I wanted to do a Rambo and go get some hot popcorn butter and pour it all over their asses...but i was cool... I just chilled...

Later on that night i get a call from another one of my homeboys saying da homie i'm at work visiting girl is chilling in the park(watching the airplanes fly St. Louis people know what i'm talking about)in his car(he let her borrow for the night) with another nigga.... so we both took off in my car and went to the park. We was watching ole girl getting hit doggy style in the back seat of his car by another nigga... my homeboy opens the door with his key.. .and it was over after that...

But my freshmen year in college.... I was simpin somewhat too... everyone goes thru that experience.... after getting dogged... it changed me... I just got my ish together and took my game to a new level.


Does anybody actually read Leroy's posts or is it just me?
I don't know if its the username or the post count, but theres just something about a man with 15,000 posts that tells me not to listen what he has to say about any of the following subjects: (women, money, jobs). Infact I'm wondering if I've ever found one of your posts beneficial? funny? cus you certaintly dont post pussy? I'll keep you on ignore watch, pardon me I'm just thinking out loud here.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
another one,,,

met this chick during college, a month before x~mas break. she was one of the baddest bitches on campus,,, all the dudes on the yard used to sweat her (fine redbone Louisiana chick),,, i messed around and pulled her (was kind of shocked that she fell for me :eek: )

anyway,,, we started fucking, and the pussy was the worst i ever had, and it smelled bad :puke: :smh: ,,, but she was real cool, and she was tricking off money on me.

went home for x~mas break,,, she's calling me everday long distance telling me she loves me & she wants to marry me (she lived in Louisiana where we went to school, so she was still down there). come to find out,,, she was fucking my next door neighbor & his brother, at my apt complex, while i was home on x~mas break. :eek: :lol:

i didn't believe them at first, but then they described the foul smelling pussy, and i was like "yup,,, they hit it." :yes: i never really caught feelings with this chick because of the smelly coochie,,, but if the sex was banging,,, i would have been sprung on this chick,,, that was scandalous as hell of her to fuck my 2 next door neighbors and still call me talking about marriage though,,, :lol:



Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I gotta keep it real, back in 1991, I was 19 years old and
a year fresh outta high school. I was dating this chick who I knew from jump was'nt stingy
with the pussy and still went out like "Trickey Simpkins".
At first she was merely a booty call but after a few months
of getting served with some of the best pussy and head I had
ever had, I started catching feelings and eventually was straight up
in love with the broad.

I even caught her cheating (not in the act but you know?)
and forgave her like a lame ass nigga.
I also remember reading one of her love letters from some cat
in the joint telling her how he missed fucking her and cant wait to
get out so he can get his dick sucked again and my dumb ass
still let it slide. I was blind and stupified from her brain game.

The final straw was when she cheated on me and went to prom
with this dude that worked at my job WTF?

I was working at a restaurant and she was working across the street but use
to come over and holla at us during closing. Little did I know her and him
was creeping on the low. Yeah it hurted but I got over it. I think all
men should date atleast one hoodrat, jump off, bust down or whatever
it builds character​



Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I can't believe I'm telling this shit... It was 1986, I was 18 years old stationed in Korea. I use to black market my ass off and fell in love with one of my clients (drinky girls). I had a little hooch in the ville and she moved in with me. I should have left after the first time she gave me V.D., but she told me that it was the water.
I went and got the silver bullet and two months later, more bad water! :confused:. I finally shook the "roots" off of me when I risk getting shot by breaking curfew, and jumping the gate. When I got to my hooch, I saw this big black bastard with Kyong Ok Kim bent over, running up in her like Emmitt Smith use to hit the two hole. :eek: I threw up :puke: and cried like a bitch all the way back to Camp Casey!

Man Korea use to be so much fun back before the Olympics!! :D



Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Mayne I didn't wanna tell my story b/c its not something that I like thinking about, but fuck it
Sophomore year in high school I ended up falling for this chick from the softball team. She had me sprung for real. I even remember saying some shit like "Thats my future wife" to one of my boys. I was lame back then but o well.
After I started talking to her on the regular, I really ended up falling in love with her. Then one day me and my nigga are talking in English class and he reads the note that she wrote me earlier in the day. All of a sudden he starts laughing and tells me how his boys be fucking her all the time. I didnt even wanna believe that shit. I actually got mad at him.
Then one day after hitting the weight room I see my nigga and some of his boys in the parking lot by a car. I call out my dude to say whatup and he comes over to give me some gym shorts I lent him. I look over his shoulder and I see ol girl in the backseat of the car with some other dude. I looked back at him and he turned away. That shit hurt to see and he knew it. He patted me on the back and I walked off. It was THE worst feelings ive ever felt in my fuckin life.
Later on I found out that she had been sucking niggas off left and right. In the stairwell, in the parking lot, after games and shit. Even letting them run trains. And I think the worst part about it is that I could have hit it if I hadn't been on some wife-her-up type shit. It took a while to get over but it was a learning experience.

got-damn... tragic story..and you weren't even fucking her


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
co-sign on maxx dawg post...

I have one... I was 17 working at the show(movies) and i was off one Saturday so I came up there to holla at my homeboys that worked there also... I told my girl that i was going to this little party and I'm going up there to visit my homie@ work before the party... this dumb bitch showed up to my job with another nigga to watch a movie( the hoe thought I was not going to be there). I wanted to do a Rambo and go get some hot popcorn butter and pour it all over their asses...but i was cool... I just chilled...

Later on that night i get a call from another one of my homeboys saying da homie i'm at work visiting girl is chilling in the park(watching the airplanes fly St. Louis people know what i'm talking about)in his car(he let her borrow for the night) with another nigga.... so we both took off in my car and went to the park. We was watching ole girl getting hit doggy style in the back seat of his car by another nigga... my homeboy opens the door with his key.. .and it was over after that...

But my freshmen year in college.... I was simpin somewhat too... everyone goes thru that experience.... after getting dogged... it changed me... I just got my ish together and took my game to a new level.



OG Investor
nigga hell yeah, plenty of times. You gotta remember, a woman that fucks alot, has good practice at doing it. The sad shit, is when they are fine as hell, bubble ass, clean, type of bitch you always wanna be around. This one bitch didn't give a fuck about me in college, but she whipped that good pussy on me. Bitch ran track, the 200m, she had that solid body, use to fuck my brains in. I loved her, I was 19 :yes: